Grooming At Wallingford School

Grooming At Wallingford School — We hear that Wallingford Elementary School– allegedly the 25th best in the state — is shamelessly grooming children to be comfortable with engaging in sex.

We hear that teachers don’t lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance and some express open hostility to Christianity.

And we were sent these photos on display at the high school.

Grooming At Wallingford School

Grooming At Wallingford School

Rather that telling kids to make their parents use their college savings to have them sterilized, why not teach them to love how they were born and to grow into what they were designed to be?

It’s bizarre that the Wallingford Swarthmore parents are so cowed by fear of shaming they won’t defend their kids. See here and here and here for what’s been happening in the rather wealthy district in Delaware County, Pa.

And we just got sent this exercise in grooming children to accept exploitation at the Haverford Township Free Library.

Grooming At Wallingford School

Donald Trump’s War On Child Sex Trafficking

Donald Trump’s War On Child Sex Trafficking —The American Thinker posted this on Telegram about what the “convicted felon” did in his four years as president regarding sex trafficking. It’s provides a pretty good motive as to why creepy folk in power are trying to take him out.

▪️ On December 29, 2017, Trump proclaimed January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

▪️ On April 11, 2018, Trump signed FOSTA, a bill removing section 230 which protected tech platforms from the liability of sex trafficking on their sites.

▪️ On December 21, 2018, Trump signed an act which strengthens programs supporting survivors of trafficking and fights trafficking.

▪️ On January 8, 2019, Trump signed an act authorizing $430 million to fight sex trafficking worldwide!

▪️On January 9, 2019, Trump signed an act tightening criteria for whether countries are the meeting standards of eliminating trafficking.

▪️ On January 31, 2020, Trump signed an act establishing new prevention, prosecution, and collaboration initiative to bring traffickers to justice.

▪️ On August 4, 2020, Trump authorized over $35 million to prove safe housing for trafficking victims.

▪️ On September 21, 2020, Trump gave over $100 million to fight trafficking in the United States.

Donald Trump's War On Child Sex Trafficking

Donald Trump’s War On Child Sex Trafficking

Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking

Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking — Guatemalan authorities, April 25, raided Save the Children offices.

Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that claims to defend the rights of children. It’s involved in the mass migration occurring on the U.S. southern border in abeyance of the law.

Guatemala says that Save the Children is only about saving the children for sexual exploitation in the United States.

Guatemala Attorney General María Consuelo Porras Argueta and Secretary General Ángel Pineda, who approved the raid, have been sanctioned by the European Union and the United States which claim them to be corrupt.

Neither are allowed entrance into the United States.

First Lady Jill Biden is a former chairwoman of Save the Children.

Pineda gave his side in an interview posted on X by Robby Starbuck, May 13.

Watch it here:

In a related matter, here is lady rapper Jaguar Wright:

Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking

Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking

CYS Agencies Spawning Protest Movement

CYS Agencies Spawning Protest Movement — The government agencies allegedly meant to protect children are being found to profit-making protectors of pedophiles and exceedingly cruel tormentors of mothers.

They have become the subject of protest songs.

This one is called The Free. Lyrics are by Renee Mazer with music by Joe Mass.

CYS Agencies Spawning Protest Movement

Bill Maher Goes Q, Thank U

Bill Maher Goes Q, Thank U — Iconic liberal TV host and outspoken Democrat Bill Maher shouted to the world, April 19, the epidemic of child trafficking and pedophilia plaguing us.

He called out Nickelodeon and Disney by name and said the Max documentary “Quiet on Set” about child abuse at Nickelodeon is the talk of Hollywood.

He sounded like he was posting on 8chan — since evolved into 8kun — circa 2017.

We’ve always found the Q movement entertaining. The most troubling thing for us was that — despite its craziness — it more accurately described current events than the Washington Post or New York Times or other official news outlets.

Child trafficking was upon what it focused and it stayed focused on it despite the laughter.

While Jeff Epstein and Disney and Hollywood stories were being spiked by the establishment mouthpieces, the anons behind Q were digging and dissecting often with healthy skepticism.

And now what they revealed more than half a decade ago is being dragged into the light.

Are children actually being eaten? Harvested for adrenaline? Are household names involved?

We no longer laugh at the claims.

The same day Maher gave his monologue, Conservative Voice, which airs noon to 2 on WWDB 860AM interviewed, Kim Kelly of Uniting America. She described the same thing albeit it in far more detail. Thousands of children disappear in this country every year. Yes, we have leaders who are being blackmailed via child sex do the bidding of evil people.

The podcast can be found here:

Anyway, Bill, WWG1WGA

Bill Maher Goes Q

Pornhub Was Missing In Senate Tech Grilling

Pornhub Was Missing In Senate Tech Grilling — Pornhub blocked Texas residents, March 14, after the state passed a law requiring age verification to access pornographic material.

Texas joins Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia in requiring age verification.

The Senate Judiciary Committee led by Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) held a hearing Jan. 31 to grill social media CEOs about the impact their corporations were having on kids.

In the hot seat were Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, X (formerly Twitter) CEO Linda Yaccarino, TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew, Snap CEO Evan Spiegel, and Discord CEO Jason Citron.

Wonder why the Pornhub boss wasn’t called. It seems strange officials would be more concerned by the young reading X or Facebook, than having easy access to Pornhub.

It’s obviously easy to stop children from accessing it, and unlike the other social media companies it only serves one purpose.

For what it’s worth, a rumor that we think has merit is that Pornhub is a pretty ugly honey trap and that one’s identity is not a secret to those who run it.

Pornhub Was Missing In Senate Tech Grilling -- Pornhub blocked Texas residents, March 14, after the state passed a law requiring age verification to access pornographic material.

Pornhub Was Missing In Senate Tech Grilling

Chaya Raichik Interviews Mike Grondahl, Founder of Planet Fitness

Chaya Raichik Interviews Mike Grondahl, Founder of Planet Fitness — Many wonder about the logic behind American corporations squandering billions by promoting policies that not merely ignore profit but push sales away.

That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work.

So why?

Those unnterested in products or profits have built resumes, references and credentials making them appear to CEOs and boards of directors as solid hires for positions of high responsibility.

These hires while perfectly content to enjoy their high pay and perks while not interested shareholders were highly interested in sex parties of the most perverse.

Along with pats on the head from those they considered the in-crowd, who protected them from consequences.

Chaya Raichik i.e. Libs of TikTok interviewed Planet Fitness founder and former CEO Mike Grondahl and posted it on X, March 29.

Grondahl says that when he took the company public he learned that the company’s lead council, Richard Moore,– who had been a North Carolina assemblyman — was a self-admitted pedophile. Moore came via Ropes and Gray, the law firm the company used.

Grondahl brought the information to the new board.

And the board fired him.

That’s Grondahl.

Grondahl was the one fired.

Planet Fitness’ new owners fired Grondahl because he objected to a pedophile setting policy.

If Planet Fitness goes under Moore will parachute to safely as will the board members supporting them.

Their lifestyles will not be affected.

Unlike the investors, customer and employees.

Here is Chaya’s interview:

Chaya Raichik Interviews Mike Grondahl

Chaya Raichik Interviews Mike Grondahl

Penn Delco Mocks Reason With Definition Of Biological Sex

Penn Delco Mocks Reason With Definition Of Biological Sex — More than 75 concerned parents packed yesterday’s (Oct.25) Penn Delco’s school board meeting protesting the proposed resolution to give boys access to girls’ private places.

These include bathrooms and locker rooms with their showers and changing stations.

The policy — which includes the middle and elementary schools as well — unabashedly laughs at reason.

“‘Biological sex’ means the sex assigned by a doctor at birth” it says. “For intersex individuals or others with genetic anomalies, ‘biological sex’ refers to gender identity”

This arbitrary twisting of meaning would awe Humpty Dumpty.

The night was to be the first reading of the policy but it was neither read nor were copies available.

It was a first reading without a reading.

Humpty Dumpty would be beside himself.

Again, they are laughing at you.

The board said they’d have it online by the next morning. This would be after everyone has left, of course.

Its online here.

Parents do not have to be told that their child is having emotional troubles over his or her gender, under the policy, and the child gets to pick his or her pronouns. These might not necessarily be his or her, by the way.

The board denied that boys have already been allowed into girls spaces. Female students in attendance shouted that wasn’t true.

A mechanism long in place for students with emotional issues is the individual education plan (IEP). These would not be necessary for children confused about their sex under the new policy.

The board did not address whether the Sun Valley students protesting the policy would suffer consequences for yesterday’s walk out/lock out.

Parents, either get new school boards or get your children out of government-run schools into schools that you control.

The next Penn Delco Board meeting is the Nov. 15 study session followed by Nov. 20 business meeting.

The election by the way is Nov. 7.

We just heard that some of those young people in the previous picture are receiving serious threats from the caring and gentle supporters of the pr0posed Penn Delco bizarre biology policy so we are changing it to the one of the cop. Get your kids out of government run schools to schools you can control

Penn Delco Mocks Reason With Definition Of Biological Sex

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation — About 50 students left Sun Valley High School at 10 o’clock this morning, Oct. 25, to protest the Penn Delco School District’s gender fluid bathroom/locker room policy.

Penn Delco is in Delaware County, Pa.

The students were met by a similar number of parents and supporters along with encouraging honks from passing drivers.

The students braved warnings, then threats from administration for having the walk out, which was reportedly originally scheduled for Oct. 2.

And there was peer pressure.

About 70 percent of the students support the school policy with about 30 percent opposing, said freshman James Pantuliano.

On his way out the door, another student grabbed his sign defending safe bathrooms and tore it up.

He didn’t back down, though.

“You never know what their motive is,” he said regarding boys who enter the traditional private places of girls.

There were reports that students had to pass through a “wall of teachers” to participate. They reportedly received threats that their grades would be affected and they would be banned from school sports.

Freshman tennis player Taylor MacNamee-Graham wasn’t worried.

“Tennis is over so I’ll be fine,” she said.

She said she didn’t care about getting in trouble anyway.

A senior who identified himself as Pablo said the protest was the right thing.

“I don’t want males going into female bathrooms or vice-versa,” he said.

He said the faculty tried to keep the protest from being discussed.

“They tried to stop us from talking about it but we have freedom of speech,” he said.

An order was broadcast for the students to return when they left the building but was ignored.

Aston Police were at the parking lot entrances.

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation
Community support for the students

Parents were reportedly never made aware of the change in bathroom policy, nor do they seem to be aware of sexually graphic books reportedly encouraging child-adult sex in the libraries.

Libraries — including those in high schools, middle schools and elementary schools — are the only place in Pennsylvania where children can legally be exposed to graphic depictions of sex.

The protestors were not allowed to return to class.

We doubt they lost any learning.

They certainly passed the lesson of the day which was how to stand up to tyranny.

The Penn Delco School Board is to meet 7:30 tonight at the District Service Center Building, 3000 Dutton Mill Road, Aston, PA. 19014.

Starting a charter school is very doable in Pennsylvania, by the way.

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation
Do Aston Police think they have more important places to be?

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room

Transgender Explosion Traced To Greed Says Tucker Guest

Transgender Explosion Traced To Greed Says Tucker Guest — Tucker Carlson’s X-cast, Oct. 4, revealed that greed is behind the epidemic of young people wanting to change their sex.

Explaining this was Chris Moritz, a long-time investment banker, who followed the money behind this pseudo-medical scheme.

He said that the sex-reassignment market, which includes surgeries and pharmaceuticals, had $2.94 billion in sales in 2018. This rose to $4.18 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit $7.5 billion by 2030.

“The biggest single policy catalyst for this explosion is Obamacare,”Moritz said.

He said that when the law was enacted in 2010 it quietly included a mandate that insurance companies provide coverage for “medically necessary” gender affirming care.

By 2016, sex reassignment surgeries had increased by 50 percent.

That same year, just before Obama left office, the law was amended to prohibit “gender identity” as a reason for insurance companies to deny coverage.

Sex reassignment surgeries boomed 150 percent in the next year.

Trump revoked this provision but the Biden administration almost immediately put it back

Moritz said that in 2013 the American Psychiatric Association changed The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) from its decades-old definition that transgenderism was a mental illness to one that should be treated physically with chemicals and scalpels.

Transgender Explosion Traced To Greed Says Tucker Guest
Chris Moritz and Tucker Carlson

Also the name was changed from gender identity disorder or transsexualism to gender dysphoria.

“If you remove the pharmaceuticals, if you remove the surgeries, what are you left with?” Moritz said. “You’re left with a . . . cross-dresser.”

Carlson noted that the stakes are low with cross dressing.

“You’re not defacing your body,” he said. “You’re not stopping the natural process of maturation.”

Moritz said that there had been no long-term study on the effects of these procedures on children despite the use of powerful and, obviously, life-altering drugs.

The bad results from these treatments are not widely publicized.

A California study of 869 vaginoplasty patients found that 25 percent required hospitalization afterwards, and that 44 of patients had to have major surgery due to bowel injuries and bleeding, Moritz said.

And the procedure is associated with the total, irreversible loss sensation and sexual function.

Moritz said that mastectomies are increasingly being performed on girls.

The Biden Administration has endorsed genital reconstructive surgery for minors, he said.

The interview features some grisly details on vaginoplasty that every parent even thinking about doing this to their kid should hear.

One shocking revelation is that Iran is one of the largest centers for sex reassignment surgery. Apparently the mullahs, like American college presidents, really believe that this can make a man into a women.

No need to throw him off a building, then, if he should have sex with a man.

Here is the complete interview, which as of Oct. 6 has been looked at by 34.3 million.