Greg Stenstrom Guest On Roger Stone

Greg Stenstrom Guest On Roger Stone — Greg Stenstrom of Glen Mills, Pa. and retired Marine Col. Timothy Schindel were Roger Stone’s guests, July 23, on the StoneZone.

They described the danger America faces from the unelected people in the federal bureaucracy who feel, probably rightly, their easy living ends with a Donald Trump second term.

They said to a major event before the election such a bio attack or a financial meltdown

Also discussed was The Council, a group of federal officials, especially inspector generals, who are accountable to no one.

The goal of these people isn’t to provide for a just and prosperous society but to transfer wealth from citizens to go themselves.

Also election integrity was discussed along with the steps being taken to keep the debacle of 2020 from happening again.

They said mail-in ballots are the main source of vote fraud. Greg noted that one solution would be to stop using central counting centers like the Wharf in Delco, and to return the counting to the precincts.

Greg noted the victory won by himself and Leah Hoopes in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court when sued for defamation. The pair represented themselves. He pointed out they didn’t back down and used a truth defense. The other side quite when they saw the evidence they had showing widespread fraud.

Watch it here:–the-stonezone-7.23.24-7am-est.html

The book by Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes concerning the 2020 election in Delaware County

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations — Peter Bernegger, president of Election Watch, posted on X, July 17,that there are 1,420,435 improperly registered voters in Pennsylvania.

His breakdown is:

  • Registered to a commercial address: 2,405
  • Missing or wrong APT, STE, Unit #: 323,524
  • Invalid address: 346,505
  • Used Post Office Physical Address: 240
  • Registration occurred on a fed holiday: 315,517
  • Moved, left no forwarding address: 27,672 -Permanently moved out of state: 262,488
  • Permanently moved to a new county: 169,083 (within Pennsylvania)
  • Total: 1,420,435

He says the real danger is bad actors using these registrations to mail-in votes regardless of the intent of those in whose names the registrations are made.

This is the motivation for the push to register illegals.

The illegals will likely not try to vote but their names will be used.

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims

Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims — We missed last night’s (July 17) meeting of Delaware County (Pa) Council, but Tevin Dix tells us he called out Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther concerning an email conversation he had with her.

Christine told Tevin that Charlie Alexander and Leah Hoopes had “no facts” regarding their concerns, respectively, about the county facilitating illegal immigration and rigging elections.

Charlie has posted his share of videos regarding suspicious behavior concerning foreigners who appear to be in violation of immigration laws.

And why did Springfield call a special meeting in June to pass an ordinance bathing in parks?

Hey Christine, have you looked at the scars on Sharon Devaney’s knees yet?

Leah, of course, recently won a court case concerning voting irregularities in Delco.

And why did District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer publicly claim that he dismissed a criminal complaint by Leah, Greg Stenstrom and Ruth Moton because the evidence they presented was three doctored internet videos, when the truth was it was 37 raw videos from a whistleblower?

The reason for the suspicion is entirely your fault, Christine.

Tevin Calls Out Christine On 'Misinformation' Claims

Open Records Office Again Rules Against Delco

Open Records Office Again Rules Against Delco — The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records (OOR) has ruled in favor of Leah Hoopes, we have been told.

Leah appealed to the OOR, May 8, when Delaware County denied a request to see election return board records saying she was not a qualified elector.

The county fought the appeal initially hiring  Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel, the law firm in which state GOP Chairman Lawrence Tabas is a partner.

Regardless, Leah won.

“There is no argument or evidence before the OOR that would indicate the Requester is not a qualified elector,” wrote Appeals Officer Tope L. Quadri. “Therefore, the appeal must be granted.”

Delco has a right to appeal the OOR ruling to county Common Pleas Court which has disconcertingly ruled in the county’s favor in similar appeals.

We expect them to do so.

It’s disconcerting because the county courts invariably rule for the county creating a suspicion of bias and damning suspicion of a grave coverup.

When concerns about elections are expressed at Delco Council meetings the members — usually Christine A. Reuther — sneeringly dismissed them and mock those making them.

Here’s a better idea — assuming Ms. Reuther and the rest of Delco Council actually care about civic trust and unity: Stop fighting open records requests concerning elections.

Really, why isthat hard?

The logical answer is rather ugly.

Open Records Office Again Rules Against Delco

DiBello Pushes Poll Watcher Freedom At Montco Counting Center; Dems Seem OK With It

DiBello Pushes Poll Watcher Freedom At Montco Counting Center; Dems Seem OK With It — Republican Thomas DiBello,, who is Montgomery County’s mandated minority commissioner, suggested at today’s, June 27, meeting of the county Election Board that poll watchers get free access to the entire central ballot processing center.

He noted that the reasons for the existing limitations were a legacy of Covid and no longer necessary.

County Election Director Frank Dean agreed as did Commissioner Vice Chairman Neil Makhija.

Mush suspicion would disappear if Montgomery County went through with this. Delaware County should take note.

DiBello also asked if it were possible for cellular signal jammers to be placed in the building. He said the signals are rampant. Dean said he would look into the feasibility and would also investigate DiBello’s concern regarding the possibility of the scanners being hackable with cellular devices along with his suggestion to livestream the ballot drop box cameras.

Dean also addressed questions posed by Jim Mollick of Worcester regarding the process of purging voter roles. He said a person can only be purged when a death is reported or by a state approved methods concerning the voter moving.

Mollick, during public comments, addressed a challenge by Chairwoman Jamila H. Winder to find vote fraud. Mollick noted that the state prohibits voters to use a Post Office box to register.

“Here is 50,” Mollick said. “Actually it is the same PO box.”

Mollick also said that he found five persons who moved from the county and are still on voting rolls. This includes one who moved to New York yet still votes in Montco.

Barbara Furman, a judge of elections in New Hanover, said it is impossible to determine chain of custody in the existing system and suggested that having the mail-in ballots be counted at the precinct would increase security.

Marleen Laska said it’s illegal for non-citizens to vote but many don’t realize it as they are told otherwise. She said the county should put signs declaring only US citizens may vote. This is not an unreasonable suggestion.

Sandra Levine said that Montgomery Township did not have the proper ballots for the machines at an election and that many voters could not wait and were in effect disenfranchised.

Adrian Seltzer, a judge of elections, said that Montgomery Township could have offered provisional ballots or allowed the ballots be placed manually in the dropbox to be counted later. She defended Montco’s system of elections.

Scott Emmet advocated handcounting the ballots.

Issues with right-to-know requests were also a subject as they had been at the preceding commissioners meeting.

Jean White said she has submitted 14 right-to-knows with the county new open records officer Joshua Wertheimer with little effect. Many involved seeking information about the voting process and she was told to subject them voter services, which she did, again without much luck.

Free clue: Fighting right-to-know request does not — repeat does not — ease suspicions.

DiBello Pushes Poll Watcher Freedom At Montco Counting Center;  Dems Seem OK With It -- Republican Thomas DiBello,, who is Montgomery County's mandated

Patriots Promoting QR Link To Delco Election Doc At Philly Trump Rally

Patriots Promoting QR Link To Delco Election Doc At Philly Trump Rally — Flyers will be passed at today’s, June 22, Donald Trump Rally with a QR Code link to the Project Veritas-assisted documentary about blatant violations of the election law in Delaware County, Pa. in 2020.

The code links to the video on Rumble.

You can also find it here on Patriot.Online.

If you haven’t watched it, please do.

The flyer is below. Print it out and give it to a friend.

Patriots Promoting QR Link To Delco Election Doc At Philly Trump Rally -- Flyers will be passed at today's, June 22, Donald Trump Rally

Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint

Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint — Greg Stenstrom of Glen Mills has filed criminal charges against Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, former Gov. Tom Wolf, Delaware County District Attorney Frederick J. (Jack) Stollsteimer and others for obstructing an official proceeding with regard to quashing criminal investigations of voter fraud related to the 2020 Election in Pennsylvania.

Shapiro was then the state’s attorney general.

Leah Hoopes, who is Stenstrom’s partner concerning the battle for election integrity in Delaware County, posted on X, that this action mandates a formal investigation and gives leverage to Congress and the Supreme Court to suspend election interference by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE).

“(There is) no way around these charges,” Ms. Hoopes said. “This is (the difference) from all previous cases submitted to state and federal officials and agencies by other election integrity groups . . .and what we have been quietly and diligently working on and assembling for almost four years.”

The documents submitted can be read here.

Stenstrom and Ms. Hoopes are the authors of The Parallel Election concerning what happened in Delaware County. A 20-minute documentary describing what happened can be found here.

Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint

Shapiro And Others Charged With Obstructing Vote Fraud Investigation In Formal Complaint

Definitive Delco Vote Fraud Doc Screened For United4Delco

Definitive Delco Vote Fraud Doc Screened For United4Delco — Greg Stenstrom, last night, June 6, screened for United4Delco the three-year-old excellent yet unnamed documentary concerning what happened in Delaware County, Pa in the 2020 election.

Stenstrom of Glen Mills and Leah Hoopes of Chadds Ford are the authors of The Parallel Election concerning Delco and the 2020 Election.

The pair were sued for what they said. Their defense was we told the truth. They won.

The documentary is nice way of summing up the book in 20 minutes.

Stenstrom, an Annapolis grad, became a respected cyber-security expert and investigator after retiring from the Navy as a lieutenant commander. He led investigations that led to arrests of congressmen and Philadelphia officials.

He was a poll watcher in 2020 and saw things at the Wharf counting center that screamed cheating.

An inept — likely sabotaged — response by the Trump campaign led to Stenstrom and Ms. Hoopes taking things into their own hands in Delco.

Stenstrom told United4Delco that his law enforcement background made him think the cheaters’ next step was destroying evidence.

He learned of a county Election Board member, Regina Miller, angry at what happened. Ms. Miller was willing to wear a wire.

He and Ms. Hoopes filed open record requests for election records to provoke the county into illegal record destruction, Stenstrom said.

Working with Project Veritas, they fitted Ms. Miller with cameras. He said they were on her purse, on her person and on her coffee cup among other places.

What she recorded led to the documentary.

You can watch the documentary for free on Patriot.Online here:

Stenstrom and Ms. Hoopes filed a criminal complaint with Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer.

Stollsteimer released a letter read into the record by Delaware County Council, May 18 2022, in which he said that the complaint relies on three videos posted to Twitter and in an Nov. 17, 2021, story by conservative website Newsmax.

The complaint demonstrably relies on a lot more than three videos and none are sourced to social media.

Stenstrom said Stollsteimer will be facing criminal charges.

Definitive Delco Vote Fraud Doc Screened For United4Delco

Definitive Delco Vote Fraud Doc Screened For United4Delco

Election Integrity Crusade Spelled Out At Trappe Tavern

Election Integrity Crusade Spelled Out At Trappe Tavern--Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, last night, May 30, gave an update on their crusade for election integrity at an event hosted by the indefatigable Sean Connolly at the Trappe Tavern in Montco.

A highlight was Stenstrom’s claim that between 50 to 70 percent of mail-in ballots are frauds.

Yes, he says, the county will record the receipt of the ballot and comfort the voter with the knowledge. The actual ballot, however, will be discarded and one substituted by those who control the process.

Pennsylvania’s system prevents an accurate audit, he says.

Stenstrom says poll watchers have no legal access to mail-in ballot processing at central counting centers like Delco’s The Wharf in Chester, Pa.

Allowing poll watchers the right to monitor the counting — as they would at any other precinct — would go a long way in returning trust in elections.

This can be done before November’s election. So why won’t Delaware County?

Strentstrom strongly encouraged voting in person. This contradicts what Republican leadership is pushing.

Of course, voting in person has issues too. The machines are computers and can fail as any computer can. Dishonest election personnel can assign unreliable machines to precincts where the residents are more likely to vote against the powers-that-be’s preferred choices.

Ms. Hoopes said this happened in her precinct in Bethel Township, Delaware County, in 2020.

So is it pointless to vote?

Absolutely, positively not, says Ms. Hoopes.

She says it is imperative to vote in November. People died for our right to vote she says. Further, not voting is a disgusting and cowardly submission to tyranny.

And there are honest people sill in power and it is possible to overwhelm this corrupt system.

And if enough vote and the election does not go as would be expected in a fair election, an understanding will dawn on those who still trust the system, and — peaceful– steps can start being taken to get our country back.

Ms. Hoopes also gave good news. She described how pressure from herself and Stenstrom have forced the removal of many officials involved with election rigging. She also noted their — and President Trump’s — legal victory in a Philadelphia concerning a defamation suit brought by former Delco Voting Machine Warehouse Supervisor James Savage. The suit stemmed from claims made in The Parallel Election, which is now widely available.

The defense used by Ms. Hoopes and Stenstrom was that everything they wrote in the book was true.

Truth is an absolute defense in defamation.

Ms Hoopes also brought up Delaware County’s bizarre opposition to public access to election records.

Delaware County has appealed rulings by Pennsylvania’s Office of Open Records that the records sought must be allowed to be seen by the public.

Really Delco, what is up with that?

The county courts, by the way, have ruled in favor of the county regarding the appeals of the appeals.

Again, what’s up with that? Why the secrets? Doesn’t the county care if its elections are trusted?

Ms. Hoopes says the latest example involves her appeal to the Office of Open Records to see county election return board records. Rather that simply using in-house counsel, Delco has has hired the powerhouse Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel law firm to stop the public from seeing these documents.

Again, Delco what is up with that? And, frankly, why isn’t other local media curious as to what the secret is?

Ms. Hoopes notes that Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Lawrence Tabas is a partner in Obermayer. One would think that Tabas would be taking the opportunity to rightfully make the Delco Democrats look bad rather than helping them.

Ms. Hoopes points out the attorney Obermayer initially assigned to the case, Terry Mutchler, is now off it.  Ms. Mutchler was the first director of the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records which began in 2008.

The 20-minute documentary made by Ms. Hoopes and Stenstrom concerning the 2020 election in Delaware County was aired at the start of the event.

It’s must watching.

It perfectly sums up what happened without ambiguity.

Watchi it here via Patriot.Online:

Also shout-outs were given to several people involved in the Save America/open government/public integrity movement including attorney Renee Mazer.

Election Integrity Crusade Spelled Out At Trappe Tavern

Election Integrity Crusade Spelled Out At Trappe Tavern

Insider Threat Is New Book By Greg And Leah

Insider Threat Is New Book By Greg And Leah — Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes announced, yesterday, May 16, that a sequel to The Parallel Election is about to be released.

The Parallel Election described massive vote fraud in Delaware County, Pa. which gave the 2020 election to Joe Biden.

The new book is Insider Threat and will concern a massive effort by the federal bureaucracy to forever maintain power by masquerading as corporations including the one that makes the Bluecrest sorters used by Delco.

Ms. Hoopes says that despite protestations otherwise that the sorters have internet connections.

It was also announced that they have placed evidence before the House Judiciary Committee, which is taking it seriously, and charges are expected to be filed soon against numerous officials.

Also, a documentary concerning the pair will be airing on HBO this June, Ms. Hoopes said. She said she is not sure what slant it will take but they will appreciate any publicity.

Stenstrom said the mail-in ballot system should not be trusted and encouraged all to vote in person.

For those not heeding his warning he said they can keep tabs on their mail-in voting history at

Insider Threat Is New Book By Greg And Leah -- Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes announced, yesterday, May 16, that  a

Insider Threat Is New Book By Greg And Leah