Greg Stenstrom Guest On Roger Stone

Greg Stenstrom Guest On Roger Stone — Greg Stenstrom of Glen Mills, Pa. and retired Marine Col. Timothy Schindel were Roger Stone’s guests, July 23, on the StoneZone.

They described the danger America faces from the unelected people in the federal bureaucracy who feel, probably rightly, their easy living ends with a Donald Trump second term.

They said to a major event before the election such a bio attack or a financial meltdown

Also discussed was The Council, a group of federal officials, especially inspector generals, who are accountable to no one.

The goal of these people isn’t to provide for a just and prosperous society but to transfer wealth from citizens to go themselves.

Also election integrity was discussed along with the steps being taken to keep the debacle of 2020 from happening again.

They said mail-in ballots are the main source of vote fraud. Greg noted that one solution would be to stop using central counting centers like the Wharf in Delco, and to return the counting to the precincts.

Greg noted the victory won by himself and Leah Hoopes in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court when sued for defamation. The pair represented themselves. He pointed out they didn’t back down and used a truth defense. The other side quite when they saw the evidence they had showing widespread fraud.

Watch it here:–the-stonezone-7.23.24-7am-est.html

The book by Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes concerning the 2020 election in Delaware County

One thought on “Greg Stenstrom Guest On Roger Stone”

  1. Thanks to @GregStenstrom and @LeahHoopes. Once again, as I’ve pointed out before: the mail-in ballot fraud is their primary way of cheating because it’s pretty much undetectable once the ballots are separated and counted at a central counting station. A way to counteract this is by using paper ballots counted at the local precinct of origin. This way, we won’t have a mysterious flood of untraceable ballots in unprecedented numbers which don’t correspond with historical voting patterns…

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