The New Rules Of Protest At Swarthmore

The New Rules Of Protest At Swarthmore

By Bob Small

Last semester’s Swarthmore College pro-Palestinian tent city made the college revisit its student handbook. Certain activities are now proscribed, including “excessive noise” including “bullhorns and chanting”

And they are banning encampments.

Johnathan Washington, associate professor of linguistics does not seem to approve.,

“In protest, people are going to feel uncomfortable,” he said. “But that’s not harmful. That’s challenging people’s thinking, which is the whole point of protest.”

Students for Justice in Palestine members Ragad Ahmad and Kaliab Tale, both members of the Class of ’26, say that Swarthmore “has charged the most students as a percentage of total student body out of 14 comparable institutions,” including Bryn Mawr and Haverford.

“This is an attempt to silence the people and chill speech,” said Philadelphia ACLU attorney Soloman Furious Worlds.

According to Democracy Now! – students at Cornell, the University of Maryland have returned to the fray.

Columbia has also began again.

The “Poison Ivy” league continues a strong record of supporting radical causes. The Nazi chant came from Harvard football cheers “and was imported to Germany by Ernst “Putzy” Hanfstaengl, a Harvard man in good standing who befriended Hitler and helped build a more respectable brand for the National Socialists.

Eugenics was also imported to Germany from the “Poison Ivy League, not only against Jews but also against German disabled and others deemed to be “life unworthy of life.”

Margaret Sanger one of the founders of Planned Parenthood, supported eugenics.

For some background on how the election intersects with the Pro-Palestinian protests visit Pro-Palestinian protests return to campuses adding. 

Locally The University of Pennsylvania “has banned demonstrations  in classrooms, offices, residences.”

Other schools taking various actions are the California State system, the Universities of California, South Florida and Yale.

Universities throughout the country are seeking various ways to allow free speech while avoiding chaos and disruption, however.

Vanderbilt University Chancellor Daniel Diermeier said in response to a question about handling protests. “ Another way to say this is the job of a university is to encourage debates, not to settle them. “

See also A Mass. civil liberties attorney breaks down new campus … and FAQ for Student Protests on Campus

The New Rules Of Protest At Swarthmore

The New Rules Of Protest At Swarthmore

Pitt Is Pit Of Depravity In Pennsylvania

Pitt Is Pit Of Depravity In Pennsylvania — The University of Pittsburgh is a place of depravity.

We revealed in November that it recruited women — disproportionately Black — for an abortion project that pushed them to postponed the procedure so the babies to be killed would be better developed.


They wanted to harvest the babies’ kidneys, and they did.

Now we have a June 7 Federalist article in which the school stripped Dr. Norman Wang, a medical professor, of his teaching post because he wrote a scholarly article that diversity/equity/inclusivity programs did not have any positive effects but did make heart operations more dangerous.

He also pointed out that such programs were illegal.

Dr. Samir Saba, the chief of the Division of Cardiology, along with associate professor Dr. Kathryn Berlacher confronted him in outrage.

Saba said, “You know what we are trying to do here, Norm.”

Wang responded, “I just wanted us to follow the law.”

Saba told him “laws can change” and Wang was no longer program director.

After the meeting Ms. Berlacher and others smeared him on Twitter with Berlacher saying that what he wrote was racist.

Wang was then told he could have no role in medical education and was ordered to have no contact with medical students, residents or fellows. He was assigned to rotations in outlaying hospitals where trainees would not be present.

He sued in December 2020 and the suit continues with the progress appearing to be in Wang’s direction.

Free clue, Dr. Saba: Laws can change but until they do you better follow them.

Pitt Is Pit Of Depravity In Pennsylvania -- The University of Pittsburgh is a place of depravity.

We revealed

Pitt Is Pit Of Depravity In Pennsylvania

Palestinian Supporters Set Tents In Swarthmore

Palestinian Supporters Set Tents In Swarthmore

By Bob Small

(Update: We have been told that the tents have been pulled)

We’ve put off for a long time discussing the “third rail” of American Politics, which is the Middle East.

 As someone who maintains “we will always need an Israel, just not this one,” I’ll say that both sides have blood on their hands, going back to 1947.

Further back, we have the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

 Though not all Jews are Zionists, they hold sway, partly because neither Europe or North America were welcoming to the concept of a Jewish state.

Israel’s founding, unfortunately  is another case of “the oppressed becoming the oppressor”.

To move on to today, Swarthmore College has it’s own Pro-Palestinian Tent City courtesy of Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine.

There email is  

Among their demands, according to Spokesperson Ragad, are that Swarthmore College should divest from HP, Lockheed Martin, and Vanguard, because they support Israel.

Ragad compared this to the previous divestment campaign regarding South Africa.

The only outside group that had an easily visible tent was Jewish Voice For Peace (JVP) which describes itself as “ the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world”  and to which I subscribe, although I don’t always agree with their sentiments.

When we brought up Joe Biden, whom we said, could easily tell Israel, that “we’re only sending you bows and arrows after Tuesday, but won’t”, Ragad responded with the Leahy Law which the current president has consistently ignored.  This was last brought up concerning South Africa.

On the issue of what they wanted, they suggested a Palestinian state, where they thought Jews could also peacefully live, which I find to be a very naive answer.

Meanwhile, Gov. Josh Shapiro, who went to Georgetown and the University of Rochester, who said in Politico “If the universities in accordance with their policies can’t guarantee the safety and security and well-being of the students, then I think it is incumbent upon a local mayor or local governor or local town councilor, whoever is the local leadership there, to step in and enforce the law.”

Palestinian Supporters Set Tents In Swarthmore
Protestor tents in Swarthmore
Palestinian Supporters Set Tents In Swarthmore
And what they are protesting

Palestinian Supporters Set Tents In Swarthmore

Does Cheyney University Have A Future?

Does Cheyney University Have A Future?

By Bob Small

Nicole Rayfield sued Cheyney University in September 2019 a lawsuit alleging she was fired as retaliation for being a whistleblower. She said the Pennsylvania state system university misused federal funding and awarded full scholarships to undeserving students among other things.

The case has been settled and the terms are undisclosed. Ms. Rayfield is not the only one to have won a case against Cheyney.

Cheyney, in Delaware County, was founded in 1837 by Abolitionist Quakers. It is the nation’s oldest historically Black university.

Robert Bogle, president of The Philadelphia Tribune, which carried the article linked in the first paragraph is a Cheyney graduate and chairs the university’s Council of Trustees.

The Middle States Accreditation Commission put Cheyney on probation on 2015 for numerous failures, including failure to balance it’s budget.

Though it’s accreditation was renewed in 2019, it was put on accreditation probation in November.

Enrollment, however, has increased from 470 in 2018 to 700.

Cheyney University administrators are again battling to regain accreditation.

Governor Josh Shapiro is backing them. He says that that the Middle States Commission made “a hasty decision” and showed “disregard of established procedure.”

The state has agreed to forgive taxpayer loans to Cheyney.

Democratic Vincent Hughes, who chairs the State Senate Appropriations Committee, says “There’s always something hovering around to try to get this university.”

Save the Oldest HBCU is being formed by alumni.

Among the more well-known alumni, are Ed Bradley of 60 minutes, Octavius Catto, NFL Player and college/NFL Coach (Eagles) William “Billy” Joe , and civil rights icon Bayard Rustin.

Cheyney gave up its football program in 2017, and the men’s and women’s basketball teams now play an independent schedule. The men’s team went 9-18 in 2023-4 and the women went 9-15.

The Pennsylvania state system of higher education recently merged a number of their schools, due to financial problems and Cabrini University is scheduled to close at the end of this school year, so these are hard times for many Pennsylvania colleges and universities.

Does Cheyney University Have A Future?

Does Cheyney University Have A Future?

Let Us Speak Of Penn And Its Skull Collection

Let Us Speak Of Penn And Its Skull Collection

By Bob Small

Our great University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1751 by Benjamin Franklin as America’s first university. Franklin’s last public act was to send to Congress a petition on behalf of the Pennsylvania Abolitionist Society asking for the abolition of slavery and an end to the slave trade.

Over the years, Penn has been responsible for producing many famous people and has otherwise contributed to the betterment of our society. However, one of its darkest continuing chapters began in 1830 and may be continuing.

Samuel Morton (1799-1851) Samuel George Morton (1799-1851) variously described as an anatomist, natural historian and, most importantly, a craniologist began in 1830 the gathering of the world’s largest collection of skulls, some 1,000.

Morton believed in the now -discredited theory of polygenism which considered the Bible to be incomplete. According to this, God created numerous races, rather than one man, the commonly accepted Biblical interpretation.

His research — which declared that Europeans had bigger brains than Africans — was meant to prove that Blacks were an inferior race.

When Darwin’s Origin of Species came out in 1859 it helped to discredit Morton’s theories.

Now, what to do with a collection of 1,000 skulls, the majority of which were black and/or from the Blockley Almshouse,a Quaker sponsored poor house. This later became Philadelphia General Hospital .

In 1966, the collection was moved to The Penn Museum Morton Cranial Collection.

They were finally buried on Feb. 3.

The delay and way the remains were put to rest, however, has led to blistering criticism.

As per a scathing article in The Guardian:

 Outside researchers and activists have accused the museum of ignoring the wishes of the local Black community, which wanted a more thorough investigation into the identity of the 19 individuals, who remain unidentified before their bones were interred, and for the Penn Museum to loosen its control over the restitution process.

The interment was at Collingdale’s Eden Cemetery, which is in Delco and not West Philly, and the Finding Ceremony and were not included in the process.

None of the esteemed graduates of this “Poison Ivy League” school, such as Ed Rendell or Mary Gay Scanlon, ever thought to comment on this.

Morton, Pa. is named after Major Sketchley Morton, a Revolutionary War officer and the son of John Morton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence .

Let Us Speak Of Penn And Its Skull Collection

Let Us Speak Of Penn And Its Skull Collection

Idiot 1 Percent Sets Agenda For America

Idiot 1 Percent Sets Agenda For America — Pollster Scott Rasmussen noticed after several months of surveys that a few out of every thousand espoused views far more radical than everyone else. In the aggregate, they were about 1 percent of responses.

And these respondents were invariably those who lived in zip codes of over 10,000 persons, had incomes greater than $150,000 and had graduate degrees.

Hey Penn Delco — or any school district — who does that sound like? His title starts with an S.

Rasmussen specifically surveyed those with these characteristics. He found they were 86 percent white with two-thirds being between 35 and 54. Forty-seven percent of them said Americans had too much freedom, with that rising to 69 percent of those most political.

That same percent of the most political also said it was right to cheat to win a close election. Compare this to 93 percent of Americans who say it’s always wrong.

Searing proof of the worthlessness of a grad degree is that 69 percent had a favorable view of Congress with 71 percent having one of journalists.

By the way:

  • 77 percent of this 1 percent want to impose strict restrictions and rationing on the private use of gas, meat, and electricity.
  • 72 percent of them favor banning gas powered vehicles.
  • 69 percent of them favor banning gas stoves.
  • 58 percent of them favor of banning sport utility vehicles.
  • 55 percent of them favor banning non-essential air travel.
  • 53 percent of them favor banning private air conditioning.

These are opposed by between 63 percent to 83 percent of most Americans.

Rasmussen said that the most radical were educated at Harvard, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern, John’s Hopkins, Columbia, Stanford, Berkeley, Princeton, Cornell, MIT, and the University of Chicago.

These people are the enemy. They are cruel, heartless and indifferent to the suffering of others. Now, if they are inconvenienced or asked to sacrifice even in the slightest, you’ll hear it. But others? Not so much. Ask the Uyghurs.

They are lovers of money and comfort. Greed is their prime directive. They mouth altruism and concern but have carbon footprints most of us can only dream about.

This crowd has far greater influence in society that the average of American.

We must make it a priority to change this.

By the way, most of them are no where near as smart at they think they are so please make it a point that you don’t reinforce this for them.

Hat tips ZeroHedge and Newt’s World.

Idiot 1 Percent Sets Agenda For America

Idiot 1 Percent Sets Agenda For America

Defending Claudine Gay

Defending Claudine Gay — Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay is being attacked for alleged anti-semitism and academic violations.

We could not accept these claims. We could not believe that such a prestigious institution would pick such a person to run things.

So we investigated and found her to be a wonderful, brilliant soul being unfairly demeaned by those far less accomplished.

Here are examples of her insightful writings:

In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love – they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

— Claudine Gay

You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall — you need me on that wall.

— Claudine Gay

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, 

He pulls the spitting high tension wires down 

Helpless people on subway trains scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them

— Claudine Gay

Thank you Gad Saad for the inspiration and support. And shame! Shame, we say, on all those who attack this exceptional thinker and academic.

Defending Claudine Gay
As this courageous woman herself wrote: I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul

Defending Claudine Gay

Tax Penn Endowment Profit Fairly

Tax Penn Endowment Profit Fairly — The endowments at Penn, Harvard and MIT have more than $95 billion in assets yet only pay a 1.4 percent tax rate on net investment income, says Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Oh)

Vance introduced a bill, today, Dec. 14, that would tax these endowments at 35 percent income.

It’s about time.

By the way, the presidents at these corrupt, bigoted, anti-semitic universities have salaries in the high six to even seven-figure range.

Tax Penn Endowment Profit Fairly

Racist Pitt Abortion Horrors Described to Villanovans

Racist Pitt Abortion Horrors Described to Villanovans — Judge Cheryl Lynn Allen described the University of Pittsburgh abortion experiments to Villanovans for Life, Nov. 17.

Judge Allen, a retired Pennsylvania Superior Court judge, and Kurt Weaver were guests of the Villanovans. They represented Pennsylvania Family Institute.

Pitt recruited women — disproportionately Black — for the project. The women were asked to postpone their abortions until the fetus could further develop. Labor was induced and and the babies were kept alive while their kidneys were harvested.

This was largely ignored by traditional establishment media and details were omitted from what little coverage there was.

Human beings kept alive while their organs are harvested is something from a horror movie. It is happening, though, in this state in clean, well-lit rooms at a respected educational institution.

Yes, Blacks were disproportionately recruited.

Racist Pitt Abortion Horrors Described to Villanovans

Black voters, you are basically voting for the villains of Get Out and Three the Hard Way.

Republican leaders, most of the public would be revolted by the Democrats stated goal to allow abortions — and organ harvesting –through the ninth month.

If the public doesn’t know, however, they can’t vote about it.

Please learn to fight.

The media tools of the corporate wannabe tyrants will certainly lie and gaslight, so persistence and tenacity is necessary.

Truth prevails, though, when it’s spoken.

The Federalist is covering the matter. It’s an excellent source of news, and we’d encourage subscribing, albeit one can follow for free on X or Telegram.

Racist Pitt Abortion Horrors Described to Villanovans

Swarthmore Protest Silences Israeli Speaker

Swarthmore Protest Silences Israeli Speaker

By Bob Small

We went to the Peace and Conflict Studies Speaker Series on Oct. 24, at Lang Performing Arts Center at Swarthmore College. 

There was conflict, though, and it was not peaceful.

The topic was Israeli Security Policy.   The attempted speaker was Dr. Barak Mendelsohn from Haverford  College and the Israeli IDF

However at the beginning, members of various protest groups  left en masse chanting loudly. though not always in sync. Then continued chanting outside of the auditorium.

They did not have identification on their handouts.  It’s not like we did it in the sixties, eighties, or even this century. The chants were incomprehensible but they made speaker in comprehensible too.

We worried about Jewish students in the audience, who might of felt fearful.

We learned some background from the Swarthmore College Phoenix;

The three listed organizing groups for and Oct. 12 event, and we assume, the Oct. 24 event were Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP); The Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) which is the campus section of Democratic Socialists of America; and Swarthmore African-American Student Society (SASS)

 There were three other unlisted groups implied.

Dr Sa’ed Atshan, the chair of Peace and Conflict series responded by e-mail, to my query about the disruption.

“Thank you so much for being present and for this feedback. We’d love to have you with us again in the future,” he wrote.

He was not present during this event. Frankly, we didn’t see any Swarthmore Public Security either albeit we were later told that they were there.

Now, being nothing if not thorough, I emailed Visualizing Palestine, which was named on the sign expressing my concerns. Visualizing Palestine. The conversation led to a contact with Visualizing Impact.

The best way to explain Visualizing Impact is that they provide the signs for Visualizing Palestine and would equally provide signs for a visualizing Israel group.  They seem not to have any agenda except profit.  For one of many critiques of this kind of group, see Pros & Cons of Data Visualization: the Good, Bad, & Ugly 

Lastly, read  Our Protests Should Be More Thoughtful in The Phoenix.

This said everything that I felt.  Including “ But working to silence someone is never an avenue towards justice.”

I  wanted to hear the questions to Dr. Mendelsohnn from the  protesting group.

Swarthmore Protest Silences Israeli Speaker

Swarthmore Protest Silences Israeli Speaker