Big GOP Day In Pa

Republican Tom Corbett handily won the governorship last night beating Democrat Dan Onorato. The unofficial tally with 53 districts — 40  in Philadelphia and 13 in Delaware County —  to go was 2,136,683 votes to 1,783,581. With Republicans retaining control of the state Senate and winning the state House, Pennsylvania can make the elephant its official mascot for at least the next two years.

The senate race was much closer than expected and not called until after midnight when Democrat Joe Sestak conceded to Republican Pat Toomey. The unofficial tally as of 7 a.m. was 1,993,704 votes for Toomey to 1,916,284 votes for Sestak. Exit polls showed Toomey winning by 4 percent rather than the 2 that he did, but silly people should know that dead Philadelphians can’t answer exit polls.

Toomey lost Philadelphia by more than 283,000 votes with Corbett doing only slightly better. With the GOP running things now Corbett should put stopping vote fraud pretty high on his things-to-do list.

Sestak won on his home turf in Delaware County, 108,307 votes to 84,630.

Five of the state’s 19 congressional seats switched to the GOP including Sestak’s 7th District Seat won by Pat Meehan over Bryan Lentz. None switched to the Democrats so with the dust cleared, Republicans are sitting in 12 of the seats.

According to incomplete and unofficial figures from the Department of State, Meehan won 133,146 to 106,214 with James D. Schneller getting 2,635 votes.

Regarding the other switched seats, Republican Mike Kelly beat incumbent Democrat Kathy Dahlkemper, 102,601 to 82,125 in the 3rd District; Republican Michael G. Fitzpatrick beat incumbent Dem Patrick J. Murphy 125,081 to 108,452 in the 8th District; Republican Thomas Marino beat incumbent Democrat Christopher Carney 109,603 to 89,170 in the 10th District; and Republican Lou Barletta beat incumbent Democrat Paul Kanjorksi 100,108.

Two incumbent Democrats who opposed ObamaCare — Jason Altmire of the 4th District, and Mark Critz of the 12th District, who was not in office at the time of the vote — won squeekers over Keth Rothfus and Tim Burns respectively.

With regard to the state House, Republicans are expected to control at least 110 of the 203 seats including the seat held by retiring House Speaker Keith McCall in the 122nd District which is in Carbon County and was won by Republican Doyle Heffley over Democrat Justin Yaich; and in what might be the surprise of the night, the 116th District seat in Luzerne County held by House Majority Leader Todd A. Eachus which went to newcomer Republican Tarah Toohil  9,693 to 7,957.

Complete details can be found at the Department of State website .


Big GOP Day In Pa

Reborn ACORN Wants Sestak Unforlorn

The despicable and thoroughly discredited left-wing activist group ACORN announced April 1 that it was dissolving its national structure.

Well ho, ho, ho, April Fool.

It continues to solicit funds and its notorious get-out-the-vote operation, Project Vote, continues to operate on a $15 million budget from its Washington D.C. office.

In Pennsylvania, ACORN spun its state chapter into Pennsylvania Neighborhoods for Social Justice (PNSJ) and Action United.

And to whom are these organizations giving ground support in the Pennsylvania senate race? That’s right matey, Admiral Joe Sestak.

Action United was behind the loud demonstrations at the Toomey-Sestak debate outside Philadelphia’s National Constitution Center and PNJS is reportedly conducting get-out-the-vote drives in Democrat strongholds such as public housing projects.

So if you win, Joe you know to whom you are beholden.

If you should lose as expected, however, and you decide to try something different, say pimping underage illegal immigrant girls as prostitutes , you know where to get the advice.

Hat tip to The Daily Caller.

Pre-Election Tea Party Pep Talk

Speaker James Jones fired up the 130 or so Delaware County Patriots at tonight’s meeting at Kings Mills in Aston with a pre-election battle speech about the importance of Tuesday’s election.

Jones, a Bucks County businessman and Navy veteran of the Vietnam and Gulf wars, and the Beirut conflict, described how taxes and corruption are endangering the nation.

Jones praised fellow small businessman Dee Adock who is running against incumbent Democrat Allyson Schwartz in Pennsylvania’s 13 District congressional race. Jones said he attends church with Adock and described him as a friend.

Jones is owner and CEO of QSI Consulting, a human resources firm. He lost to Mike Fitzpatrick in this year’s Republican 8th District congressional primary. He is endorsing  Fitzpatrick in the race against incumbent Democrat Patrick Murphy.

The crowd was a bit bigger than the one Democrat senate nominee Congressman Joe Sestak got for a rally Sunday in Media , which is the heart of his district.

And they had to pay a $5 admission fee.

And nobody was protesting them.

The event began with the Pledge of Allegiance and since no one objected it is unlikely that there were any members of the League of Women Voters in the audience.


Pre-Election Tea Party Pep Talk

Toomey Up By 8 In Today’s Mcall Poll

The poll touted as showing a momentum shift in Pennsylvania’s senate race to Democrat Joe Sestak six days ago , now has Republican Pat Toomey up by 8 points.

The Muhlenberg  College/Allentown Morning Call poll released Oct. 20 had Sestak preferred by 44 percent of likely voters to 41 percent of Pat Toomey. The news created waves of hope among Democrats since Toomey had been leading in the poll since May and  Rasmussen Reports had, the week before, declared the Keystone State to be a solid GOP pickup.

Today’s poll has Toomey preferred 48 percent to 40 percent.

The Muhlenberg/Morning Call Poll, it should be noted, has not shown Sestak ahead other than Oct. 20. It had the race tied on Oct. 21 at 43 percent and a steadily increasing lead by Toomey since .

Toomey’s performance in the second and final debate , Oct. 22, seems to have helped him.

Rasmussen Reports has not had Toomey behind since May albeit its last one saw the margin drop to 4 percent and caused them to move the race from solid GOP to toss up.

Sestak Opponents Drown Out Admiral Joe At Delco Rally

Seeking to pick up some steam for the last stretch of his senate bid, Congressman Joe Sestak held a rally at 5 o’clock today in the heart of his 7th District in Media Borough which is the Democrat-sympathetic Delaware County seat.

He was greeted by 25 Republicans and tea party protesters which was not all that much smaller than the pro-Sestak contingent  estimated to be about 100 at the time of the speech but included several supporters of other candidates.

Since the Sestak rally was in the empty parking lot of a defunct car dealership — an unwise and poorly planned backdrop for the Democrat — and the speaker stand was about 50 feet away from State Street with its sidewalk  dominated by the raucous Republicans most passersby  thought the rally was for Pat Toomey, Sestak’s Republican opponent.

At least one young motorist was heard to shout Toomey’s name to the delight of the protesters, who received many thumbs up and honks of support.

Several times angry Sestak supporters came out to confront the crowd. How dare these middle class types protest our hip rally with Springsteen music. How dare they appear to be enjoying themselves.

The protesters in return often drowned out Sestak’s speech by chanting Toomey’s name, or “bailout” or “hey, hey, ho, ho, Admiral Joe has got to go.”

One protester, a Jewish woman, said the Sestak supporters were communists and that she knew this because her mother was one. In fairness, there were a few in Sestak’s crowd who seemed to be decent types who treated their opponents with good humor.

Generally, however, the response was anger, confusion and resentment.

And remember, this occurred in the heart of Sestak country.

Toomey Talks About The Deficit, Sestak His Navy Life

Pennsylvania’s second and last senate debate saw Congressman Joe Sestak, the Democrat, refer to his Navy service in at least eight out of 11 question,  while former Congressman Pat Toomey, the Republican, brought home an absolutely terrifying point about federal deficit spending.

The men are seeking the seat held by Democrat Arlen Specter who lost his party’s nomination to Sestak in the primary election.

The debate took place last night at WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh and was moderated by station news-anchor David Johnson. Its available on C-Span.

After introductory statements from each man, Johnson unveiled the first question which involved the labels they gave themselves and each other.

Johnson asked Toomey if he agreed that he was was a conservative and Toomey answered “right” and that Sestak was a liberal. and Toomey answered “um hum.”

He then addressed Sestak who said “I wouldn’t quite call (Toomey) a conservative but I do agree that he was on the fringe of his party. . .For me, I knew hundreds of fellow admirals. I’ve yet to meet one of them being a liberal.”

Sestak refused to allow himself to be labeled as a liberal.

Toomey noted that last year his opponent voted with Nancy Pelosi 100 percent of the time.

The second question was “was the stimulus working?”

Toomey said that Obama had promised that unemployment wouldn’t rise over 8 percent when it was passed but that it went “over 10 percent.”

“Rather than spend $800 billion that we didn’t have,” he said. “If we had across the board cuts in payroll tax for the workers and the matching employer share, then every worker would have had a take-home pay raise immediately, we wouldn’t have had to worry about shovel-ready projects and every employer would find it less expensive to keep and hire workers.

Sestak in his answer said the stimulus was Bush’s idea. He then referenced his Navy days. He then said the stimulus saved jobs and that Toomey wants to give the money to corporations.

The third question came via videotape from a Braddock woman who asked if the candidates supported drilling in  the Marcellus Shale natural gas fields, to which Johnson added if the they supported any tax on it.

Toomey noted that energy stored in the fields is equal to half of that in the Saudi Arabian oil fields and development of Marcellus Shale could be be best thing that happened to Pennsylvania economically in a century. He said all experts agreed that the drilling could and should be done in an environmentally responsible fashion. He said a tax should be expected on the gas but would leave it to Harrisburg to decided what it should be.

Sestak said that when he was in the Navy he patrolled the Persian Gulf oil lanes. He said he supported drilling but that the wanted to do it right “because that’s how I learned to do things in the Navy.”
The next question was from Facebook and was “What makes you more qualified than your opponent.”

Sestak said it was because “When I was in the U.S. military I learned to work across the aisle” and cited endorsements by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Sen. Chuck Hagel, both who ran on Republican tickets. He also said he was in the U.S. military where he “learned accountability.”

Toomey said it was the sum of his life experiences. He noted that he was born in a blue-collar household. His dad was a union worker. His mom was a part-time parish secretary. He grew up with five siblings, and the he’s the only candidate in the race that actually created jobs citing the restaurants he started with his brothers in Allentown.

Question four was from Johnson who wanted to know what taxes the candidates would cut.

Toomey said he would make the 2003 tax cuts permanent for everybody, and cut the top corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent along with lowering the capital gains tax rate.

Sestak said he wants a zero percent capital gains tax if invested in a small business. He said he wants to give a 15 percent tax credit to small business.

Sestak accused Toomey of supporting large corporations over small business, which was a theme he worked in several of his answers. Toomey  respond by again noting that he created and ran small businesses and that the bailouts supported by Sestak  didn’t go to small business but to giant banks.

“I was opposed to all of those bailouts. Joe voted for them. Who do you think is going to pay for them” Toomey said.

Johnson’s follow up question involved what programs to cut.

Sestak responded by saying that he voted for laws that would require a government to “live within its means. If you want new program cut another one.” He accused Toomey of leaving congress “with the largest deficit in the history of America” then going on television and saying “deficits weren’t important.”

Sestak said we needed caps on discretionary spending. He also said we shouldn’t buy any more F-22 fighters.

Toomey was incredulous at Sestak’s claims.

“This is amazing,” he  said. “Joe voted for every single bailout, introduced bailouts which would cost $100 billion of still more additional deficit spending; voted for the stimulus and giant omnibus spending and he’s pretending  that he’s the guy who wants to reduce spending. This is unbelievable. Let’s talk about deficits. During the six years I was in the House which ended six years ago, the average budget deficit was seven-tenths of 1 percent of our economy.  Joe’s voting for budget deficits that are now, each year, 10 percent of our economy — 15 times bigger. We are running one-and-a-half trillion dollar deficits and Joe says we haven’t spent enough.”

Toomey said he would end the bailouts, rescind the unspent portion of the stimulus bill and ban earmarks.

Sestak’s responded by saying that Toomey only wants to help big corporations and while he would support legislation to  end earmarks.

In response, Toomey  pointed out that Sestak was getting earmarks for supporters in blatant violations of a pledge he made.

The next question was from a Pittsburgh man about why bus services to needy neighborhoods seem to be cut soon that services to other neighborhoods. Johnson expanded the question to all services.

Sestak said he would make it so that local grants must be associated with “minority-serving institutions” and wanted to spend more money on public transportation.

Toomey said he understood the complaint and that it speaks to the incredible inefficiency of government. He cited earmarks as a example in which federal politicians bestow money on favored people and programs, and that it typically doesn’t occur in the neighborhoods that needed it the most.

He said a better way to get federal money to needy neighborhoods would be be prioritize by category the need then allocate the money via grants to state and local governments to use.

Question seven was from Facebook and asked if stimulus spending increased unemployment longer than if the markets were let to work things out.

“We would be much better off if we hadn’t launched the giant stimulus bill,” Toomey said.
We can’t borrow and spend our way to prosperity. If that were going to work then Greece would have the most successful economy in the world.”

He reiterated his belief that a payroll tax cut would have been far more effective.

“We could have cut payroll taxes roughly in half for about three years. Every single worker would have had a immediate pay raise.”

Sestak said without the stimulus bill eight million workers would have lost their jobs.

Next question also from Facebook asked the men to state their most obvious fault and biggest strength.
Sestak said his biggest fault was that “he tries to do to much” and that his biggest asset was his wife. And “what I learned in the U.S. military”

Toomey said his biggest fault was that he tries “to have too many balls in the air at the same time” which the moderator jokingly pointed out was the same answer as Sestak’s.

Toomey then also said that his biggest asset is his wife, but that on a more personal level it was the humility he learned in trying to run his family businesses. He said it made him willing to listen rather than dictate.

The next question was via a videotape from a woman who grew up in the Middle East “where there is no separation of church and state” and who wanted to know what the candidates thought should be the role of religion in government.

Toomey cited the Establishment Clause of the Constitution from memory and said he supported it totally. He did, however, said that it shouldn’t be interpreted in such a way that it denies our Judeo-Christian heritage is an important part of who we are and that it forms the basis of many of our laws.  He also said the Establishment Clause does not require a denial of faith or religion. He referenced his support for school choice as something the Establishment Clause should not be used against.

Sestak said the Constitution calls for the separation of church and state and he supports it unlike “some extreme candidates like Eileen (sic) O’Donnell in Delaware that think there might be a state-mandated religion”

He then brought up the Navy again.

The next question concerned their ads. Johnson asked if they ever got feedback on them.

Toomey said most people he hears from like his ads.  The moderator said that he hears different but then said he was referring to political ads general. Toomey then said he got his point and that the tone of campaigns in general and this one in particular where unfortunate.

He said his campaign’s first ad was complementary about Sestak’s character and simply highlighted their difference on issues, and the hoped to have a more substantive discussion on issues. He said his following ads also were directed at policy differences rather than personal attacks. He said, however, that “Joe has chosen to go down a different road”.

Sestak agreed that the tone was unfortunate. “Congressman Toomey said it well in his book ‘truth is the casualty of elections'”.  

“I appreciate you selling my book Joe,” Toomey broke in

Sestak laughed and said “It’s a pretty scary book, you can read it on Halloween.” Toomey laughed. Sestak laughed too and said “He’s not a witch but boy is his book pretty scary”.

“It’s called the Road to Prosperity,” Toomey answered.

“That’s what it’s called,” Sestak said which might have been the one point upon which they agreed.

Returning the question at hand, Sestak said he was upset at a Toomey ad that accused him of wanting to do away with private insurance in reference to his support for Obamacare since he used private insurance to pay for the care of his daughter when she had a life-threatening illness.

“So I don’t think either of us should be pointing at one another,” he said.

Sestak said Toomey was a good guy and he actually he had a beer with him.

Toomey said that he defended Sestak when Arlen Specter attacked him in the primary.

The last question involved gun laws.

Toomey said he supported the Second Amendment and was grateful for the NRA’s endorsement noting that Sestak had an F rating from the group. He said the gun laws needed not significant changes.

Sestak said he also supported the Second Amendment but was concerned about dangers posed to law enforcement personnel. He said he would bring back the mid-90s “assault rifle” ban. In his answer, he again referred to his military service.

Toomey responded by noting that he also had the endorsements of the major police organizations.

The 57-minute debate ended with final statements from both men.

Ras Has Toomey Up 48-44

The latest Rasmussen poll has Republican Pat Toomey up 48-44 percent over Congressman Joe Sestak in the race to replace Arlen Specter as senator from Pennsylvania.

The poll taken Thursday night surveyed 750 likely voters and has a plus-minus of 4 percent. Seven percent of voters said they were undecided while 1 percent said they liked another candidate.

While unlike other recent polls it still showed Toomey with a lead it was the closest Rasmussen poll between the two since May.

The previous Rasmussen poll , taken Oct. 12, showed Toomey ahead 49-39 percent.

Joe “I Want To Be A Millionaire” Sestak

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Why Joe “Not Really One Of Us” Sestak, who has been making a issue of the net worth of his GOP opponent in Pennsylvania’s senate race.

It turns out that Sestak has disclosed assets  of between $2,103,000 and $3,856,000, including two homes. This is in the same ballpark as Pat Toomey’s reported assets of $2.02 million and $4.9 million.

A million dollars isn’t what it used to be and neither disclosure is outside the realm of the expected — Sestak is a congressman and retired rear admiral, while Toomey has held many jobs including Wall Street currency trader, Allentown restaurateur, congressman and think tank president.

OTOH, a rich Democrat playing the class envy card is not outside the realm of the expected either.

Hey Joe, how about Wheel of Fortune? For the grand prize what is hyp_cr_t_.

You got the money to buy the vowels.

Hat tip

Toomey Polls Biggest Lead Says Ras

Republican Pat Toomey  holds a 10-point lead over Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate race, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey of likely voters. This has caused Rasmussen to move the race  from leans GOP to solid GOP in its  Balance of Power rankings.

The survey of 750 likely voters taken Oct. 12 shows Toomey preferred 49 percent to 39 percent. Two percent wanted another candidate while 10 percent were undecided. The margin of error was 4 percent.

This is Toomey’s largest lead since the nominations. Two weeks ago he led 49 percent to 40 percent. A month ago he led 49 percent to 41 percent.

Meanwhile, the Delaware County Daily Times, which is the daily for most of Sestak’s 7th District, reported their  favored candidate to be preferred over Toomey 44 percent to 42 percent with the headline “Sestak leads Toomey in recent poll “.  They cited the Garin-Hart-Yang poll conducted by the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee.

Toomey Gets Ridge Endorsement

Former Gov. Tom Ridge has endorsed Pat Toomey in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race.

There was speculation that Ridge would challenge Toomey for the nomination after incumbent Arlen Specter switched to the Democrat Party in 2009 when it appeared Toomey would beat him in the GOP primary election.

Ridge, who is socially liberal on many issues and hence more appealing to certain moneyed elements of the state GOP establishment, quickly quashed the speculation, however.

The Ridge endorsement, announced today, indicates a unity among state Republicans and is a significant boost for Toomey who appears to be surging past Democrat nominee Joe Sestak, the congressman from the 7th District.

Ridge in his statement said he was endorsing Toomey “because he is an honest, principled leader whois unafraid to stand up for what’s right.”

“As a member of Congress, Patconsistently fought for taxpayers, and in today’s economic climate, thattrait is more important than ever,” Ridge said.

Yesterday, Toomey was endorsed by the state chapter of the FraternalOrder of Police.