Physicians Who Work For Free, Cosmas and Damian — On Nov. 1, we celebrate the feast of two remarkable brothers who lived during the early years of the Christian Church.
Cosmas and Damian were born of wealthy parents in Asia Minor who gave their sons the best education in the Roman Empire. They were interested in medicine and became physicians at an early age. The two brothers also became Christians. Their unique combination of medicine and prayer attracted the attention fo many.
Through their commitment to Christ, they endeavored to become healers not only of the body but the soul. Their fame spread and they soon developed a reputation as being miracle-workers who could heal with an herb or prayer.
About the same time, the brothers made a most unique pledge which was not to take money for their services.
They healed thousands of from diseases of body and soul and never accepted a thing.
Their reputation spread even more rapidly as they became known as “unmercercenaries” or someone who does not expect payment for services.
We can all become unmercenaries in the same spirit as saints Cosmas and Damian. Each of us can give something of ourselves without expecting a favor in return. Perhaps we can give our time to someone. Perhaps we can give advice without being offended if it’s not followed. Or, perhaps, we can give the gift of forgiveness without receiving, or expecting, an apology.