Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims

Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims — We missed last night’s (July 17) meeting of Delaware County (Pa) Council, but Tevin Dix tells us he called out Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther concerning an email conversation he had with her.

Christine told Tevin that Charlie Alexander and Leah Hoopes had “no facts” regarding their concerns, respectively, about the county facilitating illegal immigration and rigging elections.

Charlie has posted his share of videos regarding suspicious behavior concerning foreigners who appear to be in violation of immigration laws.

And why did Springfield call a special meeting in June to pass an ordinance bathing in parks?

Hey Christine, have you looked at the scars on Sharon Devaney’s knees yet?

Leah, of course, recently won a court case concerning voting irregularities in Delco.

And why did District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer publicly claim that he dismissed a criminal complaint by Leah, Greg Stenstrom and Ruth Moton because the evidence they presented was three doctored internet videos, when the truth was it was 37 raw videos from a whistleblower?

The reason for the suspicion is entirely your fault, Christine.

Tevin Calls Out Christine On 'Misinformation' Claims

Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants

Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants — Immigrants Dasha Pruett, from Russia, and Charley Gerow, from Brazil, spoke of the dangers facing their adopted nation, last night, June 26, as did long-time Chester County Sheriff Bunny Welsh.

The event was the Save Our Couty Rally Re-Electe President Trump at the Ellis Preserve Ballrooom in Newtown Square.

The most frightening revelation came from Charlie Alexander, who detailed how he concluded that the government of Delaware County, Pa. was facilitating the mass importation of illegals.

Charlie said he was told by friends involved with the county that the shuttered Springfield and Delaware County Memorial Hospital in Upper Darby were going to be use to house illegal immigrants. Charlie made inquires. Friendly responses devolved into stonewalling, then attacks.

He investigated further and learned that HIAS Pennsylvania is helping illegals find sanctuary in Delaware County, Pa.

HIAS Pennsylvania is an NGO or “non-government organization.”

He says he understands that the buildings at the former Don Guanella School in Marple were to be used to house illegals and that remains the case despite vehement denials from the county.

Jihadist graffiti has been found in them, he says.

Dasha had earlier pointed out that just 200,000 bad guys can turn America into a tyranny and that more than 10 million illegals have come across the border during the Biden administration.

Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants
Charlie Alexander, Bunny Welsh, Dasha Pruett and Charley Gerow,

You doubt human trafficking is occurring? This was just posted X. Pennsylvania is among the top, if not the top, human trafficking state.

Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants

DACA Foxes In The Police Hen House

DACA Foxes In The Police Hen House

By Bob Small

It’s rare when The Daily Mail (UK) focuses on the internal workings of a US City but a recent story concerns Seattle’s plan to use illegal migrants to bolster its depleted police force.

It’s encouraged via a law signed by Democrat Governor Jay Inslee in February that those who speak more than one language can be chosen above an equally qualified candidate.

The legislation took effect, June 6.

And the The US Justice Department now lets  DACA recipients have firearms and ammunition as part of their official law enforcement officer duties.

Meanwhile, former Lieutenant Jessica Taylor, who resigned after almost a quarter of a century, sent a letter to Police Chief Adrian Diaz, saying “Your controlling, bullying, and gaslighting tendencies have wreaked havoc on this department, driving away talented and dedicated officers,

“On May 29, Diaz resigned amid charges of sexual harassment and racial discrimination. He was later to “come out” as a gay man.

DACA police are also being hired in California and Chicago.

According to state officials, “Washington is home to more than 14,000 DACA recipients, and “Dreamers” canhelp ease Seattle’s cop shortage.

DACA recipients are also considering allowing the DACA recipients to become county deputies, fish and wildlife officers, and Seattle firefighters.

In April, Seattle’s KTTH am station, had a report, from Jason Rantz, that alleged that the police were at a staffing level not seen in almost 70 years.

The Seattle PD has advertised for DACA recipients on Linkedin! Seattle Police recruiting DACA recipients to be cops.

It can be considered the fox guarding the en house never seemed so apt.

This has yet to be discussed by either Delaware County Council of Philadelphis there may soon be a market for the newly formed SSL (Spanish as a second language) classes. At least certain phrases in Spanish such as as “I have an alibi”, “it was my identical twin” or “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it”.

Note; Thanks to Scott from Vermont.

Springfield Bans Bathing In Parks

Springfield Bans Bathing In Parks — The Springfield (Pa) Commissioners at a special meeting, June 18, passed ordinances amending the township code banning swimming and bathing in township parks and setting curfew hours from the 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. excepting Friday and Saturday nights and eves of national holidays when it will be 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Could this have anything to do with the reports of illegals using county waterways for baths?

Springfield Bans Bathing In Parks

Illegals Prepping Attacks On Military Bases?

Illegals Prepping Attacks On Military Bases?— The below Fox News report describes the shooting of a Russian Chechen by a Special Forces colonel who he caught outside his home in Fort Liberty, N.C., May 3 taking pictures of his children with a telephoto lens

The colonel confronted the man, Ramzan Daraev of Chicago, and an altercation ensued. It ended poorly for Daraev.

Daraev is thought to have entered this country illegally.

A second Chechen, Dzhankutov Adsalan, was found in a car nearby. He was questioned by police and released.

Fort Liberty is the former Fort Bragg and is headquarters for U.S. Special Forces.

Wonder if stuff like this might pound it into the heads of Delaware County (Pa) Council why so many residents are a tad concerned about their lack of concern regarding “migrants”.

The military is reporting weekly probing of military bases by “migrants”.

An Oct. 7 can certainly happen in the United States.

We fear it will, actually.

Illegals Prepping Attacks On Military Bases?

Illegals Prepping Attacks On Military Bases?

Sharon Devaney Guest On Don’t Back Down

Sharon Devaney Guest On Don’t Back Down — Sharon Devaney was among the guests of the May 22 Don’t Back Down program on WWDB -AM Talk 860.

Sharon has been speaking out about the irresponsibility of county officials to distinguish between those who emigrate to America legally and those who don’t.

She was crippled in 2017 when a illegal smashed her car in blatant violation of traffic signals. The illegal was never punished for her action.

The show is worth listening to and here is a link.


Don’t Back Down is a great program and can be a great part of one’s week. It’s hosted by the entertaining and enlightening Andy Teitelman and Stan Casacio. It runs Wednesdays 1 to 3 p.m.

Starting noon, today, May 24, on WWDB is The Conservative Voice with Gary Heasley. Guest include Steve Edenbo, who re-enacts Thomas Jefferson; economist Joel Griffith, Geri Perna, the aunt of J-6 victim Matthew Perna and Samad, a Philadelphia activist.

Sharon Devaney Guest On Don't Back Down
Sharon Devaney of Haverford with Charlie Alexander of Marple, another person calling attention to the dangers of indifference to immigration laws in Delaware County, Pa.

Sharon Devaney Guest On Don’t Back Down

Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking

Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking — Guatemalan authorities, April 25, raided Save the Children offices.

Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that claims to defend the rights of children. It’s involved in the mass migration occurring on the U.S. southern border in abeyance of the law.

Guatemala says that Save the Children is only about saving the children for sexual exploitation in the United States.

Guatemala Attorney General María Consuelo Porras Argueta and Secretary General Ángel Pineda, who approved the raid, have been sanctioned by the European Union and the United States which claim them to be corrupt.

Neither are allowed entrance into the United States.

First Lady Jill Biden is a former chairwoman of Save the Children.

Pineda gave his side in an interview posted on X by Robby Starbuck, May 13.

Watch it here:

In a related matter, here is lady rapper Jaguar Wright:


Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking

Guatemala Says Biden-Connected NGO Is Child Trafficking

Sharon Devaney Bank Account Hacked

Sharon Devaney Bank Account Hacked — Charlie Alexander of Marple and Sharon Devaney passionately spoke about the illegal alien crisis in Delaware County, Pa. at the May 1 County Council meeting and a day later at a United4Delco event

Since then, Charlie has been stalked by a blue jeep and The Philadelphia Inquirer appears to be preparing a hit piece on Sharon.

Now we hear Sharon’s bank account at Wells Fargo has been hacked and looted.

Just coincidences, we are sure.

That was sarcasm.

Sharon and Charlie are directly over the target.

You are not paranoid when they really are out to get you.

Sharon Devaney Bank Account Hacked

Sharon Devaney Bank Account Hacked

Divisive Elaine Paul Schaefer Of Delaware County Pa

Divisive Elaine Paul Schaefer Of Delaware County Pa — Delaware County, Pa., Councilwoman Elaine Paul Schaefer left council’s May 1 meeting early to attend an event concerning antisemitism.

It was announced at the night’s beginning she would be leaving at 7:30, which is an hour-and-a-half after the meeting’s start.

When she arrived at her other event she reportedly told her audience: I’m very sad to say I’m late tonight because I was at a council meeting at which there was an angry mob of 150 people. And the hate speech we’re hearing now, which is probably the reason, which is directed at immigrants. It is really just characterizing our incredibly vibrant, wonderful immigrant community as just not human. It’s really hard to hear.

We actually like Elaine. We wouldn’t vote for her but we don’t think she is a bad person.

She is fibbing through her teeth, however.

She left the meeting five minutes before her announced departure time. This was four minutes before public comments.

Check out the video. She gets up at 1:25:28 and is completely gone in 10 seconds. Public comments don’t start until 1:29:30

Whatever the reason she was late, it was not due to an “angry mob.”

We strongly urge the councilwoman to realize that dishonesty — even thoughtless, unintended dishonesty — is the major cause of divisiveness.

We strongly also urge her to understand why the citizenry calls illegals “illegals.”

Illegals are those who enter America in violation of its laws.

Immigrants are not illegals. Immigrants come to the United States legally.

Refugees are not illegals. They enter the United States legally.

Joe Biden is reportedly bringing murderously antisemitic Hamas-supporting Palestinians from Gaza to the United States as refugees.

They would not be illegals.

They would be murderously antisemitic supporters of Hamas, it is true, but they wouldn’t be illegals.

Why Biden wants them here is a different subject. Perhaps the councilwoman should broach it with her group concerned about antisemitism.

Councilman Kevin Madden also left early, at 7:45, as had been announced at the meeting’s start. Perhaps he was not late to his other event and felt no need to concoct a phony excuse.

Divisive Elaine Paul Schaefer Of Delaware County Pa
Divisive Elaine Paul Schaefer Of Delaware County Pa

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander–Charlie Alexander, whose ChucklesSport site leads the chronicling of Delaware County, Pa.’s chapter in America’s illegal immigration invasion drama, appears to be being stalked by a blue jeep.

The Marple man even got its picture.

It’s pretty solid evidence that Charlie is over some kind of target. This kind of effort isn’t wasted on crazy cranks.

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander
The blue jeep that keeps crossing Charlie Alexander’s path