Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander–Charlie Alexander, whose ChucklesSport site leads the chronicling of Delaware County, Pa.’s chapter in America’s illegal immigration invasion drama, appears to be being stalked by a blue jeep.

The Marple man even got its picture.

It’s pretty solid evidence that Charlie is over some kind of target. This kind of effort isn’t wasted on crazy cranks.

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander
The blue jeep that keeps crossing Charlie Alexander’s path

4 thoughts on “Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander”

  1. Note well that Pennsylvania is an Open Carry state. Just making mention.

    Important to add that a concealed carry permit is required to have a loaded weapon in a motor vehicle. Again, just making mention.

    Know your county sheriff, by name if possible.

    Safety first, teamwork.

  2. I recognize that Jeep. It looks like the one from those former Governor Tom Wolf commercials…

  3. Oh my god! A picture of a blue Jeep! That proves it! Charlie is the most important person in the county and he knows things that the government doesn’t want us to know! So they have someone following him in – get this – a blue Jeep.! What is going on!? How can we stop the blue Jeep!
    As an aside, I have a mechanical bird following me. Everywhere. I’m trying to get a picture because it looks like a bird.

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