Delco Council Faces Real Angry Mob This Time Over Delco Woods Fears

Delco Council Faces Real Angry Mob This Time Over Delco Woods Fears — This time, Elaine Paul Schaefer, it was an angry mob but the crowd at tonight’s, May 15, Delaware County (Pa.) Council meeting had the attention of the lawmakers.

Councilwoman Schaefer left the May 1 meeting early to attend an event sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League. She claimed she was late because she had to face “an angry mob” spouting “hate speech”. The reality was there was no hate speech; the crowd was not particularly angry; and Ms. Schaefer left well before public comments started.

Many throughout the night called her out on her fabulation and demanded an apology.

Tonight’s anger stemmed from the County’s lawsuit against Marple Township which rezoned the entire 213-acre Delco Wood park as open space to foil a mental hospital the County is considering putting there.

The County is demanding that the 33-acres where sat the Don Guanella School remain institutional.

The county had promised to look for alternative sites for the needed mental facility which presumably would not be near a park or school

The filing of the lawsuit was seen by many as betrayal.

Kay Dugery, the Republican nominee for the 166th District State House seat, told Council that what they did was disturbing.

“Rather than listening to your constituents, you sued Marple,” she said.

Michael Straw, who heads Media Borough’s Republican Party wanted to know why Council is suing Marple if they plan to put the facility elsewhere. He also noted that the county is still accepting grants to create programs without having long-term plans for when the grant money expires.

Except raise taxes, he said. He credited Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther for honesty on that point.

He asked Councilwoman Schaefer to correct her record on describing those attending the last meeting as an angry mob.

He said she was better than that.

Glen of Marple accused Council of breaking promises. He thought it suspicious that the Don Guanella buildings were now boarded up.

Another Glen thought there was something deeper going on.

Joe Finio of Marple read from a two-year-old Daily Times story from when the property was purchased that quoted Councilwoman Schaefer saying county taxes would not be raised by the $22 million purchase and that the park would remain untouched.

He said the citizens are not going to stand by and let council break its promises.

Margie from Marple said she knew council was lying about looking for another site because of the lawsuit.


Charlie Alexander of Marple, who is leading the fight to stop an institution in the park, was the first speaker in the second round of public comments. He said he hears from many who won’t speak out for fear of retribution. He noted that Council limited the audience to 55 despite the council room having an occupancy of 131 at the last meeting. Alexander accused them of doing it for optics. He was among those ripping Councilwoman Schaefer for the comments she made after the last meeting.

He passionately demanded that Delco declare itself to be a non-sanctuary county and prohibit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from assisting those here illegally.

“How are you going to some day explain to your kids why you support human trafficking,” he asked.

NGOs are implicated in illegally bringing children into the United States for sex trafficking.

Charlie was followed by his father, Howard, who said while President Trump stopped the global elites Agenda 2021 plan their Agenda 2030 plan for mass slavery and impoverishment continues.

Sharon Devaney of Haverford Township again noted how illegals get benefits while she remains impoverished from a 2017 accident caused by an illegal.

The issue has taken off in Delco since she started speaking out against it.

“I’ve swatted the hornets nest when it comes to illegals,” she said.

She noted that speaking out has come at a cost. She says her phone has been hacked, as was her bank account.

Kathy from Haverford was among those pointing out that the Ms. Schaefer left the last meeting before public comments. She asked that she refund the $2,200 she got per meeting.

She also criticized Councilman Kevin M. Madden, regarding his performance as prison liaison. She said it was dangerous for inmates and correctional officers.

Period Poverty Week

Denise, a nurse from Marple, lambasted Council’s recognition of May 20-28 as “Period Poverty Awareness” week. It’s to teach women how to use menstrual products. The county is going to have a health fair for it 2-4 p.m., May 19, at the Pennsylvania Institute of Technology in Media. We are not making this up.

“When did that become the responsibility of Council?” Denise asked.

It was a question on the minds of many judging by the snickers — overwhelmingly female — heard when the event was initially described.

Denise also took issue with a group identifying itself as “Black Nurses” something.

“We are all nurses and I am so sick to death of being separated by race,” she said.

She also wanted to know why the county is wasting money suing Marple.

Ingrid from Marple wanted to know why the shuttered Delaware County Memorial Hospital wasn’t being considered for a mental facility. She also said our border is as bad as Afghanistan.

Frank of Havertown thought a facility at Delco Woods would be used for illegals.

Tevin Dix of Upper Darby said illegal immigration is a big problem in American and especially affects the Black community. He also shared the suspicion that the crowd was limited in the previous meeting for visuals.

Joanne from Brookhaven had some choice words.

“Period poverty, what in actual hell is that?”

Council Comments

Councilwoman Schaefer said she is on record as being opposed to any type of institutional or government use of Delco Woods and remains vehemently so. Regarding her unfortunate smear, she couldn’t bring herself to apologize.

Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther said she had nothing to say that would add to the dialogue.

Councilman Richard R. Womack addressed concerns raised about the county’s George Hill Prison during public comments (see story). He said he can’t speak on some things that he has observed because they are under investigation.

He praised the correctional officers for coming to the meetings. Womack said they really are making a difference.

He said he hears the concerns regarding Delco Woods and the county really is looking at other sites.

Chairwoman Dr. Monica Taylor promised that the county is looking at other sites for the facility. She said the county is suing Marple because the zoning it instituted would prevent the county from building a playground.

Ed Note: We are confident Marple would grant a variance to build a playground or skate park or allow a building to be used for a museum.

Chairwoman Taylor said the county doesn’t own Delaware County Memorial Hospital.

In response to another point, she said that the mental facility at Fitzgerald Mercy is not designed for the type of patient not being served. She said that these people are actually living free in communities now.

She said councilmembers aren’t paid by the meeting but get a $52,000 salary and that she works more than 40 hours per week on county business.

Solicitor Jonathan Lichtenstein earlier said George Hill Prison is in full compliance with all state and federal laws regarding illegals.

Council also got a pointed warning regarding election integrity. See here.

Delco unveiled a plan to stop using Covanta’s trash-to-steam plant which now handles 85-percent of Delco’s 400,000 tons of waste. See here.

Delco Council Faces Real Angry Mob

Delco Council Faces Real Angry Mob Delco Council Faces Real Angry Mob

8 thoughts on “Delco Council Faces Real Angry Mob This Time Over Delco Woods Fears”

  1. Bill, I’m surprised you didn’t mention the fact that Greg Stenstrom spoke.
    He had some interesting information on the Blue Crest sorter. Also the fact that all the evidence of fraud in Delaware County will soon be revealed.

  2. Regarding “Period Poverty Awareness” Week what is County Council doing to ensure fair and equitable access to feminine hygiene products and appropriate information for proper use of products for the diversity among women particularly trans women?

  3. Where are the Republicans? Besides Michael Straw, Kathy Buckley, and Kay Dugary no one else spoke with the backing of the party. I give them and everyone else who got up there and spoke. They got’em good.

      1. At this point until they do we need to amplify the voices that are there now. We must show there is a unified front within our party.

  4. So happy to see everyone coming out and speaking up. The more people go and speak the better.

    County Council, Sheriff, Controller, and Register of Wills elections are NEXT YEAR. We need people to RUN!

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