The Fugitive Goes Home

The Fugitive Goes Home

By Bob Small

This is good Independence Day story. The world’s longest-running real-life fugitive saga is finally over. Journalist Julian Assange left the U.K.’s Belmarsh Prison, June 24, to accept plead guilty to a single count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose classified US national defense documents in the US District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands. He was sentenced to time served and granted his freedom.

Thanks to my friend, Carol of Swarthmore, for sending me this Hugo Black quote: “The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.”

Many world leaders have expressed joy for the decision and praise for Assange.

Anthony Albanese, prime minister of Assange’s Australia stated  “There is nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia.”

Prime Minister Lula Da Silva of Brazil, a bit more left than Albanese, said Assange’s  “release and return home, albeit belatedly, represent a democratic victory and the fight for press freedom.”

And there were officials, especially in the US, who were definitely displeased, though.

“Julian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” said former Vice President Mike Pence.

“Never a ‘journalist.’ Never. He did irreparable harm. He endangered lives,” said former Assistant FBI Director Frank Fibliuzzi.

Trump-era CIA director Mike Pompeo who called Assange’s WikiLeaks a “nonstate hostile intelligence service”

Sheila Assange, who married Assange in prison that the British Labor government would not have extradited Assange if they take over the U.K.’s government on July 5.

And there is a dark lining in the silver cloud.

“The US Dept of Justice still holds the Espionage Act over journalists worldwide,” said John Simpson of the BBC.

“It will still hang over the heads of national security reporters for years to come,” said Seth Stern, director of advocacy for the Freedom of the Press Foundation.

“We all still live under a globe-spanning power structure which has shown the entire world that it will destroy your life if you expose its criminality,” said journalist Caitlin Johnstone.

Luckily, as a local blogger, we don’t worry about . . .

The Fugitive Goes Home

The Fugitive Goes Home

Greg And Leah On Today’s The Conservative Voice

Greg And Leah On Today’s The Conservative Voice — Election fraud investigators Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes will be among Gary Heasley’s guests on today’s The Conservative Voice. It runs from noon to 2 p.m., Fridays on WWDB Talk 860.

Greg and Leah’s segment starts at 1 p.m. following a 12:30 segment with economist Joel Griffith.

Please watch their documentary on the 2020 election in Delaware County, Pa. which can be found on Patriot.Online.

They are the authors of The Parallel Election

Greg And Leah On Today's The Conservative Voice

Proof Positive Establishment Press Is Propaganda

Proof Positive Establishment Press Is Propaganda — Those who still assume the American media are tenacious watchdogs pursing truth without fear or favor should watch this video of snippets showing otherwise.

The media you’ve been taught to trust since childhood are lying propagandists on behalf of an anti-democratic oligarchy that seeks to impoverish and enslave you.

This is proof positive.

Only a fool will not seek other sources.

There are plenty out there.

Proof Positive Establishment Press Is Propaganda

Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

By Sharon Devaney

Jesse Bunch’s article about the proposed community home for recovering drug addicts at 17 Tenby Road, Havertown, ran in The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 12.

It was surprisingly fair. There was some points he left out which I don’t hold against him as space is limited in newsprint and he did provide a link to my full answer here.

One left-out point concerns Savage Sisters President Mary Nolan’s outburst that she would fill the single-family home with 25 persons rather than the eight she said she was seeking in her request for a variance.

Haverford Township law limits non-related people living in a home to three.

Maybe she wasn’t serious but it’s certainly a strong sign she has no plans on listening to the wants of the community.

Another concern was whether the house managers would have training in mental health and substance abuse; and whether they were certified in CPR, first aid , child abuse and child trafficking as all other health professionals are in Pennsylvania.

Apparently, they are not going to be.

Also, because it is a residential neighborhood and children play outside, there would be better options to help place these individuals in recovery. We do all want them to get well and get the help they need in the best place for them. We want to see everyone overcome their shortcomings. This isn’t about left or right, black or white. There is no discrimination here at all just concerns from the community.

Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

Inquirer Reports On Proposed Havertown Home For Recovering Addicts

Charlie And Sharon On Conservative Voice

Charlie And Sharon On Conservative Voice –Charlie Alexander and Sharon Devaney will be today’s, May 10, second hour’s guest on The Conservative Voice.

It runs from noon to 2 p.m. on WWDB-AM 860. It can be heard online here.

Charlie and Sharon will describe the illegal alien crisis in Delaware County, Pa. and describe the harassment they have been receiving for speaking out.

James Roguski will discuss the WHO Pandemic Agreement in the first hour hour and he will be followed by Stephanie Borowicz of the Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus.

Call in number is 888-329-3306.

Charlie And Sharon On Conservative Voice

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Here’s an update

By Sharon Devaney

Jesse Bunch of The Philadelphia Inquirer emailed me yesterday, May 3, and asked for an interview.

He wanted to know why I was against The Savage Sisters packing 17 Tenby Road in Havertown with recovering addicts.

Here is why Jesse:

Haverford Township law only allows three non-related people to live in a residence.

Savage Sisters president Mary Nolan says she will fill the single-family home with 25 persons.

Further, it appears the person charged with managing the home will not be certified in CPR, first aid and other relevant matters including child trafficking. These certifications are required for every licensed professional in the state. I even have them.

I will send you a link to this story and that way you won’t have to waste your valuable time interviewing me.

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Tucker And Candice Are Not Antisemites

Tucker And Candice Are Not Antisemites — Commentators Tucker Carlson and Candice Owens are being ripped as antisemites.

Tucker’s big sin was a 40-minute interview posted on X, April 9, with Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church of Bethlehem.

“To me Christians should be for peace,” Pastor Munther said. “We wish you (the United States) was investing all of this energy and money in initiatives and money that bring peace not continuing to support Israel unconditionally without holding them accountable which in my opinion is what drove us to this mess right now, with the catastrophe of thousands of Palestinians killed and October 7 and all of that.”

This handwaves past that big ugly elephant in the room, namely that October 7 happened.

Israel’s war in Gaza is an indisputable a war of necessity. A nation can’t allow its daughters to be raped to death or its elderly tortured to death in front of family members. That is what the Gazans directed by Hamas did.

Pastor Munther makes many good points such as Christian Zionism not being very Christian. If this interviewed was published Oct. 6, we would find ourselves in agreement with much of it.

October 7 happened, however, and Tucker deserves all the criticism he is getting for failing to emphasize that Hamas’ attack is without excuse and Israel’s response is necessary self-defense. Hamas is evil. It must be destroyed. After that happens, perhaps what Pastor Munther says should be considered.

Calling Tucker antisemitic, though, is unfair and counter-productive.

He has never in his long public life gave any indication that he hates Jews. This interview, despite its timing and shallowness, is basically a call for peace.

A misguided one but nevertheless a sincere one.

Rather than condemn him, we encourage him to interview Mosab Hassan Yousef, who is the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, and eloquently articulates the culture of poison that infects almost all Palestinians.

This gets us to Candace.

Tucker deserves grief but Ms. Owens does not.

Her sins were sticking up for Kanye West; expressing sympathy for Palestinian civilians; posting “Christ is King” on X on Palm Sunday; getting into a battle with Rabbi/TV personality Shmuley Boteach; and beating Rabbi Michael Barclay in a debate.

An excellent defense of Ms. Owens was by Elliot Resnick of Israel National News.

Using “antisemitism” and “racism” to score political points cheapens the words, which are meant to imply that someone wants to kill or enslave those of a religion or “race.”

No decent person would want to associate with someone who wishes those things.

Racism and antisemitism must only describe those who truly want to do them and never for anything else.

Tucker And Candice Are Not Antisemites -- Commentators Tucker Carlson and Candice Owens are being ripped as antisemites.

Tucker's big sin was a
Not an antisemite
Tucker And Candice Are Not Antisemites -- Commentators Tucker Carlson and Candice Owens are being ripped as antisemites.

Tucker's big sin was a
Neither is he

Founding Fathers Were Christians

Founding Fathers Were Christians — Kim Kennedy shared this March 30 Face the Culture podcast featuring Pastor David Whitney. He points out that all who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were all expressed followers of Jesus Christ including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.

It’s worth listening to and powerfully rebuts the arguments of I-think-I’m-smart academics and their wannabe followers.

Here it is:

Founding Fathers Were Christians

Tik Tok And The Telegraph And Foreign Control

Tik Tok And The Telegraph And Foreign Control

By Bob Small

The venerable British newspaper The Daily Telegraph — founded June 29, 1855 — has been a Tory (conservative) mainstay but has become a source of controversy due to a proposed takeover by groups backed by the United Arab Emirates.

With Labour (liberals) attempting to stop it.

Baroness Stowall, of the House of Lords, has contacted all 170 Labor Peers, to suppport a law allowing Parliament reject any takeover of a news organization by any foreign country.

Because the UAE laws ban any direct criticism of the country’s ruler there is a rational reason not to allow this. The article states “Democracy depends on a healthy disdain for those in positions of authority”.

The Guardian, which is the left to the Telegraph’s right, also opposes the takeover. The Tory government is also considering amending existing legislation to prevent foreign takeovers.

Well, that’s only a problem they have across the pond. Surely, the US has laws to prevent this. Well, don’t we? US Senate to vote on Tik Tok ban Well, maybe our congress is finally waking up to the issue. Chinese propaganda has infiltrated our public schools, so why not our Internet.

According to an article updated in 2022, most of the top 25 companies, had US ownership. Only Rubert Murdoch (Australia) and (Axel Springer) (Germany) had roots outside the US.

Lastly, let’s move to radio giant Audacy, which is set to have the George Soros fund become the biggest shareholder.

Hungarian-born George Soros (1930) is noted for supporting what are considered progressive causes.

Among the Audacy Philadelphia market radio stations are sports Station 94.1 FM, and conservative talk radio 1210-Am. One assumes his ownership wouldn’t change the format but could we now have 1210 presenting the Larry Krasner hour, or “wake up and woke up” presented by the Philly Socialist Truth Party and…..nahh, never happen.

 Tik Tok And The Telegraph And Foreign Control

Tik Tok And The Telegraph And Foreign Control

WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein

WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein – Plans are prepped to suppress speech when governments declare health emergencies, Dr. Bret Weinstein told Tucker Carlson, Jan. 5.

Weinstein was a long-time professor of evolutionary biology at  Evergreen State College in Washington. He resigned in 2017 to protest woke racism at the school.

During the Covid pandemic, he pushed against the narrative and declared ivermectin to be effective treatment. He is now speaking out against the Covid vaccines. Weinstein says they’re expected to cause 17 million deaths worldwide along with other serious injuries. He says pharmaceutical corporations took irresponsible shortcuts in trials and gave an inherently dangerous drug to billions. He noted that the vaccines are not effective, especially with regard to the young.

Weinstein says the plan (31:03) empowers governments to squelch the dissent that allowed so many to escape the vax. Federal health officials will be able to shut big podcasts like Joe Rogan that featured dissenters much less small blogs like this.

Rogan, by the way, gave establishment voices equal time to get their message out.

Weinstein says this plan would end national and personal sovereignty.

It will be ready by May, he says, and he expects Biden and Congress to sign on to it. 

The plan gives the authority to the director of the World Health Organization to put it in effect.

Our Constitutional rights will be stripped, and vaccines will be compelled Weinstein says.

“The provisions that kick in will be beyond jaw-dropping,” he said.

Weinstein said that the Department of Homeland Security already calls “mal-information” part of terrorism, and they define “mal-information” as truth that causes distrust in authority.

Weinstein refers to the pending proposal as the World Health Organization pandemic preparedness plan but its name constantly changes. This might be to make it more difficult to find in search engines. The stuff you find with this in a search engine is innocuous but evil is in the details which are not found.

Common sense tells you that one does not need a treaty to deal with pandemics.

One certainly wouldn’t have helped during Covid.

Would China have shut international travel with a treaty? LOL.

The United States certainly doesn’t need a treaty to refrain from funding gain-of-function research in foreign nations.

Get mad. Speak truth to your neighbor and give grief to elected representatives.

Those who surrender safety for freedom deserve neither, nor do those who accept lies from authorities. Freedom is a gift from God and must be defended, preferably with speech.

Weinstein said if we show courage we will win as we greatly outnumber the greedy power-dunk fools pushing this stuff.

What he said is not much different than what Martin Desmet said recently in Romania.

It’s a time for courage and a time for faith, but most importantly, it’s a time for hope.

Weinstein notes that the enemy might have money and power but they have anything but brains.

WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein
Dr. Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carlson

WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein