WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein

WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein – Plans are prepped to suppress speech when governments declare health emergencies, Dr. Bret Weinstein told Tucker Carlson, Jan. 5.

Weinstein was a long-time professor of evolutionary biology at  Evergreen State College in Washington. He resigned in 2017 to protest woke racism at the school.

During the Covid pandemic, he pushed against the narrative and declared ivermectin to be effective treatment. He is now speaking out against the Covid vaccines. Weinstein says they’re expected to cause 17 million deaths worldwide along with other serious injuries. He says pharmaceutical corporations took irresponsible shortcuts in trials and gave an inherently dangerous drug to billions. He noted that the vaccines are not effective, especially with regard to the young.

Weinstein says the plan (31:03) empowers governments to squelch the dissent that allowed so many to escape the vax. Federal health officials will be able to shut big podcasts like Joe Rogan that featured dissenters much less small blogs like this.

Rogan, by the way, gave establishment voices equal time to get their message out.

Weinstein says this plan would end national and personal sovereignty.

It will be ready by May, he says, and he expects Biden and Congress to sign on to it. 

The plan gives the authority to the director of the World Health Organization to put it in effect.

Our Constitutional rights will be stripped, and vaccines will be compelled Weinstein says.

“The provisions that kick in will be beyond jaw-dropping,” he said.

Weinstein said that the Department of Homeland Security already calls “mal-information” part of terrorism, and they define “mal-information” as truth that causes distrust in authority.

Weinstein refers to the pending proposal as the World Health Organization pandemic preparedness plan but its name constantly changes. This might be to make it more difficult to find in search engines. The stuff you find with this in a search engine is innocuous but evil is in the details which are not found.

Common sense tells you that one does not need a treaty to deal with pandemics.

One certainly wouldn’t have helped during Covid.

Would China have shut international travel with a treaty? LOL.

The United States certainly doesn’t need a treaty to refrain from funding gain-of-function research in foreign nations.

Get mad. Speak truth to your neighbor and give grief to elected representatives.

Those who surrender safety for freedom deserve neither, nor do those who accept lies from authorities. Freedom is a gift from God and must be defended, preferably with speech.

Weinstein said if we show courage we will win as we greatly outnumber the greedy power-dunk fools pushing this stuff.

What he said is not much different than what Martin Desmet said recently in Romania.

It’s a time for courage and a time for faith, but most importantly, it’s a time for hope.

Weinstein notes that the enemy might have money and power but they have anything but brains.

WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein
Dr. Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carlson

WHO Plans To Destroy First Amendment Warns Bret Weinstein

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