GOP Fails Constituents

GOP Fails Constituents

To the Editor

The following comments are directed at the Delaware County Republican Party press release dated April 24, 2024.

On social media in February 2024 (see photo) the comment “all endorsed delegate candidates have agreed to support the Presidential candidate that emerges victorious in our county, PA’s 5th Congressional District, in the State Primary on April 23rd.” was posted.

Congressional District Delegates are unbound and have no obligation to support any candidate at the Convention. To state there were “many attempts to mislead voters” is inaccurate. These are facts.

Mr Agovino is quoted “To be crystal clear the Delco GOP is committed to defeating Joe Biden in November and supporting Donald Trump through the next six and beyond.” I find this statement to be disingenuous.

The penultimate paragraph of the press release reads in part “underpinned by the robust leadership the Republican Party is renowned for” is laughable.

I have zero representation due to this so called robust leadership. The 161st State House, the 9th Senatorial district, the 5th Congressional District, our check and balance to Robert Casey in the US Senate, the entire County Council, the Governor’s Office and the Presidency were lost as a result of the LACK of leadership in the state and county GOP. The Delaware County Republican Party is not robust it is frail.

The entire point of the Primary election is to allow voters, not leadership, to determine who best represents us. We demand choices not rubber stamps. As a result voter turnout is abysmal because voters don’t see a point to checking a box for an endorsed candidate running unopposed. Quite frankly this is despicable and borders on communism.

Finally, Nimarata “Nikki” Haley was able to capture nearly 1 in 4 Primary voters, a candidate who suspended her campaign months ago, is a testament to the poor leadership, disorganization and lack of unity that plagues our party, our county and ultimately our nation. Party leadership can, and must, do better. Or resign.

Joseph B Dychala

Aston Township.

GOP Fails Constituents

Change Starts With Committee Seats, Delegates

Change Starts With Committee Seats, Delegates

Dear Editor

I watched the same Aston GOP Committee members run uncontested for the past decade or more while we lost the 161st State House, the State Senate in the 9th, the 5th Congressional District, our check and balance in the US Senate to John Fetterman, our once solid Moderate Republican County Council to Radical Progressive Democrats and now a decade of the two tyrants Tom “lockdown the state” Wolf and Josh “lockup the nuns” Shapiro.

Not to mention no less than four of them hold Township Commissioner seats. That is a full discussion for another day. The loss of services, property tax increases and the continued burden of the 1 person income tax that is supposed to keep property taxes low are met with residents overwhelmed and businesses closing, leaving or simply not arriving.

I believe Aston Township has better days ahead, I believe that because I want to serve the community that has benefited me in so many ways. Living in the township since 1985 I have spent the majority of my working years employed in Aston including eleven years at my previous job in the 7th Ward until 2018 and have worked in the 6th Ward since.

Vote for Joseph B Dychala and Wendy Ann Willauer for Aston Township Republican 7th Ward Committee Man and Committee Woman in the Pennsylvania Primary this April. Also please vote Wendy Ann Willauer for Delegate to represent Delaware County at the Republican National Convention on the same ballot.

United We Stand.

Joseph B Dychala


Change Starts With Committee Seats

Change Starts With Committee Seats, Delegates

Plight Of Aston Township

Plight Of Aston Township — An occasional email to the voters of Aston Township, particularly the 7th Ward.


My name is Joe Dychala and I ran a Write In campaign for the 7th Ward GOP
Commissioner nomination. Myself a political unknown, going up against Mike Higgens a four term candidate who had the full support of the machine, managed to earn 1 in 3 votes this Primary.

Regardless if you voted for myself or incumbent Mike Higgens I would like
to sincerely thank you. It is only with citizen participation that our form
of government functions properly. Being an informed voter is critical for
self governance and is the minimimun every American citizen must engage in.

With almost 800 registered Republicans in the 7th Ward, a turn out of less
than 300 voters in the May Primary should concern us all. Municipal
elections are those closest to the People and impact our daily lives

The latest example is the Board of Commissioners raised our taxes, again,
and discontinued more basic services, again. Property taxes went up and
second summer trash pick up was discontinued. The Board’s solution is a
dumpster. You get to be your own trash service. But make certain you don’t
put the “wrong” trash in the dumpster. Also be aware the dumpster is
monitored by cameras to ensure your compliance.

So we have money for a dumpster and recurring pick ups, cameras, new street
lamps, new street signs, traffic studies for “round-a-bouts to nowhere”,
islands with perennial gardens in the middle of Pennell Road that filled
with trash and weeds but not for basic services we have come to depend on
and deserve.

We have been told much of this was funded by grants. Don’t be fooled,
monetary grants (the shiny object commissioners can’t or won’t refuse) are
generally a one time infusion of cash. In addition, grants are generally
matched by the receiving municipality. There are no free lunches.

Furthermore if it’s a state grant our income taxes paid for it, if it’s a
county grant our property taxes paid for it. When I mentioned this to Mike
Higgens he responded. “I never though of it that way.” Newsflash – thats
your JOB as commissioner, to protect our tax dollars and resources. Period.

This is after the loss of the leaf truck a few years back that had the
unintended consequence of folks just cutting their trees down. No trees, no
leaves to clean up. In Penn’s Woods.

This is after the Board refused to address a failing HVAC system and
leaking roof on the township building thus creating a situation where tens
of thousands of dollars in potential repairs led to hundreds of thousands
in actual damage that will now burden the taxpayers for a multimillion dollar

facility. This alone should enrage your fiscal sensibilities. This is not
what we elect Republicans to do.

This is after the destruction of old growth forest at the site of the
former Mercury Gun Club that failed to generate the promised tax revenue
but did cause excessive noise pollution that myself and many other
residents are on public record chastising the board and warning this would

Our township is drowning in debt and currently holds multiple municipal
bonds yet the Board continues a cycle of borrow, spend, tax, repeat.

Not to mention the businesses that are leaving Aston. Broadway Plaza is
beginning to look like a ghost town. New businesses aren’t arriving.

Take note of our once beautiful American flag next time you walk or drive
past Valley View and see that it is in tatters. The American flag and
POW/MIA flag that fly above our Post Office is also in tatters. It is
disgraceful. But not a surprise.

We are a nation in decline (I believe we can, must and will reverse this
trend) and Aston will not be immune or exempt. We desperately need, seek
and demand new leadership. My goal for Aston is forward looking. We should
not be forced to manage the decline that Media, Harrisburg and DC are
pushing on us. We need to be a model not only for Delco but a model for
Pennsylvania on how to successfully manage a township to not only survive
but thrive in these economically challenging times.

Don’t sit out this election in November. Stand up for your community, your
county, your commonwealth and most importantly for our shared values that
truly make America the most unique (and successful) political experiment in
human history.

We might be down but we’re not out. This is far from over.

Yours in Liberty,
Joe D

Plight Of Aston Township

Aston Accused Of Neglect

Aston Accused Of Neglect — Letter

Aston Township Board:

I am writing to comment on the Delco Times article from March 17, 2023 by Pete Bannon.

For over two years myself and other township residents have insisted the Drop Box located at the abandoned township building be removed. The camera for the drop box was installed in such a manner the solar panels were partially or completely (depending on time of year)obscured from the sun thus calling into question their functionality.I can almost hear the condescending tone of Mr Higgens, “you’re a bright guy…” as reported in the article. This is no way to speak to constituents.

Mr Maddren, current township solicitor, pointed out safety concerns at the vacant property. This property is not vacant. This property was literally destroyed by the current board of commissioners who neglected to make necessary roof repairs. This property was neglected and abandoned, not vacated. Now the commissioners demand a multi-million dollar facility to replace what could have amounted to tens of thousands in repairs had they did their job properly.

The noise complaints from the business park at Springbrooke Boulevard is another boondoggle that could have been avoided. Myself and several other township residents are on public record at a meeting detailing this is exactly what would occur if the property were to be developed in such a way. This board of commissioners has been quite adept at destroying. Destroying a township building. Destroying a large swath of old growth trees on the site of the former Mercury Gun Club.Destroying our air quality and quality of life in general for the 4th Ward residents. Destroying confidence in our elected officials.

The irony of Mr Higgen’s abandoned property in the 7th Ward that has an unregistered vehicle in the driveway, an out building that is missing a large portion of roof, an unmaintained above ground pool and failing roof on the house is not lost on me. If I let my property deteriorate in such a manner I would have been paid a visit by Code Enforcement but this does not appear to apply to Mr Higgens.

To add insult to injury Mr Higgens has not resided in the 7th Ward for over two years and has lived in the 4th Ward during this time. Mr Higgens was elected to represent the residents in the 7th Ward and has repeatedly stated he will return home but has not. Leaving a wake of destruction in the 7th Ward (the township building) and now the 4th Ward (Trammell Crow property noise pollution) seems to be par for the course under this failed leadership.

Since both these issues were brought to the commissioners multiplet imes I had to question what changed. Why now all the supposed concern. Then I realized four of the township commissioners are on the ballot this year and the need to placate the residents after raising our taxes. Again. Talk is cheap. Your actions speak volumes.

This is what happens under one party rule. Chaos and destruction with zero accountability. The Board of Commissioners and the Aston GOP are essentially one in the same. I am concerned the township by allowingMr Higgens to run for office in the 7th Ward, where he no longer lives, may be opening us up to legal problems. The board knows he does not live in the 7th Ward as does the local GOP but chooses to not address this matter. In fact it’s my understanding the GOP endorsed his candidacy.

Mr Higgens as Vice President of the board has been little more than atax and spend failure. Now he wants to run for office again,unopposed, even though he clearly does not live in the 7th Ward.Perhaps Mr Higgens needs to retire gracefully and get his own literalhouse in order. It is too late for the township building roof butperhaps he can fix his own.

Joseph B Dychala(Actual)

7th Ward Resident

Aston Accused Of Neglect -- Letter

Aston Accused Of Neglect — Letter

When Aston Turns Purple

When Aston Turns Purple

Dear Editor

Nasty Nancy, Lapdog Les, NO Energy Mike and the rest of the RINO crew:

The Democrats on Delco County Council are doing a better job holding the line on taxes than you RINOs. You should all be ashamed of your mismanagement, not to mention the DESTRUCTION of our township building that was entrusted to you. 

The way power is consolidated, by rigging the township and local GOP rules, that allow some of you to be both commishinor and committee members is disgusting. That’s not American values, that’s what Communists do. 

I’m old enough to remember when Aston Township had a budget surplus. Now we are drowning in debt.

Here is your belated Valentine brought to you by the First Amemdment courtesy of the Bill of Rights.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.

When Aston turns Purple, it’s because of RINOs like you.


Joseph B Dychala

Concern Raised About Higgens Candidacy In Aston

Concern Raised About Higgens Candidacy In Aston

To whom it may concern:

It has come to my attention Aston GOP will nominate a potentially ineligible candidate to run in the municipal election.

Aston Township is a First Class Township administered under the ward system. As I understand it this means someone running for office in a specific ward must reside in that ward.

I believe Michael J Higgens is ineligible, under existing law, to run for 7th Ward commishinor. Mr Higgens has not resided at his property in the 7th Ward for approximately two years. He lives in the 4th Ward.

According to Article IV Wards Section 401 of “First Class Township Code” the township board of commishinors had several options to address this matter including but not limited to consolidating wards, creating new wards or altering the boundaries of existing wards. Doing away with the ward system entirely would have allowed for a return to At Large commishinors.

The Aston GOP committee considering nominating Mr Higgens consists in part of Mr Higgens, Mr Berry and Mrs Bowden. All three currently serve as commishinors. As such each should be uniquely in tune with requirements of eligibility to run for office.

To summarize:

Aston Township Board of Commishinors had ample time to restructure the administration of the township ward system and chose not to.

Aston GOP had ample time to recruit, vet and select a candidate to run for the open 7th Ward commishinor seat and chose not to.

Mr Higgens had options to accommodate his living arrangements and decided moving to 4th Ward was best for him. He could have returned to 7th Ward but chose not to.

In conclusion, the Ward system as it exists in Aston Township does not allow for At Large commishinors and the 4th Ward where Mr Higgens lives does not have an open seat this election cycle. He should not be on the ballot for 7th Ward if he does not meet the requirements for residency and eligibility.

I will be following the nomination process and petition signing for ballot access very closely.


Joseph B Dychala

Concern Raised About Higgens Candidacy In Aston

Book Ban Lie Backed By Conservative Cumberland County: Letter To Editor

Book Ban Lie Backed By Conservative Cumberland County

We are sorry to see that Cumberland County Commissioners Gary Eichelberger (Republican), Chair Jean Foschi (Democrat) and Vince DiFilippo (Republican) have posted a press release on the county web site from the Cumberland County Library System promoting the “banned book” narrative:–Banned-Books-Week-2022-Books-Unite-Us-Censorship-Divides-Us–

Where was the American Library Association when they banned Dr. Seuss, Huckleberry Finn, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, To Kill a Mockingbird, and other American classics? The answer is “nowhere to be found,” because that did not fit into the Woke Narrative. As American classics continue to be purged from our libraries, as they are deliberating in the Camp Hill School District, the Hard Left is pushing pervasively vulgar and educationally unsuitable books to minors in the name of “free speech.” 

Public school libraries have an obligation and moral responsibility to have high quality, age-appropriate literature that will enrich students’ lives and academic experience, not put their mental and developmental well-being at risk. The trend of pushing unsuitable books on our children is particularly troubling when purchased with funds taken from tax-paying citizens that they would never want their children to read if they were aware of their contents. 

The hyper-sexualization of our young children is a disturbing and evil trend in our schools, from drag queen story hours marketed to toddlers, to directing students to highly sexualized pornographic content on school search engines, to the social media obsession with talking about sex and “gender-fluidity,” our children are being destabilized by being bombarded with deviant concepts and told they have to accept them as “normal.” 

Parents across America who have been attending school board meetings to advise their school directors of the contents of these books and ask for their removal. School directors who do nothing are negligent and should be removed from office when they are up for election in 2023. 

Take Back Our Schools PAC is dedicated to helping parents in Cumberland County fight for a return to appropriate, high quality education, which includes the recommendation of good literature. 

For more information or to get involved, email

Lois Kaneshiki

Take Back Our Schools PAC

Book Ban Lie Backed By Conservative Cumberland County
Book Ban Lie Backed By Conservative Cumberland County

Aston Drop Box Concerns: Letter to Editor

Aston Drop Box Concerns: Letter to Editor

Mr Stigale, Mr Higgens, Aston Board of Commishinors:

It has come to my attention there is an unattended drop box at the abandoned township building located on Pennell Road.

In addition to the building being vacated there appears to be a solar powered camera. Is this camera operational? Does this camera function at night and is there a reliable power source that will ensure this camera is functional at all times? How is data obtained from this device, are there any radio transmitters of any kind or any removeable storage?

A vacant building and questionable security is clearly justification enough to remove the drop box. At least two other neighboring municipalities have removed their drop boxes and there is a lawsuit in a neighboring county over similar concerns that may have statewide implications.

In light of this information I request you, the duly elected representatives of the People of Aston Township, to vote immediately and unanimously to remove this drop box as soon as possible before the next election and not to replace it at this or any other location within the township, now or in the future.


Joseph B Dychala

Aston, PA

Aston Drop Box Concerns

Leanne Must Back Krasner Impeachment

Leanne Must Back Krasner ImpeachmentThe is an open letter to State Rep. Leanne Krueger (D-161)

Rep. Kruger:

Have you been to Philadelphia lately? I am sure you are well aware of the fact US Congressional Representative Mary Gay Scanlon was recently car jacked in broad daylight right off of Broad Street near FDR Park.

I have recently been to the city of Philadelphia and it is a disgrace. There is little to no police presence to maintain law and order. In addition there are literal gangs of off road vehicles disobeying every traffic law on the books. One of these bike gangs I saw on Spring Garden street had at least two dozen vehicles including dirt bikes, 3 and 4 wheeled ATV, dune buggies and numerous other vehicles clearly not legal for street use in the city limits.

The root cause of these and other problems including record high homicides in Philadelphia are a direct result of DA Larry Krasner’s soft on crime policies that release criminals back on to the street to continue to go on crime sprees and cause mayhem.

As a constituent in the neighboring 161st Legislative District I would like to know what you plan to do about this. More importantly I insist you vote in the affirmative to impeach Larry Krasner for dereliction of duty.

Do not put partisan issues above the safety of Americans who live, work and travel to what was once called the City of Brotherly Love but now more resembles a third world country in many areas.

I demand you fulfill your oath to the Constitution and vote to impeach Larry Krasner. Protecting law abiding citizens, not career criminals, is the responsibility of both you as a legislator with over sight powers as well as the District Attorney with prosecutorial powers. Larry Krasner has failed the City of Philadelphia and as such he must be held accountable.


Joseph B Dychala

Aston, PA 19014

Leanne Must Back Krasner Impeachment
Leanne Must Back Krasner Impeachment

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Here is an open letter to the West Chester Area School Board:

To: Dr. Bob Sokolowski, Mr. Chris McCune, and members of the WCASB:

As a retired college teacher, mother of two and grandmother of four, all of whom have all attended public schools, I have supported public education all of my life.  I have opposed school choice until just recently since I feared that the poorest students with uninformed parents could end up in the worst schools.  Over the years I’ve praised the WCASD profusely to neighbors in my local community and also to those in other districts.  I have never, even as a senior citizen, complained about school tax increases as long as academics are a top priority in the school district.  However, the cultish, CRT-related DEI ideologies that are infecting our public schools (including the WCASD) with their concomitant racist, political, sexual and emotional indoctrinations and propagandizing of our school students have caused a 180 degree turnaround in all of my aforementioned viewpoints.  From certain observations, it seems apparent, and is unacceptable to me, that the WCASD is heavily involved in social engineering pursuits to the detriment of academics.  However, that is a story for another time. 

The duplicitous and evasive manner in which the West Chester school board and administration mishandled the latest fiasco involving the book Gender Queer at the October 25 school board meeting has further diminished my once positive opinion of the WCASD.   


  • Chris Manos, a district resident, showed pictures from the book Gender Queer to the board and asked board members to raise their hands if they thought the images were pornographic. The school attorney immediately told the board members not to respond and they did not.  
    Note: I totally understand and agree that board members should not have responded at that time since the rules specify that school board directors are not to answer questions posed of them in the Comments portion of the meeting.  I also believe that this is a sensible rule.
  • During Mr. Manos’ speech, there was quite a commotion from the audience and the meeting went into a 15-minute recess.
  • After the recess, Chris McCune, the board president, stated emphatically…“That book is not in our district, that book is not in a district in our county, that book is not in a district in our state. So therefore it’s not really material to our board meetings.”  This statement can be seen in the video of the 10/25 meeting at ~1:15.21 minutes.
    Note: This premature statement turned out to be totally false and should never have been made.  It would have been more prudent for Mr. McCune to have told the audience that the school board would check into this situation and would reply to Mr. Manos when they acquired more information, but he did not.  In fact, not only was Gender Queer a suggested book that was linked to the WCASD web site but it was later found to be in two of WCASD’s high school libraries – East and Rustin.
  • The board and WCASD administration then went into damage control. On October 26, Mr. McCune responded to an unidentified person in an email saying: “I have confirmed that the book in question was part of the 2020 recommended reading list for grades 10th through 12th grade on our Equity page.  The board will be reviewing this list with the administration.”  

    The district removed the link the morning after the board meeting so that it can no longer be accessed.  However, months before, a watchdog group had made screen shots and recorded URL’s of what had been there previously and included these in the attached document that they compiled, entitled “Compilation and Examination of Portions of the Equity Resources Specified on West Chester Area School District’s Web Site.” The screen shots and live links leading to the Gender Queer book can be found on pp.17-24.  

    A description of the removal (“scrubbing”) process and before-and-after screen shots are documented in the attachment entitled: “Scrubbing of Link on WCASD Web Site to Gender Queer Book Description.”
  • Dr. Sokolowski sent the following mass email to district parents the morning of Friday, October 29:

Subject: Library Book Information 
From: ”” <
Date: Fri, October 29, 2021 11:31 am 
Dear WCASD Parents/Guardians,
It is our goal to provide high-quality, age-appropriate reading materials in our schools. At our most recent School Board meeting, a resident brought a book to our attention that he felt was too sexually graphic. This book, Gender Queer, an American Library Association award-winning text, was in circulation at the East and Rustin school libraries.  Upon my review, I immediately pulled both copies to place the book through our administrative review process.
As outlined in School Board Policy 906, any person(s) may bring a book they have concerns about to our attention. Our process is to first review the book with our administrative team. If there are remaining questions or concerns, we then form a committee to review the text and determine whether it is appropriate for our school libraries. This is a process that has been in place for a number of years.
The book in question was brought to us during a School Board meeting, however, our School Board is not involved in the selection of library books or the development of reading lists. The process of how books are selected for placement in our libraries is one that we haven’t examined in many years. We are always looking for opportunities to grow, and we will be evaluating this process with the support of our school librarians. Again, our goal is to provide reading material that is engaging, relevant, and also appropriate.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s principal or me. I wish everyone a great weekend.
Sincerely, Dr. Bob Sokolowski, Superintendent


  • Mr. Manos was publicly humiliated by the board when they virtually dismissed his concerns about the Gender Queer book as irrelevant by incorrectly noting that this book had no association with the WCASD. At the very least the board and administration owe Mr. Manos a public apology.
  • Mr. McCune deserves credit for admitting the very next day that there had been a link to Gender Queer on the WCASD web site; however, I doubt that he had a choice since there were many who had proof of what had been there prior to October 26. It’s anyone’s guess as to whether the “review and update” of the WCASD page less than a day after the school board meeting was because the district genuinely didn’t want a link suggesting a pornographic book on their web site or whether it was an effort to cover up (“scrub”) this link to a suggested book that included graphic sexual images.
  • Dr. Sokolowski’s situation is delicate since he has to both accommodate and avoid offending numerous groups – the school board, teachers, parents and taxpayers. However, describing Gender Queer in his email to the parents as “an American Library Association award-winning text,” seems deliberately deceptive in that he whitewashed a book containing pages that innumerable individuals, including myself, consider to be irrefutably pornographic.  He never mentioned or took responsibility for the incorrect information that had been presented to the numerous attendees at the school board meeting nor did he apologize to Mr. Manos for the board’s dismissiveness regarding his legitimate concern.  The email seemed to be crafted so as to mislead parents who knew nothing about the situation into thinking that this was just a complaint from one resident who thinks that the book is too sexually graphic.  I assure you that there are countless parents and taxpayers who share Mr. Manos’ viewpoints!  I wish that Dr. Sokolowski had spent the three days before sending out the email to read the book, consult with others, and make a decision as to whether this book is indeed is too sexually graphic to be in our school libraries.  However, no such opinion was relayed to parents in the email.  Instead, almost the entire email discussed the procedures for reviewing books.
  • Certainly, Dr. Sokolowski and the school board cannot vet every single book that is in our school libraries. However, it would seem that the East and Rustin high school librarians should bear some responsibility for allowing such sexually explicit material to be put on their shelves.
  • There is absolutely no question that some pages in Gender Queer contain graphic and pornographic sexual images. Some of the text and also some images can be seen in the video of an outraged mother who excoriated the Fairfax, VA school board regarding this book that was in their school library. 
    Note: I find many of the comments to the video at least as despicable as the book but it is the only video I could find to describe portions of the book.
    There are also links to two of the sexually explicit images that Mr. Manos showed the WCASD school board in the article noted at the end of this email.
  • I want to make it very clear that my strong objection to this book is not that it contains LGBTQ pornographic sexual images; I would object just as strongly if it contained heterosexual pornographic sexual images.

The manner in which this entire episode was handled by the school board and the administration was disappointing and an unfortunate stain on the reputation of the WCASD.  This book containing sexually graphic images is just one of numerous examples in which the implementation of the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion ideologies facilitate sexual indoctrinations of our students.  Had Mr. Manos not spoken up, Gender Queer would undoubtedly still be on the high school library shelves with possibly more of the same added in the future.  

In closing, I strongly urge you to read the attachment entitled “Compilation and Examination of Portions of the Equity Resources Specified on West Chester Area School District’s Web Site.” This was assembled in August of 2021 by a watchdog group in the WCASD.  It clearly demonstrates how engrained the CRT-related DEI ideologies are in the WCASD.  The examples provided therein are only a tip of the iceberg of what is actually on the WCASD web site. 
Thank you for listening. 

Joanne Yurchak 

West Chester, PA

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools