Institute For Justice And Public Interest Law

Institute For Justice And Public Interest Law

By Bob Small

Yet another group we learned about at the Bill of Rights Banquet was The Institute for Justice which describes itself as “ a nonprofit, public interest law firm. Our mission is to end widespread abuses of government power and secure the constitutional rights that allow all Americans to pursue their dreams”

So far, they have won 10 of their 12 cases at the Supreme Court and “returned $21 million in wrongfully seized assets”, among other victories.

The Institute can be traced to 1992 Chip Mellor’s Enduring Legacy of Liberty as a civil law firm “to protect the constitutional rights of ordinary Americans”.

Cases in which it was involved included i The FBI wrongly raided this family’s home, which involved an Atlanta family by an FBI SWAT raid on the wrong Atlanta house and the subsequent refusal of the FBI to reimburse for expenses; an issue of “civil forfeiture” in which Nevada Court Shuts Down Police Use of Federal Loophole

The case meant “Law enforcement hadno business profiting from civil forfeiture,” said IJ Attorney Brian Morris. “ See also Court shuts down highway patrol’s civil asset forfeiture …

Source Watch, in their evaluation of IJ, Institute for Justice – SourceWatch mentions that PFAW (People for thr American Way) , a Progressive organization, has described IJ as a “one of the litigation groups that has “eagerly sought out potential court challenges in lower-income urban communities” and has loudly claimed “the mantle of supporters of education for the disadvantaged.” Whether Charles Koch, who provided seed money for IJ, would regard this favorably, is a moot point.

Influence watch has a similar article Institute for Justice – InfluenceWatch mentions their cases on free speech and qualified immunity etc.

In Pennsylvania, see Nazareth Man Sues Borough Over Law Criminalizing ‘For Sale’ 

To summarize, IJ may be claimed by both the Left and the Right depending on the case.

Maybe these Left/Right divisions are blurring. Any thoughts?

Institute For Justice And Public Interest Law

Institute For Justice And Public Interest Law

New commandment William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-17-25

New commandment William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-17-25

Id pccdjcrt iwpi iwtgt bjhi qt cd rgxixrxhb du iwt egthxstci xh bdgpaan igtphdcpqat id iwt Pbtgxrpc ejqaxr.
Iwtdsdgt Gddhtktai

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.


New commandment William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-17
A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.

Old body William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-16-25

Old body William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-16-25

O bsk qcaaobrasbh W uwjs ibhc mci: Hvoh mci zcjs cbs obchvsf, og W vojs zcjsr mci, hvoh mci ozgc zcjs cbs obchvsf. Pm hvwg gvozz ozz asb ybck hvoh mci ofs am rwgqwdzsg, wt mci vojs zcjs cbs tcf obchvsf.


Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: There’s many a young heart that beats in an old body

Evelyn Waugh (At least we thought so)

Old body William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-16
Old body William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-16-20

Activists Have 50 State Trump Protest

Activists Have 50 State Trump Protest

By Bob Small

In times of Protest

Musk rat Musk rat

DC’s middle-aged brat

So let’s say you were raised in a time when the belief that Trans Rights were just another component to be added to the hard-won GLB rights, that there was only one side to the wars in the Middle East, that the “guv mint” is the ultimate and only problem solver and we need ever-increasing amounts of it and-suddenly there’s a loud crash!

The 50/50 Movement is a nationwide “grassroots” anti-Trump movement.. They managed to hold 50 protests in 50 states, hence the title. They are working with Our Revolution: HOME, founded for the 2016 Presidential Campaign of Bernie Sanders. Didn’t Presidential Sanders have a nice ring to it Protests happened in Harrisburg and Philly though not in Swarthmore. Where were our Democrats?!

See also Where in Pennsylvania is 50501 movement happening?

Amazingly, not everyone believes in the legitimacy of this movement, understanding that it went from a “grassroots organization to a progressive Democratic organization (see above).

Note:This followed A Day Without Immigrants. To be clear, the Day without Immigrants happened under the Biden./Harris inner interregnum.

There were some injuries during these fifty/fifty events, though none in Philly including one 17-year-old boy who was stabbed. There have not been any updates on his condition, though one witness claimed “the stabbing was unexpected”.

The website is New Subreddit for the 50501 Movement here in Pittsburgh and the Instagram address is We the American People (@50501movement) Many of my generation have stopped at Facebook. Then again, as someone reminded me, this group is more youth-oriented.

Some of the rally participants/slogans were interesting as per 50501. For instance Wisconsin’s 50/50 day included the John Brown Gun Club , Californians had signs “F Elan and the Felon”.Oregonincluded The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an Ohioan had a sign “Jesus was a refugee”?!,

Let’s leave the last words (partial quote) to Stuart Adams the GOP President of the Utah Senate . We think it’s worth reading   “ I think we need to give him some time to see the results of his action. I think to actually criticize something before the policies actually have a chance to have the effect that they’re trying to achieve, I think is probably premature”.[107]

Activists Have 50 State Trump Protest

Activists Have 50 State Trump Protest

Chocolate now and then William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-15-25

Chocolate now and then William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-15-25

Gurer’f znal n lbhat urneg gung orngf va na byq obql
Riryla Jnhtu

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.

Charles M. Schulz

Chocolate now and then William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-15
Chocolate now and then William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-15-20

Seditionist Stollsteimer

Seditionist Stollsteimer — Delaware County, Pa. District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer has declared he won’t help U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrest illegal immigrants.

Prosecutors swear to uphold laws even if they don’t agree with them.

Stollsteimer was put in by George Soros back in 2019 with the specific intent to ignore lawbreaking by select groups to create chaos.

How is that not sedition?

And Jack, if you enter this country in violation of the law you are a lawbreaker.

Seditionist Stollsteimer
How is not committing sedition?

Beauty itself William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-14-25

Beauty itself William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-14-25

Mxx kag zqqp ue xahq. Ngf m xuffxq otaoaxmfq zai mzp ftqz paqez’f tgdf.
Otmdxqe Y. Eotgxl

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the Infinite.

Francis Bacon

Beauty itself William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-14
Beauty itself William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-14-20

US Workers Lost Ground to Immigrants In January

US Workers Lost Ground to Immigrants In January

By Joe Guzzardi

As always, the monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report requires scrutiny to uncover the nuances that obscure the truth. On February 7, the BLS released the January 2025 economic report. Throughout former President Biden’s four-year term, analysts cast a skeptical eye on what they claimed were inflated job creation totals. Last Labor Day, the BLS confirmed a significant error, and confessed to overstating job creation numbers from March 2023 to March 2024 by at least 818,000, the largest miscalculation in 15 years.

In January, total non-farm payroll employment rose by 143,000, with job gains concentrated in low-paying sectors including health care, retail trade, and social assistance. Conversely, employment declined in higher-paying industries such as mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction.

Immigration experts have long speculated about how the Biden administration’s border policies would manifest in monthly BLS data. During Biden’s presidency, millions of illegal aliens crossed the border, most requiring employment to support themselves. The CBP-One mobile phone app—an illegal Biden maneuver—was officially announced in 2023 but actually had begun in 2021, providing a means for illegal aliens to fly to their preferred U.S. city. The administration unconstitutionally granted them parole, an immigration status that includes employment authorization. The impact of these newly admitted millions on the workforce was inevitable, though it was unlikely to be highlighted during Biden’s tenure. Immigration, typically a taboo subject for Biden and his staff, was rarely discussed except in positive terms.

The Center for Immigration Studies’ (CIS) Director of Research, Steven Camarota, analyzed the January 2025 Household Survey, which finally accounted for the substantial legal and illegal immigration surge since 2020. The significant population increase predictably influenced the labor market. The new BLS data revealed that since January 2020—the period just before COVID and the immigration surge—88 percent of all employment growth has gone to legal and illegal immigrants, often referred to as foreign-born. Immigrant-dominated employment occurred simultaneously with a near-record share, 22.1 percent, of working-age U.S.-born men detached from the labor force.

As CIS previously noted, earlier surveys’ failure to fully account for the illegal immigration flow resulted in an underestimation of the total U.S. population. Good news for American workers appears on the horizon. President Trump’s commitment to securing the border and his immediate cancellation of the CBP-One app have dampened prospective illegal aliens’ enthusiasm for entering the U.S. unlawfully. In January, the U.S. manufacturing sector expanded for the first time after 26 months of contraction, as the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI)—an indicator of prevailing economic trends in manufacturing and service sectors—registered 50.9 percent, 1.7 percentage points higher than the seasonally adjusted 49.2 percent reported in December.

Of the subindexes that directly factor into PMI, new orders, production, employment, and supplier deliveries were in expansion territory compared to only two subindexes showing improvement in December, the last full month of the Biden administration. PMI has surged since President Trump’s November election, as manufacturers and buyers anticipate more business-friendly policies.

The remainder of the first calendar quarter will reveal whether Trump’s presidency truly represents an America-first agenda or if his current popularity is merely a temporary blip on the four-year political radar.

Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst. Contact him at

Fastest typist William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-13-25

Fastest typist William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-13-25

Mplfej tedpwq td mfe esp dpydtmwp txlrp zq esp Tyqtytep.
Qclyntd Mlnzy

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Clark Kent may seem like just a mild-mannered reporter, but listen, not only does he know how to treat his editor-in-chief with the proper respect, not only does he have a snappy, punchy prose style, but he is, in my forty years in this business, the fastest typist I’ve ever seen.

Perry White

Fastest typist William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-13
Fastest typist William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-13-20

Montco President Judge Told To Protect Children

Montco President Judge Told To Protect Children — A hearing for our friend Jody McMahon Wilson was postponed, yesterday, Feb. 11, before Montgomery County, Pa., Judge Virgil B. Walker.

It concerned her long-standing custody battle.

There was some video.

Why is there even a dispute?

Child rights activist Sean Connolly says he has been in contact with President Judge Carolyn T. Carluccio.

A documentarian was on hand to record events and Connolly unveiled evidence that implicates a major cover up.

Montco President Judge Told To Protect Children
Jody McMahon Wilson and her family seven years ago