The Internet Says Biden Quits Campaign

The Internet Says Biden Quits Campaign — Something in Joe Biden’s name was posted on the internet yesterday, July 21, claiming that he was quitting his re-election campaign.

Shouldn’t that have been done in a live televised statement?

Of course, it did have Biden’s signature.

Or, um, not.

And if Biden is unable to run for re-election can he really, really, really be trusted with the nuclear arsenal?

President Harris now.

President Trump in January.

And who was the sadist that caused this statement to be released on National Ice Cream Day?

The Internet Says Biden Quits Campaign

The Internet Says Biden Quits Campaign

Clanging cymbal William W. Lawrence Sr 7-22-24

Clanging cymbal William W. Lawrence Sr 7-22-24

Oek zkij auuf fkixydw. Oek zkij auuf fkixydw. Y cqtu uluho cyijqau jxqj sekbt ru cqtu. Rkj Y zkij aufj fkixydw.
Hudu Tuisqhjui

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
St. Paul 1 Corinthians 13:1

clanging cymbal

Baselines run uphill William W. Lawrence Sr 7-21-24

Baselines run uphill William W. Lawrence Sr 7-21-24

Vs V fcrnx va gur gbathrf bs zbegnyf naq bs natryf, ohg qb abg unir ybir, V nz n abvfl tbat be n pynatvat plzony.
Fg. Cnhy 

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: All ballplayers should quit when it starts to feel as if all the baselines run uphill.
Babe Ruth

 All ballplayers should quit when it starts to feel as if all the baselines run uphill.
Babe Ruth

What If Lawyer Stops Client From Testifying To Prove Her Mind Is Good?

What If Lawyer Stops Client From Testifying To Prove Her Mind Is Good? — We’ve written about how 70-year-old Arthur Herring spent almost two month in jail after picketing the Bucks County home of attorney David Jaskowiak.

Jaskowiak was appointed by Montgomery County Orphans’ Court to represent Arthur’s mother, Jane, in guardianship matter.

Jane died July 2 just a few hours before Bucks County President Judge Raymond F. McHugh revoked Arthur’s bail and returned him to the Bucks County jail.

Arthur had been unable to see Jane since December.

Even before that his time had been restricted.

Jaskowiak was among those Arthur considered responsible for this happening.

It’s one thing to protect a parent from an abusive child but in this case, Jane desperately wanted to see Arthur.

It’s rather cruel if you think about it.

We’ve been sent video of Jaskowiak giving a seminar on guardianship issues. He says at one point that the client upon whom he is imposed is not compelled to testify.

Arthur says, however, his mother wanted to testify but was stopped by Jaskowiak. Futher, Jane’s doctor and financial advisor were prevented from testifying on her behalf.

How exactly is that representation?

Under the law once the court appoints a lawyer in a matter of incapacitation, the lawyer cannot be fired or replaced.

Among others who Arthur blames for the suffering imposed on himself and his mother is Judge Gail A. Weilheimer of Montgomery County Common Pleas Court.

Judge Weilheimer has been nominated by Joe Biden to serve as  United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

She is the wife of Philadelphia Inquirer Vice President and Chief General Counsel Larry Wellheimer, and closely connected to Gov. Josh Shapiro.

What If Lawyer Stops Client From Testifying
All bad roads lead to Josh

Created by philosophy William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-20-24

Created by philosophy William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-20-24

Mxx nmxxbxmkqde etagxp cguf itqz uf efmdfe fa rqqx me ur mxx ftq nmeqxuzqe dgz gbtuxx.
Nmnq Dgft

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy.
Margaret Thatcher

Created by philosophy William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit
 America was created by philosophy.
Margaret Thatcher

The Council Is America’s Secret Ruler

The Council Is America’s Secret Ruler — Greg Stenstrom has a article in the July 18 Intelligencer about a group usually not credited with being a power behind any throne.

Greg’s article is The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America? and its subject is a group of law enforcement officials not subject to any authority due to the Inspector General Act of 1978.

Neither the president, nor Congress, nor the Supreme Court can rein them in.

Greg says the present council includes US Inspector General Michael Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Director Office Professional Responsibility (OPR) Jeffrey Ragsdale, Chief Public Integrity Sector (PIN) Corey Amundson, Deputy USAG Lisa Monaco, 1st Principal Deputy USAG Marshall Miller.)

The article can be found here:

The Council Is America's Secret Ruler

The Council Is America’s Secret Ruler

Familiar pillow William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-19-24

Familiar pillow William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-19-24

Ndaxyn fjb lanjcnm kh qrbcxah. Jvnarlj fjb lanjcnm kh yqruxbxyqh.
Vjapjanc Cqjclqna

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.
Lin Yutang

Familiar pillow William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit
Familiar pillow William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-19-19

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations — Peter Bernegger, president of Election Watch, posted on X, July 17,that there are 1,420,435 improperly registered voters in Pennsylvania.

His breakdown is:

  • Registered to a commercial address: 2,405
  • Missing or wrong APT, STE, Unit #: 323,524
  • Invalid address: 346,505
  • Used Post Office Physical Address: 240
  • Registration occurred on a fed holiday: 315,517
  • Moved, left no forwarding address: 27,672 -Permanently moved out of state: 262,488
  • Permanently moved to a new county: 169,083 (within Pennsylvania)
  • Total: 1,420,435

He says the real danger is bad actors using these registrations to mail-in votes regardless of the intent of those in whose names the registrations are made.

This is the motivation for the push to register illegals.

The illegals will likely not try to vote but their names will be used.

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Pennsylvania Has 1.4 Million Bad Voter Registrations

Privacy Concerns Aired About Swarthmore Security Cameras

Privacy Concerns Aired About Swarthmore Security Cameras

By Bob Small

In July and August, Swarthmore Borough Council cuts its meetings to once a month from two in July and August.

Due to our 2024 Covid, this post is based on the YouTube feed of council’s July 8 meeting The Swarthmorean article from July 12.

We begin with the Environment Committee. Chairman David Boonin, having realized that both sides had issues with the stalled combustion-powered outdoor maintenance equipment proposal, has embarked on a “listening tour” and has even floated the idea of a referendum. Imagine!. Citizens voting on a policy! I sent him an approving e-mail.

During the Finance Committee segment, Chairman Steve Karp instructed the public to pay with the tan copy of the tax bill, as the green copy is incorrect. Maybe we should increase the pay of our civil servants so they send out the right copies the first time.

Janna Garland of the General Government Committee had the difficult task of justifying the purchase and installation of security cameras in downtown Swarthmore. This is so we can catch the miscreants who vandalized our rainbow crosswalks.

Councilmember Scarlett McCahill spoke for many of us.

“Any potential benefits in public safety are outweighed by the potential challenges to privacy, civil liberty, and the sense of welcome and care we’re trying to create,” she said.

Mayor Marty Spiegel, wondered if those in the public square “have an expectation to privacy”.

It won’t bother me. I’ll just wear my Joe Biden mask.

Ms. McCahill, who chairs the Planning and Zoning Committee approved the use of “permitting campaign offices as a permitted temporary use in the Town Center District.”

Public Safety Chairwoman Kristen Seymore discussed the Swarthmore Fire Department joint request for proposal with the Nether Providence Fire Department. She said if there was a house fire “you really don’t want-per mutual aid, six different fire trucks, with guys who don’t know each other and haven’t worked together, showing up to put out your house fire,”

And Borough Manager Bill Webb explained that three entities wanted council to favor their position in front of the Swarthmore Zoning Hearing Board.

After much discussion, it was agreed that all the would be referred to zoning hearing without council taking a position.

Privacy Concerns Aired About Swarthmore Security Cameras