Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes — Hadassah Feinberg early this morning, July 24, posted another video regarding Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro. This one says he is complicit in the July 13 attempted assassination of President Donald Trump in Butler, Pa. along with the murder of Corey Comperatore, and the wounding of two others.

Ms. Feinberg, who had been an active member of the Harrisburg Jewish community, says Shapiro is guilty of numerous other crimes — including murder and cover ups of murder.

She had been a supporter of Shapiro and had even attended a closed even at the Governor’s Residence last September.

A few weeks afterwards, though, she became involved in a matter involving the grandchildren of a convicted sex abuser with connections to Josh.

She says she “saved them” and had to flee Dauphin County 10 days later due to threats.

She first moved to neighboring Cumberland County, but has now left the state.

Ms. Feinberg says the Harrisburg Jewish community fears speaking up due Shapiro’s willingness to cruelly retaliate.

Her letter cites Shapiro’s cover-up of Ellen Greenberg‘s murder. Ms Greenberg been engaged to Shapiro’s childhood friend and donor, Samuel Goldberg.

Ms. Feinberg has filed a private criminal complaint charging Shapiro with homicide relating to the murder of Comperatore and attempted assassination of Trump.

Here is her letter:

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes --

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes --

Below is her YouTube video. How long will it stay up?

Hat tip Sean Connolly.

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes.

Greg Stenstrom Guest On Roger Stone

Greg Stenstrom Guest On Roger Stone — Greg Stenstrom of Glen Mills, Pa. and retired Marine Col. Timothy Schindel were Roger Stone’s guests, July 23, on the StoneZone.

They described the danger America faces from the unelected people in the federal bureaucracy who feel, probably rightly, their easy living ends with a Donald Trump second term.

They said to a major event before the election such a bio attack or a financial meltdown

Also discussed was The Council, a group of federal officials, especially inspector generals, who are accountable to no one.

The goal of these people isn’t to provide for a just and prosperous society but to transfer wealth from citizens to go themselves.

Also election integrity was discussed along with the steps being taken to keep the debacle of 2020 from happening again.

They said mail-in ballots are the main source of vote fraud. Greg noted that one solution would be to stop using central counting centers like the Wharf in Delco, and to return the counting to the precincts.

Greg noted the victory won by himself and Leah Hoopes in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court when sued for defamation. The pair represented themselves. He pointed out they didn’t back down and used a truth defense. The other side quite when they saw the evidence they had showing widespread fraud.

Watch it here:–the-stonezone-7.23.24-7am-est.html

The book by Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes concerning the 2020 election in Delaware County

Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-24

Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-24

Sej kn hkoa, zk ep bwenhu.
Gjqpa Nkygja

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
Malcolm Forbes

Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowi
Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-19