Trump Planned Snowden Pardon But — If you want a good explanation as to why Donald Trump did not pardon whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, check the video by journalist Glenn Greenwald.
If you don’t feel like watching the whole thing, the conclusion is that Republican deep-state senators like Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio threatened to join the bizarre second impeachment trial as he was about to leave office. A conviction would have then been possible and this would have disqualified him from public office it is thought.
William McSwain Is Source Of Letter Saying Barr Stopped Vote Fraud Investigation — William McSwain, who served as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, which includes Philadelphia, is the source cited by President Trump in his talk before the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) three days ago (July 10) that says then Attorney General Bill Barr directed him not to investigate vote fraud from the 2020 Election.
America Under Attack, Not Just Trump — A certain type of traditional Republican voter has feelings towards President Trump so emotionally driven reasoned discussion almost seems impossible.
Still, we will try.
President Trump in his time in office has removed us from the Paris Climate scam — you get that not only did this cripple our industry and strengthen China but required the US to pay for energy projects overseas, right?; destroyed “JV team” ISIS as a holder of territory; pushed for pipelines, opened ANWR for drilling; cut the Federal Register, the official journal of federal agency rules, to its lowest size in 25 years; and flipped the 2nd, 3rd and 11th Circuit Courts from radical progressive to quasi-sane, and may have done the same to even more extreme 9th Circuit; and quieted Iran by killing its top general.
He also was the first president since Reagan to stand up to China, which has imperial and totalitarian ambitions.
You really think the impeachment hoax concerned something Trump did wrong?
You really think the disturbances in our streets still have something to do with George Floyd?
It’s not just the President under attack, but all of us.
Theranos Director Blasts Trump, Mattis Likes His $$ — Gen. Jim Mattis joined the Marines Corps Reserve in 1969 then commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1972 missing out on Vietnam. He rose through the ranks becoming a four-star general in 2005.
If one wants to be a cynic one can say his most notable achievement was coining the phrase “no better friend, no worse enemy” with regard to the Marines.
After retiring from the military, Mattis joined the boards of General Dynamics, a major cog in the military-industrial complex, and Theranos, a bio-tech firm that, well, you can read about it here and elsewhere.
Mattis pushed to have Theranos’ blood-testing tech used by combat troops. That would not have been a good thing.
President Trump upon his election naively picked the Mattis as his Secretary of Defense. After two tension-filled years Mattis quit when Trump insisted on troop withdrawals from the Mideast. Mattis returned to General Dynamics and more big bucks.
But hey, he’s a patriot. Don’t criticize or question those making our (and others) bombs and guns.
As rioters loot businesses, burn churches, abuse citizens and ambush police, Mattis is now blaming Trump. How dare he defend the public! How dare he divide the nation! Hey General, the only major pol in D.C. that could have stopped Derek Chauvin was Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Mn). Just saying.
Of course, these riots have nothing to do with the murder of George Floyd. It’s a planned insurrection and if it wasn’t Mr. Floyd’s death it would have been something else. Yes, General, use of the military is warranted although we strongly suspect that the gang at G-D is sympathetic to the insurrection. Anything to get rid of an obstacle to overseas wars, right?
Theranos Director Blasts Trump, Mattis Likes His $$
His Justice Department is going pedal to the metal against these cretins.
On Jan. 28, it sought court orders restraining two groups of companies — one operating in New York and one in Arizona — from facilitating fraudulent calls most of which originate in India.
One of the Arizona companies carried 720 million calls over 23 days.
Yesterday, Jan. 29, the Federal Trade Commission — which is now controlled by Republicans — gave notice to 19 internet-based phone companies that facilitating robocalls will land them in legal trouble.
Did he break the law by asking the Ukrainians to investigate the Biden crime family’s corruption in that country? How can someone charged with enforcing the law — that would be the President — break the law by investigating lawbreaking and corruption? He can’t.
Was it a Prime Directive thing in which he interfered with the development of the Planet of Ukraine? Leaving aside that the Prime Directive is not US law, he didn’t do that as per the transcript of his call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Anyway, former Vice President Joe Biden boasted about doing exactly that and has yet to be charged.
Keep at it Rudy.
So if President Trump has been diligently doing the tasks to which the Constitution obliges and did not commit any high crimes and misdemeanors, why are the Democrats trying to impeach him? Why not merely vote him out next year as has traditionally been done by opposing parties especially when the incumbent is unpopular as they allege?
Why are the Deep State bureaucrats swarming out of hiding to help the Democrarts? Why has the establishment media taken off its false mask of objectivity and joined in?
Can you say fear? Desperation? They are the only things that make sense.
U.S. Attorney John Henry Durham and Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz are expected at any moment to release damning reports that will lead to criminal charges against high ranking Obama Administration personnel. Some think those indicted may include Obama’s FBI Director James Comey and CIA Director John Brennan.
Could it go even further? Bill? Hillary? Members of the media? Members of Congress? Is that why Adam Schiff seems afraid?
Will it go beyond violations of law enforcement standards, false swearing and wiretapping? Could it include treason? Murder?
Why was Attorney General William Barr recently in Italy? Why was Joseph Mifsud reported to have been kidnapped in that country in 2017?
Red Pilling Impeachment Scam — Those of us who are “red pilled” are laughing at the establishmentarian impeachment scam against President Trump. You want to impeach President Trump because he made a phone call to a foreign leader? Seriously? To “dig up dirt” about a political opponent? Seriously?
You want to red pill yourself ask why then Vice President Joe Biden’s son was sitting on the board of the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings. Ask why Joe Biden forced Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire his Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in March 2016. Did you know that Poroshenko and Shokin were investigating Burisma and the Biden connection?
Regarding Trump, ask why Biden shouldn’t come up in a conversation with Ukraine. It would be a mere matter of diplomatic protocol considering Biden (and Obama) intervened in their judicial system.
Regarding digging up dirt ask why the mouthpieces are upset about it. Aren’t journalists supposed to want dirt dug up and truth revealed? Remember the problem isn’t digging up dirt it is making the dirt up.
Ask why the mouthpieces are more upset about Trump’s rather conventional phone call than the leaking of it which obviously and significantly hampers all our diplomatic outreaches. Ask why the mouthpieces are more upset about the phone call than the FBI falsifying affidavits presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court that allowed spying on an actual major party presidential nominee.
How come the mouthpieces aren’t outraged that the FBI (and CIA) interfered in the 2016 elections?
Gutless Mueller Ignores Real Scandal — In a disgraceful, gutless final act Robert Mueller at his farewell appearance before the press implied he didn’t recommend that President Trump be charged with obstruction of justice only because he was the president.
Really? You couldn’t find any evidence that he colluded with the Russians but implied he still could have committed the lame process crime of obstruction?
You are either so clueless that you can’t conceive of the division in the country that you are unwilling to heal or so craven you figure getting back in the good social graces of the D.C. establishment is more important.
Did the FBI meddle? The CIA? Those are far more concerning questions to the average American.
But you are a gutless swamp dweller who is part of the machine and took your final bow on the national stage to take a gratuitous shot at President Trump.
Mexico Paying For Wall After All — Joel Pollack on Breitbart points out that President Trump can start building the wall now and can burn through $4.5 billion before even touching the $3.6 billion from his contested national emergency declaration.
Pollack says the money available now includes $600 million from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund (Mexican drug lords), $2.5 billion from the Department of Defense to support counterdrug activities, and the $1.4 billion from the just approved budget. Only the money in the budget has restrictions, Pollack says.
Roger Stone Robert Mueller Questions — Trump confidant Roger Stone was arrested in a pre-dawn raid today (Jan. 25) happily video-tapped by a tipped-off CNN.
Gabe Hoffman of An Open Secret notes involved were about 12 heavily armed FBI agents in black tactical gear. He points out that Stone is a 66 year old man without a history of violence who was being sought for white collar process crimes.
It’s a good question. There are a lot of good questions. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who ordered the raid on Stone, is supposedly Trump’s enemy. Mueller’s best friend is supposedly Bill Barr. Trump picked Barr to be attorney general to replace Jeff Sessions. What’s up with that?
And why did Sessions unnecessarily recuse himself from overseeing the special counsel’s investigation in the first place giving the job to Rod Rosenstein?