Impeachment Shows Fear Desperation — Fear is the only explanation we can imagine for the Democrat Party’s bizarre attempt to impeach President Trump.
Did the President break the law by using 9/11 icon and famed mob fighter Rudy Giuliani to communicate with other nations? FDR didn’t when he bypassed career diplomats and used Harry Hopkins, so no.
Did he break the law by asking the Ukrainians to investigate the Biden crime family’s corruption in that country? How can someone charged with enforcing the law — that would be the President — break the law by investigating lawbreaking and corruption? He can’t.
Was it a Prime Directive thing in which he interfered with the development of the Planet of Ukraine? Leaving aside that the Prime Directive is not US law, he didn’t do that as per the transcript of his call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Anyway, former Vice President Joe Biden boasted about doing exactly that and has yet to be charged.
Keep at it Rudy.
So if President Trump has been diligently doing the tasks to which the Constitution obliges and did not commit any high crimes and misdemeanors, why are the Democrats trying to impeach him? Why not merely vote him out next year as has traditionally been done by opposing parties especially when the incumbent is unpopular as they allege?
Why are the Deep State bureaucrats swarming out of hiding to help the Democrarts? Why has the establishment media taken off its false mask of objectivity and joined in?
Can you say fear? Desperation? They are the only things that make sense.
U.S. Attorney John Henry Durham and Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz are expected at any moment to release damning reports that will lead to criminal charges against high ranking Obama Administration personnel. Some think those indicted may include Obama’s FBI Director James Comey and CIA Director John Brennan.
Could it go even further? Bill? Hillary? Members of the media? Members of Congress? Is that why Adam Schiff seems afraid?
Will it go beyond violations of law enforcement standards, false swearing and wiretapping? Could it include treason? Murder?
Why was Attorney General William Barr recently in Italy? Why was Joseph Mifsud reported to have been kidnapped in that country in 2017?
Did you see what Paul Gosar (R-AZ) spelled out in tweets yesterday? Maybe today he can spell out “His name was Seth Rich.”
You explain the logic of these hearings.
Why the panic?
There is no doubt that Valerie Arkoosh has broken the law. She and Josh Stein do so nearly every commissioners meeting. Why is no one looking into impeaching Valerie? Oh, wait, she’s a Dem. Right.