Meehan Voted To Impress Aide?? Don’t Think So

Meehan Voted To Impress Aide?? Don’t Think So — An allegation is being bandied that Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Pa7) cast his dissenting vote against Obamacare repeal on May 4 to impress his aide with whom he appears to have fallen in love.

The source is a tweet by New York Times reporter Kenneth P. Vogel saying:

. voted against the GOP bill to repeal Obamacare partly to try to please a female aide he saw as his soulmate, per sources. He wrote to her that, on the day of the vote, “I had to say ‘no’ to & to , I got to say ‘yes’ to you”*

Vogel, one of the reporters who broke the story, included a photocopy of Meehan’s letter to the aide which we are posting (click to enlarge).

Meehan Voted To Impress Aide

Meehan responded and Vogel quotes his response:

says that the letter actually referred to his blessing for the staffer’s relationship with a new boyfriend, & not the Obamacare vote: “‘Yes to you’ was ‘yes to this great relationship,’” he told me.

Reading the letter in context we think Meehan is telling the truth about it being a wish for a happy life with her new guy, and that he did not cast his vote out of puppy love.

Meehan’s handwriting is Catholic school neat but we will type  it out for you as a convenience so you can decide for yourself:

May 4, 2017


As you bask in this moment of extreme joy, I want to share with you my sentiment of how richly it is deserved. You are kind and sensitive and care and infectious with your laugh. You are and have been a complete partner to me and you have brought me much happiness. It is a very, very lucky man who might get to be your partner for more of your life. If this is indeed the “one”, I hope you will find great contentment. I pray that you might be blessed with children that you will raise so wonderfully in you image.

As I walked this evening and I glanced over a the White House I smiled at the irony that on a day that I had to say “no” to the President and the Speaker of the House, I got to say “yes” to you. I hope the former will be judged as a vote of conscience and the latter as an expression of care.

If he is saying farewell and hope you’re happy it is kind of doubtful that he’d cast a vote to get in her good graces, even if you should want to read it that way, which would not be the fairest way of reading it. And say what you want, it’s not harassment. If this woman took money for this stuff, she should hang her head in eternal shame.

Meehan Voted To Impress Aide?? Don’t Think So





Meehan Won’t Seek Re-election

Meehan Won't Seek Re-electionMeehan Won’t Seek Re-election — The allegation that he made puppy-love eyes at an aide was enough. Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Pa7) announced last night (Jan. 25) that he will not seek re-election.

Console yourself, Pat. Have a dish of ice cream.  We still see a Hallmark movie here somewhere.

And we do appreciate the irony.

Who will replace him?  Democrats Drew McGinty, an IT professional; Elizabeth Moro, a Realtor; attorney Dan Muroff; and Molly Sheehan are actively seeking the job, as is Republican Joe Billie, a former Navy petty officer who has long planned a primary campaign.

We suppose we have to see what the 7th District’s boundaries are before a clearer picture emerges. Way to screw up the election process, Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Daylin Leach, the Democrat 17th District state senator, has put his candidacy on hold due to sexual harassment issues of his own. 

Meehan Won’t Seek Re-election

Pat Meehan Tells Side, Does Hallmark Movie Loom?

Pat Meehan Tells Side, Does Hallmark Movie Loom?
Hallmark movie looming?

Pat Meehan Tells Side, Does Hallmark Movie Loom? — Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Pa7) has told his side of the story to the Delaware County Daily Times, which was published Jan. 23 and is now accessible on the web.

Meehan was accused of sexually harassing an aide in a story reported by The New York Times, Jan. 20, and that he used tax money to make her go away.

Meehan, according to the Delco Times, said that  that he had worked with the aide for years and that she had become his gatekeeper in Washington. When she failed to come to a 2016 Christmas party at his home,  he was disappointed, then asked himself why he was disappointed and discovered that he had developed feelings for the aide.

Meehan said he took her out for some ice cream on April 28 and told her that he developed “affection” for her that he was struggling with.

“This was a significant thing to me, that she would be leaving, and also that I was also struggling with the fact that during our close personal relationship, I had grown admittedly some affection and that affection was something that I was struggling with, so that I would not allow it to get into the middle of our working relationship,” Meehan told the Times. “I go to Mass first thing in the morning and I kind of laughed and said, ‘A lot of times I’m praying to make sense of what’s going on down here in Washington, D.C., but from time to time making sure I am able to keep myself straight and focused on what I am doing.’ But I also wanted to communicate that that struggle was going on and it was sort of impacting some of the regular activity that we had before, that I had stepped back a little bit, because I thought that was important for me to not allow this emotion to get into our normal working relationship.”

Meehan said that a few days later the aide asked for a lot of money, then invoked the  Congressional Accountability Act, then left getting the money.

Ice cream, Mass, confessing feelings, maybe Pat will get away with this.

We had to reach for our hanky.

Actually, we threw up a little in our mouths.

Hey Pat, has the Hallmark Channel called yet? Make sure you get a nice cut for the rights to the story.  You certainly don’t want to have to move back to Drexel Hill.

On a serious note, adults should be able to handle this sort of thing without major media or outside advocates getting involved and money exchanging hands. Meehan did not — according to any report –touch her, nor expose himself, nor verbally abuse her nor do  any of the twisted things that now appears SOP by our political/journalistic/academic/entertainment leaders.

Pat actually should get away with this.

Meehan says he is not resigning and is planning on seeking re-election.

Pat Meehan Tells Side, Does Hallmark Movie Loom?




Meehan Settled Sex Harassment Claim Says NYT

Meehan Settled Sex Harassment Claim
Meehan is denying the claims

Meehan Settled Sex Harassment Claim –Pennsylvania 7th District Congressman Pat Meehan has settled  a sexual harassment claim from a former staffer, costing taxpayers thousands of dollars, according to a story in the New York Times. The report has cost the Republican his seat on the House Ethics Committee.

Meehan is denying the claim.

Drew McGinty, an IT professional; Elizabeth Moro, a Realtor; attorney Dan Muroff; and Molly Sheehan, a biomedical researcher are seeking the Democrat nomination to replace him.

Daylin Leach, the Democrat 17th District state senator, has put his candidacy on hold due to sexual harassment issues of his own. 

Stan Casacio please consider re-entering the ring. How about you Lisa Esler? You want to give it a shot?

Or you can just vote for Joe Billie. 

And I’d be remiss in not mentioning Craig Williams.

Meehan is at least the fourth congressmen this year — and  the second from Pennsylvania following Tim Murphy (R-18) who quit Oct. 21 — to face allegations of serious sexual misconduct.

And this does not include Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn) who was forced out this month due to twisted behavior and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) who reportedly likes underage teens at Caribbean resorts but remains in good standing with “the world’s greatest deliberative body“.

Meehan Settled Sex Harassment Claim

Meehan Blasts Trump, Profile In Spinelessness

Meehan Blasts Trump, Profile In Spinelessness
Profile in Spinelessness

Meehan Blasts Trump, Profile In Spinelessness — Showing again that his penchant is obstruction rather than progress, Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Pa7) joined the Democrats and denounced America’s Trumpian exit from the Paris Climate Scam.

“It calls into question our commitment to protecting and preserving the environment,” Meehan said. “And it forfeits our ability to drive countries like China and India to reduce their carbon footprint and compete on a level playing field. Ultimately, this disappointing decision diminishes America’s leadership role on the world stage.”

Right. Did he actually listen to the President’s explanation? Does he really think our presence in this scam is going to stop China and India — and other places — from building coal plants and expanding coal production? LOL. Does he really think the billion we gave to the “Green Fund” is really being used for the environment? LOL II. Does he not comprehend that we will be on the hook for tens, maybe hundreds, of billions more?

Does he think it is good for Americans to have $7,000 less household income?

The US does not need Europe, China or India to follow sane environmental practices. In fact, getting out of this scam would be much better for the environment. If annual income was $7 G higher a lot more households would be looking at Teslas and other battery-powered cars.

Grow a spine, Congressman. It’s going to bite you if you don’t.

Meehan Blasts Trump, Profile In Spinelessness



Pat Meehan Sanctimonious Phony

Pat Meehan Sanctimonious Phony
Sanctimonious Phony

Pat Meehan Sanctimonious Phony — Pat Meehan has pompously proclaimed that he will not vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump because Trump was caught talking dirty 10 years ago.

Gee Pat, that’s a new standard considering some of the candidates from Delaware County that you have supported.

Guess letting a person take office that is OK with ripping apart a nine-month-old baby is now less offensive to your sense of aesthetics.

It seems those circulating fliers last spring saying your pro life position was insincere had a point. You’ve certainly made us not regret our vote for Stan Casacio in the primary.

Still we do plan on voting for you Nov. 8 but it’s not because we like you. We just want the amusement of seeing you squirm in dealing with The Donald as president.

Meehan says he plans to write in Mike Pence.  Frankly, we think he never intended to vote for Trump.  Trump’s goal is to clean Capitol corruption. Starting with the V.A. That really frightens some people.

Pat Meehan Sanctimonious Phony




Case For Pat Meehan

Case For Pat Meehan

By Don Adams

The Independence Hall Foundation, the largest independent conservative grass roots organization in the tri-state region, is questioning the conservative credentials of congressional candidate Stan Casacio, a former Republican Cheltenham Township Commissioner running for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District.

Case For Pat Meehan
Congressman Pat Meehan

The Casacio campaign is airing 60 second spots on 1210 WPHT-AM which roundly accuses his opponent, US Representative Pat Meehan, of being an Arlen Specter Republican and a RINO (Republican in name only)–an outrageous charge which the conservative Independence Hall Foundation flatly rejects.

The ad falsely implies that Pat Meehan supports Planned Parenthood and is somehow not pro-life, when, in fact, Meehan has consistently voted to defund the nation’s largest abortion provider.   In addition, Meehan has been endorsed  by the National Right to Life .Committee in every general election cycle since 2010 and will receive their endorsement this fall.

The 20-member Foundation Board voted unanimously to endorse Pat Meehan because of his consistent votes, over the years, to defund Planned Parenthood; repeal ObamaCare (over 60 votes); lower taxes; decrease spending; expose corrupt practices of the Veterans Administration; hold the Obama Administration accountable on the Benghazi and Fast and Furious scandals; stop Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration, and support our nation’s defense.  Meehan has also been a staunch advocate of local law enforcement communities.

That is a very strong conservative record,. We wish, however, the same could be said for Stan Casacio.

During his tenure as Cheltenham Township Commissioner (Montgomery County) in the 1980’s, Casacio, who served on the township’s finance committee, voted to increase the township’s budget by 80 percent and raise property taxes by 42 percent to cover the deficit he helped create.

Casacio has not refuted the official record–instead, he and his defenders dismiss his record as something from the distant past.

But this is Casacio’s official public record–and Casacio’s record of taxing and spending is much more in line with RINO Arlen Specter.

We certainly hope voters in the 7th District consider all the facts before voting.

The Pennsylvania 7th Congressional District comprises most of Delaware County, along with parts of Montgomery, Chester, Berks, and Lancaster Counties.

Mr. Adams is a member of the Independence Hall Foundation

Case For Pat Meehan

Meehan Gets Independence Hall Endorsement

Meehan Gets Independence Hall Endorsement — The influential Independence Hall Foundation, a conservative grass roots organization with thousands of followers in the tri-state (DE, NJ, PA) region, is announcing today that its Board of Directors has voted unanimously to endorse Pat Meehan for Congress in the April 26 Pennsylvania Primary.

Meehan Gets Independence Hall Endorsement
Congressman Pat Meehan

“The 20-member Board of the Independence Hall Foundation has chosen to endorse Congressman Meehan (PA-7) because of his conservative record on fiscal, social, and defense issues” said Foundation spokesperson, Teri Adams, of Montgomery County, PA.

“We supported Pat Meehan when he first ran for office in 2010 and we fought hard to flip the seat from D to R as Democrat Joe Sestak had been the seat’s prior occupant.

“We see absolutely no reason to withdraw our support now.

“In fact, we are proud of Congressman Meehan’s efforts to overturn ObamaCare; defund Planned Parenthood; lower taxes; decrease spending; expose corrupt practices of the Veterans Administration; hold the Obama Administration accountable on the Benghazi and Fast and Furious scandals; and support our nation’s military preparedness.

“In January 2015, Congressman Meehan spoke at the Foundation’s Delaware Valley Pro-Blue Rally in support of our region’s law enforcement community.

“While we may not agree with every vote cast by Congressman Meehan, we are more than pleased with his overall record,” said Ms. Adams.

Meehan is being challenged in the April 26 Republican primary by Stan Casacio.

Meehan Gets Independence Hall Endorsement

Casacio Confident Of Win

Casacio Confident Of Win
With Stan Casacio (left) are Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale, Chester County committeewoman Donna Ellingsen, Penn Delco School Director Lisa Esler, John Haenn of Springfield, and Joe Peters who is running for Pennsylvania Attorney General.

Casacio Confident Of Win — Stan Casacio expects to beat incumbent 7th District Congressman Pat Meehan in the April 26 Republican Primary.

He said it tonight, April 4, in an interview with WPHT talk show host Dom Giordano before a crowd of about 50 at the Newtown Square Knights of Columbus Hall.

The event was sponsored by the Delaware County Patriots and featured other political notables such as Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale and Joe Peters who is running for Pennsylvania attorney general. Peters’ long law enforcement resume includes the murder conviction of Philly mobster Nicky Scarfo.

Casacio Confident Of Win
Stan Casacio and Dom Giordano

“We are going to win,” Casacio said confidently. It was his answer to a question of a possible third party candidacy if he should lose.

Casacio, 68, is a Montgomery County builder who has long been active in Republican politics.

Casacio was motivated to run after Republicans failed to advance the agenda they rode to landslide victories in 2010 and 2014.

He said that Meehan was a nice guy but has been in opposition to necessary Washington reforms far more often than not. One group has him voting with conservative reformers just 31 percent of the time, Casacio said.

Casacio pointedly noted Meehan’s votes to increase our debt ceiling which has led to our debt now being over $19 trillion. He also noted that he was the only Republican to vote against the VA Accountability Act of 2015 which would have made it much easier   for the Department of Veterans Affairs to demote or fire employees based on poor performance and offer increased protection for whistleblowers.

Both he and Giordano, blamed Meehan’s close ties to Philadelphia union leaders, especially John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty  who runs the powerful Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, for his curious VA vote.

Casacio, who is strongly pro life, also took issue with Meehan’s vote to pass a federal budget that provided funding for Planned Parenthood. Meehan’s reasoning is that failure to do so would have shut down the government. Casacio noted there was nothing to stop Congress from sending funding bills piecemeal to the president which is much the same way the Pennsylvania Legislature recently forced Gov. Wolf’s hand.

He noted that doing so would require Congress to work harder, however.

Casacio also noted that regulation must be brought under control and that every regulation made should require a direct vote by Congress. He also said he supported term limits and  a bill requiring such would be one of the first things he would sponsor.

He said corruption is almost inevitable for someone who spends a long time in Washington. He said his age means that he is automatically term limited.

John Haenn of Springfield made the introductions. Gale also spoke briefly as did Giordano before starting his interview. Giordano criticized the Delaware County Republican Party for their choice of candidates in recent elections and gave a shout-out to Lisa Esler, who was in the audience, for her independent run in last summer’s special election for the vacated 161st District State House seat after the GOP picked union boss Paul Mullen as their candidate.

Peters was the last to speak. He described his background which included being a beat cop, deputy State Attorney general, and federal prosecutor. He noted that State Sen. John Rafferty, the political insider endorsed by the state party, has taken union money and sabotaged reforms to make state government cost-effective and accountable.

Casacio Confident Of Win




Meehan Gets Progressive Praise

Meehan Gets Progressive Praise
Pat Meehan, man of the left?

Meehan Gets Progressive Praise — Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Pa7) is being lauded by uber-left ThinkProgress for being among the Republicans signing on for action on climate change.

Wonder if Pat heard Marco Rubio explain at the March 10 presidential debate  how no law can impact climate change yet any law attempting so would raise energy cost $20 or $30 per month for working people.

Does Pat, who has recently moved to upscale Chadds Ford from working-class Drexel Hill, care about working people anymore?

It’s worth noting that ThinkProgress also praises Pennsylvania Republican congressmen Mike Fitzpatrick of the 8th District and Ryan Costello of the 6th District for getting their minds right on the benefits of feudalism.

We like the environment too. In lieu of  making life harder for the elderly and working people and the homeless — actually global warming would help that category — we offer these suggestions on how to get others on board in the fight against “climate change”

  • Rather than push things that make life harder push things that make life easier. Most would prefer telecommuting to driving. Encourage business to make it happen for jobs were it is possible. Most would prefer not stopping at toll booths. Toll booths snarl traffic which means more pollution which means more greenhouse gas. Make all bridges and roads free.
  • Push for nuclear energy. Replacing all coal and gas electrical plants with nuclear ones would do more to stop global warming that a hyperloop train in every town. Once upon a time, it was thought that nukes would lead to electricity “too cheap to meter.” Safety concerns and nuclear waste (and greed and over-regulation) have made many feel that was but a pipe dream. It remains possible in theory, though, hence it remains possible and with wisdom meter-less electricity can be made to happen. Make it a goal and sell it if you really care about “climate change”.

By the way Pat, that’s strike two.

Meehan Gets Progressive Praise