Sometimes the simplest question ends up being the most complicated to discover an answer to. When one does a Duck Duck Go search for Swarthmore Democratic Committee, three locations pop up. One is a website and the other two lead to the same Facebook page.
Neither lists any of the alleged 21 Swarthmore Democratic Committee members although it does say Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet which is a Latin phrase that is used as placeholder text in publishing.
Dems Unanimously Tried To Keep Whistleblower Testimony Secret — Sean Davis of The Federalistpointed out that every Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee voted, yesterday, June 22, to keep secret the IRS whistleblower testimony the federal law enforcement establishment — including those who run his agency — abandoned standard procedures to stifle investigations into Hunter Biden before the 2020 election.
The whistleblower further revealed that agents who pushed for the investigation to move forward properly were retaliated against.
Two months before the 2020 election, on Sept 4, 2020, the DOJ ordered a “cease and desist” on any overt investigation of Hunter Biden or Biden family influence peddling
The DOJ tipped off Hunter Biden about a search of his storage unit allowing him to clear it before they arrived
The DOJ blocked executing a search warrant of Joe Biden’s guest house The DOJ repeatedly blocked more serious charges being brought against Hunter and slow walked the investigation over 5 years The FBI hid the form 1023, alleged foreign bribery document, from the IRS case attorneys overseeing the case
Whistleblowers have text messages directly linking then VP Joe Biden to Hunter’s Chinese business dealings — when Joe has previously denied any knowledge of Hunter’s business.
Those text messages show Hunter threatening to use his father for retaliation if his Chinese partners don’t do what he wants: “You will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”
Oh, and Hunter Biden even expensed his prostitutes on his taxes.
The Democrat Party, which once upheld the rule of law despite political disputes, has become something vile.
It shamelessly rejects every American value and is solely motivated by a desire for greater institutional wealth and power.
They are seriously trying to imprison their opposition leader, a former president, for life over technicalities concerning a record keeping dispute.
Here is a roll call of the June 22 vote.
Dems Unanimously Tried To Keep Whistleblower Testimony Secret
Philly Vid Goes Viral On Twitter — There is a video going around the globe with 6.5 million Twitter views and comments from several languages and alphabets.
It depicts a filthy street filled with wretched, filthy people in various degrees of obliviousness.
“It reminds me of zombie movies and thrillers,” says Jesse012215
“A woman holding a syringe like holding a cigarette and laughing,” says @hidetakke
“It’s strange because the clothes and shoes are too beautiful,” says @kartstanbrody1
Where is this strange and horrid place they wonder.
Biden Added To Famous Saying List — Joe Biden was asked by a reporter, yesterday, June 8, about his involvement in an international bribery scandal being investigated by the House Oversight Committee.
“Where’s the money?” he answered.
We will add that to our list of famous sayings by Democrat presidents.
The scandal concerns — at the least — Biden accepting a $5 million bribe from a foreign nation to change a decision.
The FBI is telling Congress that it is afraid to let their source go public as he will be killed.
By whom, exactly? Biden is the guy with motive and means.
And why aren’t we trying to negotiate an end to Ukraine’s war with Russia?
Below is our list. Note that all the quotes are sourced.
Delco Dems Plan Precinct Power Grab — We have it on good authority that Democrats that control Delaware County, Pa. are planning a power grab designed to give them forever rule.
What is in the works — and is supposed to be in place by the November election — is the consolidation of precincts into massive voting districts.
Where this has happened namely in Oregon, Washington, Colorado and California, has been the disenfranchisement of voters unaligned with the ruling “credentialed” class.
The first target is reportedly Republican-leaning Aston.
For the record, the state Election Code limits precincts to 1,200 voters which is still too high. A good rule of thumb is that the election workers should be familiar with most of the voters.
Where is the outrage from the county Republicans?
Stick it to the man and fight the power, Delco. It’s your heritage
Democrat Sexual Assault Hypocrisy –Carmela Ciliberti in her latest podcast reveals how convenience is the standard for Democrats regarding sexual assault.
She explains how the allegation that State Rep. Mike Zabel (D-163) aggressively groped lobbyist Andi Perez during a private meeting in 2019 was covered up by the party leadership. This especially included then uber-woke Caucus Chair and now uber-woke House Speaker Joanna E. McClinton.
Even after Ms. Perez went public the Dems tried to keep Zabel’s name hidden, but meddling kids will meddle.
Zabel has submitted a letter of resignation which takes effect March 16.
Oh, Ms. Perez says her employer, the uber-woke Service Employees International Union, also tried to protect Zabel.
We wonder when the saga of Montco Councilman and Josh Shapiro protege Ken Lawrence will bubble into the public discourse. As uncouth as running one’s hand down the naked leg of a woman at a business meeting might be, it pales to roofies and rape.
Women Demanding Zabel Quit — A demonstration to demand the resignation of Pennsylvania State Rep. Mike Zabel (D-163) is scheduled for 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 8.
Zabel stands accused of unceasingly groping lobbyist Andi Perez despite her pleas for him to stop. He followed her even after she moved away, she says.
Zabel in a letter last week acknowledge he has a “problem” (LOL) and will seek treatment (LOL) but refuses to step aside.
The 163rd District is the 3rd, 4th and 5th wards of Darby Township; the 3rd and 4th districts of Upper Darby Township, along with divisions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 11 of District 3, and divisions 4,6, 8 and 9 of district 5; and the borough of Aldan, Clifton Heights and Collingdale.
State Rep. Mike Zabel, Delco Council Chairwoman Monica Taylor, and Toastee
Pennsylvania House Groper Mystery — A Pennsylvania state rep pervertedly pawed a a female lobbyist and the public is being prevented from knowing his name.
Rep “Handsy” is accused of groping Andi Perez, a lobbyist for the Service Employees International Union.
“This lawmaker decided to caress my leg — I was wearing a skirt — all the while telling me he was impressed by my passion and knowledge of the issues we were discussing. … I moved away from him, hoping he would stop,“ Ms. Perez said. “He did not.”
Ms. Perez, however, will not say the name nor will anyone else in the official know.
Broad + Libertysays numerous sources have told them the identity of our passionate politician but none for the record, albeit all say he is a Democrat.
We’ve done our own research by typing in State Rep Zablw in the Ecosia Search Engine.
This is what we got:
We left a message with State Rep. Mike Zabel (D-163) and we will update this if we hear from him. The 163rd is in Delaware County and is centered in the Drexel Hill section of Upper Darby.
Pennsylvania House Groper Mystery A Pennsylvania state rep pervertedly pawed a a female lobbyist and the public is being prevented from knowing his name.
Delco Dems Ruin Prison And Lose Lives — Wally Nunn, who chaired Delaware County Council when the local Republicans had brains and some spine, has written the below piece regarding the tragedy — as in deaths and suffering — that has occurred since the now-Democrat controlled council deprivatized the county prison in April.
The piece initially appeared on the website of Broad + Liberty, a Philadelphia-based nonprofit news and editorial outlet dedicated to freedom of thought and giving voice to issues and ideas that have been shut out of our discourse for too long, that Wally chairs.
Yes Wally, we didn’t get your permission to republish so if you want us to take it down and just use a link, let us know.
By Wally Nunn
Where were the members of the Delaware County Coalition for Prison Reform Wednesday evening when two African American correctional officers appeared before Delaware County Council?
“We are… in fear of our safety on this job,” said Albert Johnson about the conditions at George W. Hill Correctional Facility, as quoted in the Daily Times. “As of yesterday, two inmates stabbed. There have been more deaths in this prison since the county has come on. We are fearful for our lives… We get feces, we get urine thrown on us on a daily basis.”
I ask where they were because they and their “woke” politicians never missed an opportunity to condemn, mock, insult or otherwise demean anyone who supported the private operation of the prison. One might think their concern was not the lives and conditions of the correction officers or the inmates, but rather the broader proposition that private enterprise is evil.
READ MORE — Wally Nunn: Delco taxpayers can’t afford the county’s spending binge
The County took back control of the prison last April. They did this despite clear evidence that the prison was one of the safest in Pennsylvania according to the Pa. Department of Corrections. The healthcare provided for the inmates met the most stringent requirements of outside accrediting groups and the state. None of that meant anything to the advocates and their allies. I include in their allies the Philadelphia Inquirer, which in article after article by reporter Vinny Vella ignored proof that the prison was being operated safely and cost effectively.
Unfortunately, as in many progressive programs, it is not the elite of Swarthmore or Radnor that will bear the burden: instead, the Correction Officers and the inmates will suffer. As Todd Shepherd pointed out in a recent article, since the County has taken over, the prison has had more suicides in eight months than the private contractor averaged per year after more than twenty years of operating the prison. Since the County has taken over the prison, the first inmate-on-inmate murder in the prison’s history took place.
It is not only the guards and prisoners that are suffering — another group of people will also be hit. This group, as usual, is the taxpayers.
The collective silence on the increased violence at the prison and the costs that will be borne by the working and retired citizens of Delco exposes the elites for what they are: hypocrites.
As soon as the County runs out of Covid money, Delaware County residents will be asked to pay more in taxes for this “noble experiment.” The County’s consultant estimated that if the county had 1,450 prisoners, the cost to the county would be $43.1 million. The county is averaging 1,300 prisoners and is spending $55 million this year. The 2023 proposed budget is $53 million. Of course, the budget may be busted as the continued violence and suicides will bring a tsunami of lawsuits. As we know from the experience of prisons around the area, these suits can reach into the millions.
Who gets billed for the difference? The taxpayer, with a real estate tax increase of five percent to ten percent. In 2019 — the last year the Republicans ran the County — the prison averaged almost 1,800 prisoners a day and the cost was less than $50 million.
Just a bit off subject: in 2019, the prison had close to 1,800 prisoners on an average day; today, the number is closer to 1,300. Have you considered whether the reduction of 500 inmates has anything to do with the drastic increase in violent crime in the County? It’s worth thinking about.
The advocates, the “woke” politicians, the elites and the Inquirer, despite empirical evidence that they were wrong, got their way. Now, the rest of us must suffer the consequences. Their collective silence on the increased violence at the prison and the costs that will be borne by the working and retired citizens of Delco exposes the elites for what they are: hypocrites.