Pennsylvania House Groper Mystery — A Pennsylvania state rep pervertedly pawed a a female lobbyist and the public is being prevented from knowing his name.
Rep “Handsy” is accused of groping Andi Perez, a lobbyist for the Service Employees International Union.
“This lawmaker decided to caress my leg — I was wearing a skirt — all the while telling me he was impressed by my passion and knowledge of the issues we were discussing. … I moved away from him, hoping he would stop,“ Ms. Perez said. “He did not.”
Ms. Perez, however, will not say the name nor will anyone else in the official know.
Broad + Liberty says numerous sources have told them the identity of our passionate politician but none for the record, albeit all say he is a Democrat.
We’ve done our own research by typing in State Rep Zablw in the Ecosia Search Engine.
This is what we got:

We left a message with State Rep. Mike Zabel (D-163) and we will update this if we hear from him. The 163rd is in Delaware County and is centered in the Drexel Hill section of Upper Darby.
Why shouldn’t he get away with it? Ken Lawrence, current chair of the Montco Board of Commissioners still has not suffered any consequences at all from his committing felony rape. Not groping. Actual rape.
If anybody thinks groping is on the same level as rape, think again.
And the fact that this woman is not saying the guy’s name…well, there is something wrong with that, too.
Broad + Liberty is now using Mike Zabel’s name:
And he never did call us back