this might be odd, my name is William Lawrence, I googled William Lawrence needs a job what should I do? And it brought me straight to your page you must be my older twin brother. I do need a job now I’m really curious on the date you were born now….. weird things do happen for a reason?
William Lawrence
Weird things certainly do happen for a reason and this amazing twist of fate can only concern the advice I am about to give as an older twin brother should: Get off the internet and start knocking on doors!!!
If you don’t feel like doing that try your other older twin brother Hollywood Bill Lawrence — he’s the Scrubs guy — he might have some work.
Have you tried your younger twin sister Jen Lawrence?
Don’t try the guitar maker Bill Lawrence. He’s dead.
BTW when I Goolged “William Lawrence needs a job what should I do” I got William Lawrence Traditional Boys Overnight Camp Have you tried them?
Second hit was an excerpt from Page 223 of a book called Full Circle on the Mountain (which is something you might want to check out) and third hit was Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School. That’s a serious “whoa” William, a serious “whoa”. I think that’s your next move. Here’s the link:
My advise to you Ms Esler It is very important when running a write in campaign that your name is written and spelled properly and in the same way it is on your the voter registration other wise they may not count and give you credit for all the votes you receive. Because all the different spellings of your name could and most likely will be recorded as different candidates. This you don,t want. as it would and could take a way from you final vote tally I suggest that you hand out ballpoint pens to everyone going into the polling place to vote with your name on it exactly as it needs to be spelled and written on the ballot in order to maximize your vote tally. Good luck and if elected please support HB/SB76 the school Property Tax Independence act. No tax should have the power to leave you homeless.
this might be odd, my name is William Lawrence, I googled William Lawrence needs a job what should I do? And it brought me straight to your page you must be my older twin brother. I do need a job now I’m really curious on the date you were born now….. weird things do happen for a reason?
William Lawrence
Weird things certainly do happen for a reason and this amazing twist of fate can only concern the advice I am about to give as an older twin brother should: Get off the internet and start knocking on doors!!!
If you don’t feel like doing that try your other older twin brother Hollywood Bill Lawrence — he’s the Scrubs guy — he might have some work.
Have you tried your younger twin sister Jen Lawrence?
Don’t try the guitar maker Bill Lawrence. He’s dead.
BTW when I Goolged “William Lawrence needs a job what should I do” I got William Lawrence Traditional Boys Overnight Camp Have you tried them?
Second hit was an excerpt from Page 223 of a book called Full Circle on the Mountain (which is something you might want to check out) and third hit was Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School. That’s a serious “whoa” William, a serious “whoa”. I think that’s your next move. Here’s the link:
My advise to you Ms Esler It is very important when running a write in campaign that your name is written and spelled properly and in the same way it is on your the voter registration other wise they may not count and give you credit for all the votes you receive. Because all the different spellings of your name could and most likely will be recorded as different candidates. This you don,t want. as it would and could take a way from you final vote tally I suggest that you hand out ballpoint pens to everyone going into the polling place to vote with your name on it exactly as it needs to be spelled and written on the ballot in order to maximize your vote tally. Good luck and if elected please support HB/SB76 the school Property Tax Independence act. No tax should have the power to leave you homeless.