GOP Had Good Election Night? — Matthew J. Brouillette, who is founder, president and CEO of Commonwealth Partners Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Inc, has a column at The Hill saying that Nov. 5 was actually pretty good for the Republicans in Pennsylvania.
Or MAGA anyway.
Megan King won a state-wide race for a seat on state Superior Court — despite a long wait for Philly votes to be tallied. More significantly six counties, went from Democrat to Republican.
The flipping to Democrat of the century-long Republican strongholds of Chester and Delaware counties made the news but these places had not been bastions of conservatism for a long time, and Delaware County, maybe never. Its congressional representatives included Bob Edgar and Joe Sestak after all.
The long wait for the Philly votes in the state race does not give us something to look forward to next November. Another observation is that the top Superior Court vote-getter was Democrat Daniel D. McCaffery, the only man in the race. We suspect it was due to gender-based voting. Call it sexist but we’ve noticed the same thing work to the lady’s advantage when she was the only representative of her sex on the ticket.
MAGA is not about identity politics. It’s about putting the citizen first and keeping promises. Sex, race or anything else is irrelevant.
It’s what makes it different than the other side. The globalists and the socialists of whatever party seek and need division. They use, sex, race and anything else to cause it. It is their ticket to power.
Superior Court Race Remains Uncalled Calling For Questions — Here it is two days after the election and the Pennsylvania Superior Court race remains uncalled with Republican Megan King at 1,237,170 votes about 30,000 votes ahead of third place Democrat Amanda Green-Hawkins. In first place is Democrat Daniel D. Mccaffery at 1,245,052 votes.
Two seats with 10-year terms are up for election on the court which is the intermediate appellate court for most matters in the state.
As per the Pennsylvania Department of State’s website 99.19 percent of the vote has been counted, which has remained unchanged since at least early this morning. Seventy of the 74 districts with tallies still out are in Philadelphia.
S0mething stinks especially considering this report of massive voting malfunctions in York County.
Megan King Leading For 2nd Superior Court Seat— It was mostly not a good night for Pennsylvania Republicans as they were swept in former GOP strongholds in Chester and Delaware counties, and obviously Montgomery County. One of the more troubling losses was the Delaware County District Attorney’s race were Kat Copeland fell to George Soros minion Jack Stollsteimer, 83,718 to 78,843 (unofficial totals).
Joe Gale’s bullet-voting scheme appears to have worked in Montco as he kept his minority county commissioner seat getting (unofficially) 73,106 votes to fellow Republican Fred Conner’s 67,349.
Joe has been a very fine minority county commissioner doing everything one would expect a minority county commissioner to do which is basically nothing.
And now he can do nothing again for four more years.
It would have been better for all, including himself, if he had used some of his apparently large advertising budget to put Ken Lawrence in the crosshairs rather than shoot it all at Conner.
Lawrence ended up, unofficially, with 122,492 votes. Top vote-getter in the commissioner race was Val Arkoosh at 125,262.
Megan King is a Republican bright spot as she is leading for the second contested seat on state Superior Court. The Pennsylvania Department of State’s website has been stuck at “8,799 Out of 9,159 Districts (96.07%) Reporting” since about 2 a.m. The non-reporting districts include 94 in Philadelphia, 26 in York County and all 155 districts in Northhampton County. Mrs. King’s tally stands at 1,202,198. Democrat Daniel McCaffery is leading with 1,210,242 votes. In third place is Democrat Amanda Green-Hawkins with 1,173,899 votes. In fourth place is Republican Christylee Peck with 1,119,731 votes.
Mrs. King’s husband, Richard, says it may be a “day or two” before they know for sure.
Two seats with 10-year terms were up for election on the court which is the intermediate appellate court for most matters in the state.
Oh, and the insidious Marcy’s Law amendment to the state constitution would have passed easily — it was ahead 1,599,565 to 567,117 as of our last check — but the state Supreme Court has fortunately ruled the votes would not be counted.
Election 2019, Vote Straight R, Reject Marcy’s Law — Today, Nov. 5, is Election Day 2019. Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. On the ballot are local and county offices and judges, along with “Marcy’s Law”, an unwise amendment to the state constitution.
Keep it simple. Vote straight Republican — even in Montgomery County — and vote against Marcy’s Law.
Election 2019, Vote Straight R, Reject Marcy’s Law
Chris Saullo Makes Environment Campaign Issue — Chris P. Saullo is seeking a supervisor seat, Nov. 5, in Lower Gwynedd in Montgomery County.
His main issue might be the Wissahickon Creek watershed. It is good to see It is good to see a Republican making the environment a front and center issue. He issued the below statement.
For what it is worth, all new development but especially residential development from which people must flee during floods should be prohibited on creek and river banks. It’s one time when eminent domain makes eminent sense.
Saullo’s statement:
I am deeply concerned with the known problems within the Wissahickon Creek watershed. In 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 3 (EPA) has established a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for total phosphorus (TP) within the Wissahickon Creek Watershed. This issue affects 13 municipalities within the 64 square miles of the Wissahickon watershed, with Lower Gywnedd Township being one of them.
We should consider a pause to rethink our focus in regard to development in our township in order to stop and hopefully eventually reverse this problem. Off the top of my head, this is greater than just stormwater management. And what raises the stakes on this issue is the Wissahickon Creek is used as the main source of water for over 200,000 households, and in the summer the only flow in the Wissahickon Creek is from the Ambler Wastewater Treatment Plant.
As I said above, I am deeply concerned with this issue and I do know Lower Gwynedd Township has joined with the other municipalities to begin developing a plan towards repairing this issue. We, as a community, are at the beginning of even understanding this problem and all that factors into it. Take note Bill, this is a local issue and will be solved locally. This is one example of where candidates in the upcoming municipal election should be focused, not on national issues.
And as a candidate for township supervisor, I’ll simply ask my neighbors, on what issues are the other candidates focused?
President Trump Praises Lincoln In Mississippi — President Donald Trump is wrapping up (Nov. 1) a speech in packed house in Tupelo, Miss. in which he praised Abraham Lincoln and South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott, who, unlike Obama, is a descendent of slaves.
Fools Tools Racist Democrats, Vote Straight R — Richard King, who is the husband of Pennsylvania Superior Court Republican candidate Megan King, has informed us that the Democrats have resorted to the last weapon in their arsenal — the race card.
The Pennsylvania Democratic Party, on its website, accuses Mrs. King and her running mate Christylee Peck of supporting the “the white supremacist ideology” –an irony we will describe in a bit –and being pro gun and “anti-women”. Anti-women? Don’t ask, it’s not supposed to make sense.
It seems, though, that it is the side that doesn’t want women to have guns to defend themselves against 6 foot 2 thugs intent on hurting them that should be the considered the anti-women side. We guess you can’t overdose on irony. See below.
Richard tells us that Megan’s father is a proud Irish American who served in the Peace Corps in Nigeria. Megan taught Sunday School and is the farthest thing in the world from a “white supremacist”. We agree. She’s not a white supremacist or a supporter of white supremacists. We will describe the real, literal supporter of white supremacists below.
Richard also noted that the George Soros’ money is letting the Dems outspend Republicans three to one in the southeast part of the state.
Richard knows we opposed Megan in the primary but fear not, we are voting for her and every other Republican on Nov. 5.
Now, regarding the supporter of white supremacists who holds an important post in Pennsylvania’s government. One of the vilest blights in Pennsylvania’s history was the York Race Riots of 1969. Lilly Belle Allen was in a car with her parents and her sister Hattie Dickinson looking for a grocery store. Hattie turned on North Newberry Street. She saw a young white man with a rifle. She started to turn the car around but it stalled at the intersection of Gay Avenue. More young white men with guns appeared. Hattie panicked. Her parents, in the back seat, started praying. Lilly Belle jumped out of the car to get to the drivers seat. “Don’t shoot,” she shouted. The men opened fire killing her.
Nobody was arrested. Nobody was charged. The crime went unsolved until the York Dispatch and York Daily Record wrote about the anniversary of the riots in 1999.
Interest was renewed. Investigators found that three of the members of a white gang known as the Newberry Street Boys committed suicide over the years. Another, suffering from terminal cancer, told investigators what he knew before he died.
Police were eventually led to the home of Donald Altland, who admitted nothing. He confessed to his wife that night though. The next day he drove his truck to the Susquehanna River and shot himself leaving a taped confession and and a message scrawled on a napkin, “Forgive Me, God.”
Police had a enough to file charges against several former members of the gang. One of them described how a police officer had passed out rifle ammunition and directed the youths “to kill as many n*****s as you can.”
That officer was identified as Charlie Robertson. Robertson, a Democrat, would go on to become York’s mayor. His campaign manager? Future Governor Tom Wolf.
Yeah Pennsylvania Democrat Party, put that in your racist, hypocritical pipe and smoke it.
Superior Court is the intermediate appellate court for most matters in the state. Terms are for 10 years.
Only fools, tools and racists are Democrats. Vote straight R.
Reject Marcy’s Law Amendment — Marcy’s Law, a proposed amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution, is on the ballot Nov. 5.
The amendment claims to give crime victims “rights” and is being supported by actor Kelsey Grammer and various politicians.
It’s wording is:
Shall the Pennsylvania Constitution be amended to grant certain rights to crime victims, including to be treated with fairness, respect and dignity; considering their safety in bail proceedings; timely notice and opportunity to take part in public proceedings; reasonable protection from the accused; right to refuse discovery requests made by the accused; restitution and return of property; proceedings free from delay; and to be informed of these rights, so they can enforce them?
The most obvious reason is the question as to why we need a difficult-to-change constitutional amendment when the issue could be addressed with far more flexibility via a statute.
The most significant reason is that the proposed amendment puts the accused in the category of criminal and cements the accuser as the victim. Not all accused are guilty. Not all accusers tell the truth. That’s why we have trials.
The most subtle reason is ballot questions are limited to 73 words but the actual amendment is 500 words and creates 15 new “rights”.
Buying something unseen is always unwise.
The clincher is the amendment is being backed by Bloomberg money. Is this going to be a gun grab?
Vote Straight RepublicanIn Chesco 2019 — A Chester County activist sent us this with the included link:
On November 5th, it will be imperative for you to come vote. We are in danger of losing Chester County to the Democrats, so if you don’t want your tax dollars paying for higher property taxes, higher healthcare expenses, sanctuary cities and drug cartels, every vote will be vitally important.* VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN. *
The activist also noted that People do not understand that while Donald Trump can be very effective at doing the right things nationally, he needs conservative State and County local offices which will back him up and do the things which support his agenda
Wolf Shapiro Coming To Chesco, Montco — A good friend forwarded the announcement that Pennsylvania’s horrific governor, Tom Wolf, a friend and ally of racists — we are not exaggerating, he was Charlie Robertson’s campaign manager — and his wannabe replacement, crony capitalist Josh Shapiro, whose concern for victims of sexual abuse is notably conditional, will be coming to Chester County, Saturday (Nov. 2), to continue their quest to Californiaize Pennsylvania and get richer and more powerful in the process.
The Democratic Party campaign event for which they are scheduled to appear is 1-4:30 p.m. at the Kennett Democrats, 115 Marshall St., Kennett Square, Pa. 19348. Wolf and Shapiro cannot be there the whole time as they are also scheduled for a Montgomery County Democrat Party event noon to 4 p.m., UFCW Local 1776, 3031 Walton Rd, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462.
Thank you Pauline for the update.
Hey hipster Millennials being crushed by student loans, what has Wolf done to curtail the ridiculous educational salaries and pensions causing your loans to be so burdensome?