Soros Minion Stollsteimer Part Of Lawless Plan

Soros Minion Stollsteimer Part Of Lawless Plan — Laura Ingraham’s Ingraham Angle on Fox News last night (Oct. 25) heralded a warning about tyrant-wannabe George Soros’ attempt to undermine the rule of law by funding Democrat candidates for Commonwealth Attorney in Virginia counties in suburban D.C.

Soros Minion Stollsteimer Part Of Lawless Plan -
Keep Kat Copeland

A commonwealth attorney is what Virginia calls its top county prosecutor and is the equivalent to the district attorney in Pennsylvania. The Soros candidates are unashamedly campaigning on having an arbitrary legal standard.

Laura’s guest were Republican Nicole Wittmann  of Loudoun County and independent Jonathan Fahey of Fairfax County, the candidates opposing the Soros team.

Soros Minion Stollsteimer Part Of Lawless Plan
Don’t vote for the minion

This gets us to Pennsylvania and Delaware County, Pa. George Soros is dumping at least $100,000 into the campaign of “progressive” Jack Stollsteimer who, as the Democrat candidate, is seeking to unseat Kat Copeland as Delco’s D.A. on Nov. 5.

If you hate freedom and security vote for the Soros minion. If you love the rule of law keep Kat.

Hat tip Richard Pruett.

Soros Minion Stollsteimer Part Of Lawless Plan

Needed Callout For Montco GOP Unity

Needed Callout For Montco GOP Unity — Stan Casacio, the Republican nominee for Montgomery County (Pa) controller, has taken a big step towards a GOP takeover of the Dem- controlled and corrupted county with an ad airing on WPHT calling for GOP unity.

Needed Callout For Montco GOP Unity
Stan Casacio with Dom Giordano in 2016

Thank God there is someone who still thinks up there. Yes, the Republicans have a chance to win if they get unified.

Stan also tells us he will be hosting an hour-long show on 1180 WFYL at 8 a.m., Wednesdays. His first guest is Lt. Col Allen West.

Needed Callout For Montco GOP Unity

Dean Malik Hosted Pauline Braccio

Dean Malik Hosted Pauline Braccio — Pauline Braccio described her 1990 rape at the hands of Montgomery County Commissioner Ken Lawrence on Friday’s (July 12) Dean Malik Show.

The rape occurred after a friend of Lawrence drugged her, she says.

We’ve written about it but hearing her own words gives it unexpected power.

Yes, we believe her.

A podcast of the show is here. Malik’s other guests included Juanita Broaddrick. Pauline comes on at the 49:40 mark.

The Dean Malik Show airs noon Fridays on WWDB 860 AM.

Considering the behavior among Montco GOP commissioner candidates — yes Joe Gale and Jeff Salvino you are getting blamed for this too — we fear Lawrence will be returned to office.

We have not heard any prominent Republican condemn, attack or even question Lawrence but we’ve certainly heard them go after each other.

The Democrats have circled the wagons around this protege of Josh Shapiro while the Republicans have created a circular firing squad. Call it how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and let injustice go unpunished.

Dean Malik Hosted Pauline Braccio
Dean Malik Hosted Pauline Braccio

John Fredericks Hosted Billie

John Fredericks Hosted Billie — Firefighter and veteran Joe Billie, a blue collar guy who has thrown his hat in the ring to take on Democrat incumbent Mary Gay Scanlon in Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District race in 2020, was a guest on this morning’s The John Fredericks Show.

John Fredericks Hosted Billie
Willing to fight in the 5th

Joe says he was motivated to run by veterans matters and policies that ignored the elderly.

Good point Joe.

Hey Mary Gay, how much would the plans of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to forgive the student debt of white suburban college grads take from the elderly, veterans and blue collar people? You support the idea right? You certainly haven’t criticized it.

Fredericks encouraged Joe but said he had an uphill battle in 5th which was redistricted by the Democrat state Supreme Court in 2018 to give the area a heavy D-tilt.

Mary Gay might be more vulnerable than is thought. She’s been offering pablum on immigration while joining her party in stopping every necessary step by the Trump administration to resolve the crisis.

What is the problem with giving the Border Patrol whatever it wants whether it be a wall or more facilities for children who have been separated from the adults they were with and who may not necessarily be their parents? Why not say you support those who have been ordered by courts to be deported to be arrested and deported?

You can’t say that, can you?

Yeah, the Rs have a chance to flip the district if they fight. Joe is willing. Let him at it.

His website is

John Fredericks Hosted Billie

Bernie Sanders Gang Rape Misogyny

Bernie Sanders Gang Rape Misogyny — Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, dictator wannabe and long-time lover of totalitarianism, projected his own vile hate in his response to last night’s (June 18) phenomenal re-election campaign kick-off speech by President Trump.

“We have a president who is a racist, who is a sexist, who is a homophobe, who is a xenophobe and he is a religious bigot,” Sanders said. “His strategy to win reelection is to divide people up.”

Only a sick and twisted heart can write what you wrote.

Religious bigot, Bernie? Who’s the guy who went after Trump nominee Russell Vought  for his religious beliefs? Divide people up? Who’s the guy who supported a woman for president who called half the country “deplorable” and “irredeemable”?

Racist? So Bernie why did you fire Tezlyn Figaro? Why are there more Blacks at Trump rallies than at yours? Seriously, Bernie your rallies are pretty vanilla.

The most glaring example, though, of your twisted projection is your allegation of “sexism”. You are the guy who said that women liked being gang-raped.

Remember what you wrote when you were a young sexually active college student? “A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by three men simultaneously.’’ That’s a pretty unambiguous opinion, you must admit.

More damningly, though, is what you said about the male perspective: “A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees. A woman tied up. A woman abused . . .”

That’s directly from your twisted heart.

Bernie, your net worth is over $2.5 million and you own three homes. When are you going to give two of them away to oppressed minorities and limit yourself to 1,000 square feet in the third with undocumented aliens as guest housemates? Remember don’t vet them for membership in MS13. That would be xenophobic.

Bernie Sanders Gang Rape Misogyny

Workable Wealth Tax Can Be Found

Workable Wealth Tax Can Be Found — Democrat Presidential candidates are pushing a wealth tax which means making the rich pay their fair share . They have a point. We’ve conceived our own wealth tax. It’s just, won’t harm the economy and will make the rich pay their fair share.

  1. Means test congressional salaries. No congressman or senator with a net worth of seven figures should receive the $174,000 congressional salary. Regarding the $174,000 salary, see point 4.
  2. Limit public pensions to $60,000. This is more than three times the average Social Security payment.
  3. Yes, state pensions must be limited also.
  4. Public salaries must be limited to $99,000.
  5. Salaries for those working in non profit institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania or Penn State must be limited to $99,000 else they lose non-profit status.
  6. Salaries for those in organizations receiving tax-funded grants must be limited to $99,000.
  7. Those who pretend to be American Indians when registering for a Bar Association must be surcharged 90 percent of their $18 million net worth which will be given to needy people on reservations. By the way Liz, that will still leave you with almost $2 million which is still pretty sweet. We’ll grant, however, that it will disqualify you from your legislative salary. See point 1.
Workable Wealth Tax Can Be Found
A wealth tax Elizabeth Warren and her $18 million would love. Not.

Children, socialism is a scam used by lying, greedy sociopaths who say they want to help the poor and fight for justice but in their hearts only want wealth, power and luxury.

Fidel Castro was worth about $900 million when he died. The net worth of Maria Gabriela Chávez, who is the daughter of Hugo Chavez, the late Venezuelan socialist strongman, is $4.2 billion.

And see point 7.

Workable Wealth Tax Can Be Found

Stan Casacio Peace Offering To Gales

Stan Casacio Peace Offering — Just heard from the great and influential Stan Casacio, who is seeking to bring peace and unity to Montco after a bitter primary battle for county commissioner.

Stan says he would like to reach out to incumbent Joe Gale who remains angry at the county GOP for dirty deeds done nine days ago.

Gale, as per election-night tallies, was the top Republican vote-getter for the two seats on the Nov. 5 ballot. He ran as a ticket, however, with his brother Sean who finished third behind Fred Conner.

The county GOP claimed it would not make an endorsement but a “green ballot” with a strong resemblance to the official one was distributed at polling places with only Conner’s name. The ballot had been paid for by paid by “Citizens for Conner.”

The Gales think that’s what led to Conner’s victory over Sean.

Stan, who had nothing to do with the ballot and holds no official position with the county party other than committeeman, notes that politics are dirty.

“Jeff (Salvino) is upset because he didn’t think of it first,” Stan says regarding the Gales’ hard-nosed campaign manager.

The three-person board now controlled by Democrats Valerie A. Arkoosh and Kenneth E. Lawrence Jr. is mandated to have one member be of the minority party.

It is a fear that Gale and Conner factions will “bullet-vote” rather than work as a team and go for all the marbles.

“A certain part of the deal has to be trust,” says Stan.

Stan is running for county controller with the party endorsement.

Stan, like Joe, is a proven corruption fighter. Stan took on the Republican establishment at much aggravation and cost to himself when it wasn’t cool to do so. He was instrumental in starting Joe’s campaign four years ago.

Stan says he will back Joe for board chairman and even further, which will become a very real possibility as Joe will get much of the credit if the GOP flips the county.

The Democrat incumbents are beatable. Stan says rank and file members of that party are telling him they are very unhappy with Arkoosh and will not be voting for her, while Lawrence is being dogged by allegations of having committed rape. Yes, we believe Pauline.

Stan Casacio Peace Offering To Gales
Stan Casacio Peace Offering To Gales

Rebecca Warren Falls Short, Joe Gale Wins

Rebecca Warren Falls Short, Joe Gale Wins — With 96 percent of the state-wide vote in as of 11:45 p.m., May 21, Rebecca Warren is about 25,000 votes behind second place Christylee Peck who has about 337,000 in the Republican Superior Court primary.

Two seats are being contested for 10-year terms on the court which is the intermediate appellate court for most matters in the state. 

In first place is establishment choice Megan King who has about 357,000 votes. Ms. King received a last minute endorsement form President Trump.

Somebody must have been nervous.

In better news, incumbent Joe Gale appears to be the top vote-getter in the GOP Montco Commissioner race at, unofficially, 16,233. Unfortunately his brother Sean is about 1,649 votes behind second place Fred Conner who ended up, unofficially, with 16,114 votes in the five man race. Dean Eisenberger got 14,454 votes and France W. Krazalkovich got 5,909 votes

Conner was the establishment favorite.

Gale and Conner will face on Nov. 5 Democrat incumbents Val Arkoosh and Kenneth E. Lawrence, Jr., who has been dogged by allegations of committing a rape.

The top-votegetter of the minority party is guaranteed a seat on the board.

In best news, though, Republican Fred Keller crushed Democrat Marc Friedenberg to win a special election to Pennsylvania’s 12 District Congressional seat that was strangely vacated by Tom Marino in January.

Keller got, unofficially, 78,844 votes to Friedenberg’s 33,244. votes.

Rebecca Warren Falls Short, Joe Gale Wins -- With 96 percent of the state-wide vote in as of 11:45 p.m., May 21, Rebecca Warren is about 25,000 votes
Rebecca Warren Falls Short, Joe Gale Wins

Pennsylvania Primary Election 2019

Pennsylvania Primary Election 2019 — Today, May 21, is primary election day in Pennsylvania. Poll hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Pennsylvania Primary Election 2019
Rebecca Warren for Superior Court

It’s an odd numbered year so on the ballot will be races for municipal offices, school board seats, and state and local judges.

Cross-filling is allowed in school board and county judicial races so voting for party recommended persons is advised in these matters if one is unaware of the candidates.

The most relevant state-wide race is for Superior Court judge. In the Republican Primary two seats are being contested for 10-year terms on the court which is the intermediate appellate court for most matters in the state. We strongly urge bullet voting for Rebecca Warren. Bullet voting means only voting for a single person despite being eligible to vote for another. Rebecca will not be appearing on most GOP sample ballots.

Pennsylvania Primary Election 2019
Joe Gale

Concerning the Montgomery County Commissioner Republican Primary, we urge votes for Joe and Sean Gale.

Pennsylvania Primary Election 2019

Joe Gale Smears Show Establishment Fears

Joe Gale Smears Show Establishment Fears — Maybe the greatest service provided Donald Trump is exposing the mind-blowing political corruption that has been impoverishing us for decades and the extent of which we have been blissfully unaware.

Joe Gale Smears Show Establishment Fears
Joe Gale is feared by the swamp

The corruption is the same regardless of the party in power.

Montgomery County residents have been getting flyers attacking incumbent county Commissioner Joe Gale as the Republican Party primary approaches May 21.

Gale is accused of of such vile deeds as “Voting With Democrats 96 Percent Of The Time”.

Really? Montco is run by three commissioners, one of whom is required by law to be of the minority party.

The vast majority of votes concern mundane matters such as filling county jobs, allocating funds, and honoring community groups.

Joe can either be a partisan jerk and nay every vote turning himself into a joke, or he can save his ammunition for the important stuff.

Joe, a true corruption fighter, wisely chooses the latter, and does so with great effect. A case in point is the Montco Justice Center scandal.

That the team he plays for is the citizen taxpayer and not the Montgomery County Republican Committee has caused fear and panic among the party leadership.

The flyers, we understand, are being produced by something called Hometown Freedom Action Network, a political action committee dwelling deep in the Washington swamp. What’s up with that?

Also a little birdy told us that some of the trash being thrown at Joe is being fed to the GOP swampers by fellow commissioner Ken Lawrence.

Joe Gale Smears Show Establishment Fears