Steve Kirsch Links To Lindell Vote Fraud Expose

Steve Kirsch Links To Lindell Vote Fraud Expose — Tech pioneer Steve Kirsch accomplishments include the invention of the optical mouse and the Infoseek search engine. These made him a lot of money and quite a bit of that had gone to Democrat candidates.

Kirsch was even a Biden voter.

That changed with the Covid vaccine mandates and the suppression of concerns regarding the vaccines.

Kirsch now appears to be seeing what many of us have seen for two years regarding our election system. He has linked on his Substack page the new documentary SELECTION CODE: The Movie which was finance by Mike Lindell.

“A US Senator suggested I view (it),” he says. “It’s excellent. I recommend everyone reading this take an hour to watch it, especially the last 15 minutes.”

And it is excellent and we share his recommendation.

The movie is centered upon the plight of Tina Peters who is County Clerk and Recorder in Mesa County, Col. An attempt by state officials to cover up fraud in the April 2021 municipal election led her to reveal backups she made of the machines.

The establishment media trashed her nightly and the Democrat-controlled state accused her of crimes. Authorities put her in handcuffs and trashed her home in a search.

Things the Stasi does.

The most poignant scene was the spilled box left by the jack-boots of mementos of her son Remington. Remington was Navy SEAL with deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan who died when his parachute malfunctioned during a military parachuting demonstration in 2017.

The Gold Star mother stuck to her guns, though, and only the most stupid — or most corrupt –would deny her evidence.

It’s time for all of us to awake. There are still honest judges, prosecutors, police and even journalists who better start to doing their jobs. Tyranny is not far away. Did you see what happened to Lindell yesterday? Could this movie have anything to do with that? Make sure you watch it.

Feds Who Raided Trump Under Investigation For Russiagate

Feds Who Raided Trump Under Investigation For Russiagate — The FBI guys overseeing the investigation of President Trump’s handling of classified material at Mar-a-Lago are a focus of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias concerning Russiagate, reports Paul Sperry of RealClearPoltics.

Could the real reason for the raid be that were looking for evidence had of wrongdoing by the Feebs? We would bet something on it.

Feds Who Raided Trump Under Investigation For Russiagate

Andrew Krause Quits SDNY

Andrew Krause Quits SDNY

Update: It was not acting US Attorney Audrey Strauss who resigned from U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York but Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Krause. Krause was involved in several high profile cases including the prosecution of former Trump Campaign Manager Steve Bannon and war hero and triple amputee Brian Kolfage stemming from the “We Build The Wall” project.

Update: We have contacted the main office of the United States Attorney’s Office. The fellow who answered says to the best of his knowledge Ms. Strauss is not leaving. We have calls to the press office and to Andrew Krause.

A letter from Assistant United States Attorney Andrew Krause saying he is leaving the United States Attorney’s Office is flying around the web. It’s dated yesterday, Sept. 30. It says that he is terminating his involvement in The New York Times Co. vs U.S. Department of State and will be replaced by Assistant United States Attorney Lucas Issacharoff.

Many, including ourselves, misread it as Ms Strauss resigning. As acting U.S. Attorney, she runs the office.

The SDNY website has not announced any significant changes.

Here is the letter to Ms. Strauss from Krause found on the web:

Andrew Krause Quits SDNY
Andrew Krause Quits SDNY

Gutless Mueller Ignores Real Scandal

Gutless Mueller Ignores Real Scandal — In a disgraceful, gutless final act Robert Mueller at his farewell appearance before the press implied he didn’t recommend that President Trump be charged with obstruction of justice only because he was the president.

Really? You couldn’t find any evidence that he colluded with the Russians but implied he still could have committed the lame process crime of obstruction?

You are either so clueless that you can’t conceive of the division in the country that you are unwilling to heal or so craven you figure getting back in the good social graces of the D.C. establishment is more important.

You pointed out that the Russians meddled in the 2016 elections. That’s good to know, we guess. How about the Ukrainians? How about the Chinese? Did any of the $1.7 billion in cash Obama gave the Iranians flow back to Western politicians? It certainly was alleged on May 8, 2018. Did former Secretary of State John Kerry have a secret meeting with Iranian officials a few days later as had been reported?

Did the FBI meddle? The CIA? Those are far more concerning questions to the average American.

But you are a gutless swamp dweller who is part of the machine and took your final bow on the national stage to take a gratuitous shot at President Trump.

Goodbye and good riddance.

Gutless Mueller Ignores Real Scandal
Gutless Mueller Ignores Real Scandal

Comey Brennan Indictments Loom Say Ex-Prosecutors

Comey Brennan Indictments Loom Say Ex-Prosecutors — Robert Ray, a former head of the Office of Independent Counsel, and former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova were guests of Mike Huckabee who was filling in for Laura Ingraham, last night, (April 24) on Ingraham Angle.

Both said criminal indictments loom for former CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey for actions taken against Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and after his victory.

Let that sink in. Criminal charges loom against the big bosses of our two most important and powerful federal security agencies.

A storm is coming. A huge storm. Be ready.

Here’s the episode. Ray and diGenova come on at about the 10 minute mark.
Comey Brennan Indictments Loom Say Ex-Prosecutors -- Robert Ray, a former head  the Office of Independent Counsel, and former U.S. Attorney Joseph
Comey Brennan