Lauren Boebert Zen Question

Lauren Boebert Zen Question: If camera aimed at controversial congresswoman works in dark theater why would not camera aimed at cell of controversial billionaire child trafficker work in important prison?

Lauren Boebert Zen Question
Why that is a good question

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google — SpongeBob SquarePants, the iconic cartoon character, lives at 124 Conch St., Bikini Bottom according to his driver’s license.

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

Now type that address into Google Maps.

This is what we got about 15 minutes ago:

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

Little Saint James in the U.S. Virgin Islands, better known as Epstein Island, is where the late and unlamented sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein held many parties for the rich and powerful.

Epstein bought the island in 1998. SpongeBob started in 1999. Sorry if we ruined anyone’s happy childhood memories.

Here’s a zoomed in image take at 2:17 p.m., June 1. The search only seems to work on the mobile app.

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

Hat tip Vox Popoli.

Epstein Island Gilligan Island Parody

Epstein Island Gilligan Island Parody –A minute-long Gilligan’s Island parody concerning Epstein Island can be found at the below link and it doesn’t pull punches.

Epstein Island Gilligan Island Parody

Hat tip Jack Posobiec

Denise George Firing Draws Few Headlines

Denise George Firing Draws Few Headlines — It’s been a week since the Democrats released Donald Trump’s tax returns and no headlines. Yes, if there was dirt in them, there would have been headlines.

It’s also been a week since  US Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George was fired after suing JPMorgan Chase alleging the bank failed to report suspicious activity regarding the late Jeffrey Epstein’s accounts in order to garner sweet bucks from Epstein’s pedo-trafficking operation.

Again, no headlines.

Denise George Firing Draws Few Headlines
Yes, she’s a hero

Now, that’s one that would make a thinking person go hmmmm.

There’s no dispute she sued JPMorgan Chase and their’s no dispute she was fired three days later.

An independent press would be a little curious. Real journalists would be asking questions and writing headlines.

You don’t think they are covering up twisted behavior by extremely powerful people do you?

Sorry, stupid question.

Denise George Firing Draws Few Headlines

Russia To Invade Virgin Islands?

Russia To Invade Virgin Islands? — US Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit, Dec. 27, against JPMorgan Chase saying the bank failed to report suspicious activity regarding the late Jeffrey Epstein’s accounts in order to garner sweet bucks from Epstein’s pedo-trafficking operation.

Russia To Invade Virgin Islands?
Denise George, if she was fired, she didn’t back down

Joe Biden spent his post-Christmas vaca in the Virgins.

Well, son of a bitch. She got fired.

The only question that remains is when do the Russians invade.

Bill Barr Is Not Trustworthy

Bill Barr Is Not Trustworthy — Bari Weiss interviewed former Attorney General Bill Barr for an hour-and-a-half podcast released Aug. 25. The transcript can be read on Substack.

Ms. Weiss is one of the good gals. She is a fine journalist with integrity but she couldn’t leave her bubble with this one.

Barr comes off as likable with high morals. He says he liked Donald Trump and that he would support him in 2024 against the likely Dems, and you almost believe him.

“And if he did adjust, he could go down in history as a great president, ” Barr said.

The mean tweets didn’t stop, though, and then the final straw which was Trump’s denial of the legitimacy of the November 2020 election.

“The more we looked at the fraud allegations, the more we saw that most of them were frivolous, and those that weren’t frivolous were simply not substantiated by the evidence,” Barr said.

Bill Barr Is Not Trustworthy

“I talked to the AP reporter and I told him that to date we haven’t seen evidence of fraud on a scale that would have affected the outcome of the election,” Barr said.

And so the demon pretending to be an angel is revealed.

Barr is a reason why more than half this country thinks Biden may be a pretender

He was silent on votes being counted without observers able to observe. He kept mum about governors changing election law, which we know from high school is not how it works. He didn’t fight to audit voting machines which would have gone a long way to stifling suspicion regardless of what the audit found.

Election confidence always trumps private corporation IP concerns.

Barr couldn’t say this.

What’s truly damning, though, are the claims claims that Barr stopped investigations in the weeks after the election.

“Attorney General Barr, however, instructed me not to make any public statements or put out any press releases regarding possible election irregularities,” said Bill McSwain, who was then U.S, Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. “I was also given a directive to pass
along serious allegations to the State Attorney General for investigation – the same State Attorney General who had already declared that you could not win.”

Tony Shaffer, a former Army intelligence officer who was a member of Trump’s advisory board says that Barr angrily ordered him to stop looking into Jesse Morgan’s story. Morgan, a truck driver, said that he hauled 162,000 curated mail-in ballots from Bethpage, N.Y. to Harrisburg in October 2020.

Shaffer has told this story many times including in this this interview with Joe Hoft. It starts at about the 11 minute mark

One of Ms. Weiss’ last questions involved Jeffrey Epstein

BWIs it possible that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t die by suicide? 


If Epstein was murdered, Barr’s answer means the government was a partner in it.

A wide-spread belief that our government murders is social poison.

The New York Post two-weeks ago reiterated the reasons for suspicion. Pathologist Michael Baden claims Epstein’s injuries were consistent with strangulation not hanging; cameras reportedly malfunctioned; and guards falsified records that they checked on him.

Barr never publicly recognized these things.

Bill Barr is not trustworthy.

Bill Barr Is Not Trustworthy

Brunel Hanged Like Epstein But In A Paris Prison

Brunel Hanged Like Epstein But In A Paris Prison — Jean-Luc Brunel, the French fashion power whose MC2 Model Management agency was funded by Jeffrey Epstein, was found hanged in his Paris prison cell, last night, Feb. 18.

Brunel was facing charges of rape and sexual assault, and was being investigated for human trafficking.

Brunel Hanged Like Epstein But In A Paris Prison
The late Jean-Luc Brunel

His victims included three 12-year-old sisters and Virginia Giuffre, who just four days ago (Feb. 15) settled a sex abuse lawsuit with Prince Andrew for a reported $12 million.

What a crazy coincidence that Brunel would die the same way Epstein did.

Actually, it’s not such a coincidence and don’t expect us to buy that they were suicides.

Something real sick is going on in the world.

We think — and hope and pray — that there are good wizards fighting the warlocks.

Whatever did happen to Ray Gricar anyway?

Watch your neck, Peter Nygard.

Brunel Like Epstein But In A Paris Prison

Rose McGowan Credit History Wiped

Rose McGowan Credit History Wiped — Actress Rose McGowan, the mother of the MeToo movement, has tweeted that she has been run off the road and had a break-in at her apartment during the last five days. She included a photo as evidence of the latter incident.

It’s easy to dismiss it. A cynic might says she’s making it all up because she’s not the center of attention that she was a few years ago, and she misses the drama.

And the door pix looks kind of stagey to be honest.

But yesterday afternoon, Sept. 27, she tweeted that her credit history has been wiped and posted screenshots of her application to Apple Card and a conversation with a service rep named Elizabeth.

That doesn’t look statgey.

We believe you Rose. Just remember, they can’t kill us all.

Rose McGowan Credit History Wiped
Rose McGowan learns her credit history has been wiped.
Rose McGowan Credit History Wiped
Ms. McGowan learns her credit history has been wiped, continued.
The only thing we have that they don’t is truth.

Lin Wood Tweet Storm In Early Morn Gets Lizard Squad Trending

Lin Wood Tweet Storm In Early Morn Gets Lizard Squad Trending — L. Lin Wood, who until a few weeks ago ranked at the top of U.S. defamation attorneys, embarked on an epic tweet storm starting about 2 o’clock this morning (Jan. 4), in which he expressed a belief that Chief Justice John Roberts was being blackmailed by a major intelligence agency.

The blackmail alleged by Wood is especially horrific and implies that the subject consents to perform unspeakably vile deeds on camera to grant the blackmailers collateral in exchange for the subject getting power and wealth.

Wood says he has copies of the blackmail files as one of the intelligence agencies was hacked by a group known as The Lizard Squad, the name of which has been trending in Twitter throughout the morning.

The Squad, says Wood, gave the files to bit actor Isaac Kappy, who had been claiming that child rape/murder was rampant in Hollywood.

Kappy died of apparent suicide in May 2019.

Wood says he now has the files and has created a “deadman’s switch” if anything should happen to him or a loved one.

He says that if asked to turn the files to law enforcement he will only agree to provide them to attorney Sidney Powell, Gen. Michael Flynn or President Trump as they are the only ones he trusts.

In a related matter, former CEO Patrick Byrne reported that a Gulfstream 1159 with a registration number N53OGA was purposely destroyed on a remote airstrip in Guatemala on Oct. 27, 2019 after illegally entering that nation. The plane had been used by Jeffrey Epstein. On Feb. 10, 2011 a “John Roberts” was a passenger on it. For the record, the Supreme Court was not in session that day.

Conspiracy theories can be destructive, and the one in which children are being raped and murdered for wealth and power is growing greater by the moment. Chief Justice Roberts must take this seriously and address it. Wood’s claims against Roberts are defamatory. If Roberts should sue, Wood only has one defense. Roberts must call him on it.

Wood’s offer to turn the evidence over on his terms ought to also be called. If he’s telling the truth, the truth must be revealed. If not, the matter must be put to rest.

In another related matter, Wikileaks has just made a huge data dump. Check it out here. Hat tip Chris Saullo.

Lin Wood Tweet Storm In Early Morn Gets Lizard Squad Trending
Lin Wood Tweet Storm In Early Morn Gets Lizard Squad Trending

Why Fight Election Audits? Gotta Be A Logical Explanation

Why Fight Election Audits? Gotta Be A Logical Explanation — The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena  inspect and audit the Dominion ballot counting machines in Maricopa County.

The county Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to refuse to comply.


Half this country thinks Joe Biden’s vote tally Nov. 3 was illegitimate and President Trump rightfully won a second term. You would think that every step would be taken to change this belief and that a machine audit would be uncontroversial, and undertaken without objection for the sake of national unity.

But it’s not. What Maricopa County has done is extremely dangerous and destructive.

In a related matter, Fulton County, Ga. fired poll managers Suzi Voyles and Bridget Thorne who raised concerns about the execution of the November election.

Governments firing people who, at no benefit to themselves, raise concerns does not confidence bring.

Unless it is the undesired confidence that wrongdoing occurred and the election was stolen.

What’s sick is that Democrat partisans will try to justify this.

In other under-reported news, two filthy rich members of the hip set long suspected of human trafficking were arrested within a day of each other last week.

Peter Nygard, founder of Nygard International with a net worth of $817 million, was picked up in Winnipeg, Canada, Dec. 15, to face charges in New York for sex trafficking.

Jean-Luc Brunel, who headed the widely used MC2 Model Management agency and was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested in Paris on Dec. 16 while attempting to board a flight to Senegal. He is facing charges of rape and sex trafficking.

Think the arrests were coincidental?

Here’s a video from an old Oprah show where she’s gushing over Nygard’s estate in the Bahamas. Watch to the 1:40 mark to see who Pervo Pete’s fav was.

Why Fight Election Audits? Gotta Be A Logical Explanation
Why Fight Election Audits? Gotta Be A Logical Explanation