Michealene Risley Robert Epstein And They Can’t Kill Us All — Dr. Robert Epstein is one of the world’s most prominent psychologist. He has a degree from Harvard, tenure as editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, appearances on numerous media outlets over many years, and is the founder of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. Epstein says Google manipulated at least 2.6 million votes towards Hillary Clinton in 2016 and could push 15 million to the Democrat in 2020.
Yesterday (Jan. 20), he tweeted I briefed a group of state AGs about #Google‘s power to rig elections, one of them said, “I think you’re going to die in an accident in a few months.
On Dec. 30, his wife, Misti Vaughn, was killed in an accident when her Ford Ranger spun out of control into the path of a truck in California. She was 29.
On Jan. 4, Epstein tweeted BTW, although losing Misti is devastating for me – there will never be another Misti in my life, after all – I AM STILL NOT SUICIDAL. Hear that, #Google? Hear that, #Hillary?
Of course, he also tweeted that same day: And, no I don’t think #Google or #Hillary had anything to do with Misti’s death, but for you conspiracy theorists out there, here’s a recent article about Misti’s accident from one of the world’s largest tabloid newspapers, the @DailyMail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7834593/Google-whistleblowers-wife-29-killed-car-crash.html
Maybe he is just grieving.
On the other hand, there is journalist Michealene Risley.
Mrs. Risley, who won awards for her documentaries regarding human trafficking and sex abuse, described on Quora why she quit activism in 2013 after a strange experience involving her Apple iPhone.:
In October of 2013, my husband and I were going to a local concert to see two friends perform. On our way back, I called home to check on the kids, and was talking to my one son, when I suddenly felt this incredible burning pain sensations throughout my body. I screamed and dropped the phone. The pain continued for about 10 minutes. It was horrible. Turns out that I was electrocuted by the current running through my cell phone. I was freaked out and called a doctor. She basically told me that if I called her, there was nothing else she could do. However, that kind of shock can stimulate a heart attack. I was LUCKY.
So I am thinking that APPLE has a problem with the car charger. And I am mad as hell. I am a good letter writer, and wrote a note to Tim Cook at Apple, scanned it to him on October 22. (Full disclosure, my last documentary-APPLE engineers were GREAT to me.) I basically wrote what happened, and how I wanted to share my experience with him on the product asap, as I believed the product to be dangerous. At that time, I didn’t know if it was an apple manufactured product, or a third party product, my goal was to alert Apple to the situation in case they needed to remove these products from the shelves.
I didn’t get much of a response from the CEO’s office and called the APPLE hotline, which was worse-they sent me to Alabama, where they offered me a Genius bar appointment. I went back and forth trying to get someone to pay attention to what I was saying. This all happened over a three day period.
Completely frustrated, I finally just sent the original copy of the letter to Tim Cook and kept a copy on my desk. I figured if they wanted to do something, they knew how to reach me. A few days later, when I walked into my office, there was a note on the copy of the letter. It was on a little yellow “stickie” and it said, “CAREFUL” in uneven caps. The word careful was underlined four times. I immediately went to my husband and said “Why woud you write a note on the top of my note to Apple?” He looked at my strangely and said “I have no idea what you are talking about.” I showed him the note, (Which I still have). Nope, not him. The only other occupants in our house were kids, and they weren’t the least interested in a letter to the CEO of Apple.
So here was a note from someone who came into my house and actually searched my desk to find the letter. Think about it, how would they know I wrote a letter, unless they were listening to my calls. (Very easy to do in my office space) They took one of my stickies to write the warning. Pretty brazen.
At that point, my husband and I realized that something was terribly wrong. Someone was obviously listening to my calls and had been in our house. Perhaps more than once. We didn’t lock our doors, we kept our keys in our cars, it has been pretty safe where we lived. No more. I went to the local Sheriff. He explained to me when someone wants you to have an “accident” they can rewire your car phone charger so you can be electrocuted. AS we sorted through what we knew, other things that didn’t make sense. (My passport disappeared) we realized that someone had actually tried to kill me. After their failed attempt, they came into my office and left me a note to ensure that I knew this was not an accident. How CREEPY is that?
At that time, I was working on a few story ideas for a new documentary. One was a situation happening in East Palo Alto and another on Locust’s destroying the food supply in Madagascar. I also thought about the last documentary that I did which was airing on SHOWTIME. All three of them had elements where I was challenging a powerful government or major corporation.
I thought long and hard about what my options were. I was clear that I could never forgive myself if anything happened to my kids or my spouse. We immediately put camera’s in and around our property to record any and all movement. (deer included) The sheriff’s office had our house in their daily route to make sure everyone was safe.
I also closed my non-profit-I decided despite loving my work on human rights issues, I didn’t ever want my work to endanger anyone that I loved. Things have calmed down since I stopped working on any projects. I consider myself very lucky.
****Thank you everyone for your interest and support, I am humbled. I want to give you an update. My youngest is almost out of the house. My two older kids are in the world and remarkable-each in their own ways. SO lucky I am!! I have decided to change my name back to the one I was born with. It feels a bit separate from the one my kids have AND gives me some space to not worry about the association. Plus it also gives them the freedom to choose if they want to participate in speaking out, or not. I have no vested interest either way.
My response today in 2019 is very very different than in 2013 when I responded from fear. Not only am I starting to fight again, but want to live the rest of my life as a BAD-ASS. If I have one day left or 67 years, I don’t care.
I have seen so many other people wake up to what is happening in our world, to the greed and selfishness. I have seen so many people horrified at the terrible things we do as human beings.
I am not standing alone anymore. There are many of us. Honestly, they can’t kill us all. THEY CAN’T KILL US ALL.
That’s the good news. She is back in the fight. Seriously, how many of you think Jeffrey Epstein killed himself?
Some details of these stories are similar to plot elements the late Michael Crichton used in his novel, “State of Fear”. That novel’s plot dealt with the terrorist activities of a group modeled on Earth First!, as it tried to trigger natural disasters to scare people into support world-wide government intervention against climate change. One victim was killed by a lightning strike when his cell phone was turned into a charged pole during a storm, like a lightning rod.
I say this to make the point that none of the things Dr. Epstein or Mrs. Risley describe are far-fetched, are well within the capabilities of today’s consumer technology, and that coupled to our flawed nature, it’s very easy for evil people to do evil things to people they want to kill, and make it look like an accident.
And I wonder what Clyde Lewis would make of this. Maybe I’ll forward it to his Ground Zero website.
Thanks Brad.