KYW Bias Jarred Upon Return

KYW Bias Jarred Upon Return — The Great Nor’easter of 2018 knocked out power here for 24 hours starting 2 p.m., Friday (March 2), and we resorted to the transistor radio and KYW for news.

Our return to traditional media was jarring, to say the least.

The journalism put us in despair. While there was plenty of coverage of some murder where a man shot his wife and mother-in-law, and there was sports and news about Hollywood, little was heard about the story of the day, namely one million-plus Philadelphia-area residents being without power and heat during a winter storm.

What was arguably worse was  the bias. It was always there but shone like a spotlight after a long hiatus.

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court had given another victory to the Mariner East Two Pipeline appropriately ruling that local zoning laws do not apply to it.

KWY reported it.

The pipeline, which is owned by Sunoco and Energy Transfer Partners, would move natural gas from the frack fields of Ohio and Western Pennsylvania to Sunoco’s Marcus Hook Refinery.

KYW picked an opponent of the pipeline to be interviewed. This person bemoaned the decision. This person said the pipeline endangers  the community — it doesn’t — implying the judges were motivated by cronyism and corruption rather than law.

The comments were treated sympathetically and left without rebuttal.

Nobody pointed out that the pipeline would create jobs, lower consumer costs, provide taxes and increase energy independence. Nobody pointed out that there are risks to everything — especially involving energy — and the risks concerning this project are miniscule.

Nobody pointed out that the state has supremacy over municipalities when it comes to oil and gas matters.

That some still get their information from sources like this is why the Democrat Party still wins elections.

KYW Bias Jarred Upon Return After Storm

KYW Bias Jarred Upon Return



Philadelphia Earthquake Felt Nov. 30

Philadelphia Earthquake Felt Nov. 30 — Philadelphia residents who felt their houses shake about quarter-to-five this afternoon (Nov. 30) did not imagine it.

The region experienced a 4.1 magnitude earthquake centered on Dover, Delaware.

Philadelphia Earthquake Felt Nov. 30

Philadelphia Earthquake Felt Nov. 30

Sno Reprised For Great Blizzard (Hopefully)

Sno Reprised For Great Blizzard (Hopefully)
More slush than snow in Delco.

Sno Reprised For Great Blizzard (Hopefully) — The 24th Anniversary of the Great Blizzard of ’93 is not going to be a reprise for Philly despite some fears. has, at 7:10 a.m., the temperature for most of the day hovering just over freezing and with less than an inch more of snow accumulating.

Unless things drastically change in the next few hours, the mild snowfall of ’17 will be forgotten by next week.

Unlike the ’93 storm.

The most popular song by the under-appreciated area band Grey Eye Glances was inspired by the ’93 blizzard.


Sno Reprised For Great Blizzard (Hopefully)

Tornado Tom Says Panic Not Necessary

Tornado Tom Says Panic Not Necessary — Worried about the looming snowstorm? Tornado Tom Padula says we will get between 10 and 15 inches starting at 4 a.m. (March 14) but it’s nothing to panic about.

Hey spring starts next week.

Tom expects the snow to end at about 8 p.m. Here is the report by Tom and Cyclone Sally from  Unionville High School.

Tornado Tom Says Panic Not Necessary

Tornado Tom Says Panic Not Necessary -- Worried about the looming snowstorm? Tornado Tom Padula

Total Eclipse To Cross USA Aug. 21

Total Eclipse To Cross USA Aug. 21 — Southwest Kentucky is going to be the place to be come Aug. 21. A total eclipse will cross North America that day with the greatest totality of darkness being around Hopkinsville in the Bluegrass State.

The last time an eclipse crossed the United States was on June 8, 1918.

Pennsylvania unfortunately will miss it. 

Total Eclipse To Cross USA Aug. 21Total Eclipse To Cross USA Aug. 21

Christmas Snow Tornado Tom

Christmas Snow Tornado Tom — Christmas doesn’t end until Jan. 6 and Tornado Tom of rom Unionville High School in Chester County, Pa. says there will be snow for it. He is predicting 2 to 3 inches for tonight.

Christmas Snow Tornado Tom


Tornado Tom Halloween Special

Tornado Tom Halloween Special — Here is Tornado Tom Padula’s Halloween special from Unionville High School in Chester County, Pa. Yes, clowns are scary.

Tornado Tom Halloween Special

Springfield Streets Closed By Fallen Tree

Springfield Streets Closed By Fallen TreeSpringfield Streets Closed By Fallen Tree — This is Springfield Road at South Rolling Road in Springfield, Pa. shortly after 11 p.m., April 3. South Rolling was still blocked at the intersection and the street light there remained an an obtuse angle.  A windstorm that morning felled a large tree knocking wires into South Rolling and closing off the street at Cascade Road and Windsor Circle. Power was out for about an hour in the afternoon while PECO did repairs.

Kudos to the township for a fast response.

Springfield Streets Closed By Fallen Tree