CHOP Number 1 In Child Mutilation — cites Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) as the nation’s leading mutilator of children.
Children are innocent and can be convinced to believe anything. They can be convinced that a giant rabbit brings them their Easter candy and that Christmas presents come from a guy in a flying sleigh.
They will insist that everything they see on TV is true despite the adult’s laughter.
And they can made to believe that they are really meant to be the opposite sex and that his parents better give some “caring” doctor the money that had been his college fund to make it so.
The sex change industry is not about compassion but profit. Demons run it. Learn to fight it. Any doctor who participates is going to be held to account, likely by being bankrupted in lawsuits when his young victims become adults.
What does the CEO of CHOP make anyway? You really think she cares about providing healthcare?
Boys Being Poisoned By Weak Parents — TruthsSeekerJones posted on X, Sept. 8, what might be the best rebuttal to those defending letting males call themselves females and exploiting the necessary privileges — like, well, private bathrooms — given to females.
He referenced a soccer game involving 12-year-olds between Marple and Haverford in Delaware County, Pa. and said:
There are two boys on the Haverford girls team. Number 5 is one of them and he is their best player. This is literally insane. 2 girls didn’t get to play soccer this season because of lunatic parents, that, instead of getting their son the help and care he needs, decided to just affirm and acknowledge anything a child says.
Parents and authorities who deny reality and refuse to say no to delusion are destroying boys and girls.
Despite what our cultural leaders shreik at us, strong, decent men are necessary for a nation’s surival and boys don’t automatically grow into them.
Shapiro Defends Abusing Women And Grooming Kids-– Josh Shapiro posted on X, July 27, the below promotion celebrating the rejection of the reality of biology and sexual differences.
Hey, nobody likes bullies.
Right? LOL
Shapiro, Kamala Harris and, frankly, every Democrat approves of men being allowed to beat up women for entertainment.
Do School Boards Consider Personal Liability In Transitioning Push? – Pennsylvania school districts — including, at least, Penn Delco and Wallingford Swarthmore — are encouraging children, some reportedly as young as 5th grade, to “transition” to the opposite sex without the knowledge of their parents or guardians.
It should be self evident that permanent, life changing things should not be done to developing bodies.
Actually, it should be self-evident that permanent, life changing things to developing bodies should be prevented.
We wonder if the school directors and administrators pushing this stuff consider that with just slight paradigm shift, they might be on the hook for their life savings.
Seven-figure lawsuits are already being filed against doctors by adults who were encouraged to let themselves be sterilized and made sexless before they could be expected to understand the consequences of what was being done to them.
Remember, those behind the transitioning movement have strong financial motives. They aren’t doing this out of compassion. Maybe our educators ought to consider that.
Money is not the only motive, of course. Grooming is real. Check the headlines regarding yesterday’s (Dec. 18) arrest of prominent Philadelphia transsexual activist Kendall Stephens for raping two boys under the age of 13.
Children are being lied to about their destinies, and that’s demonic.
Do School Boards Consider Personal Liability In Transitioning Push?
Wallingford Swarthmore Hiding Transitioning From Guardians — Just heard a horrifying storying concerning Wallingford Swarthmore School District in Pennsylvania. A little girl is “transitioning”. The school is refusing to tell her grandmother, who is her legal guardian.
If you think for one moment that the pathetic little monsters who run this district care an iota about this girl’s well being, you are as pathetic as they are.
Policy Cutting Parents Out Of Sex Identity Conversations Passes In Penn Delco –The Penn Delco School Board, last night, Nov. 20, passed policy that will let parents be cut from conversations regarding sexual confusion their child might be having.
The policy also gives boys access to girls’ private spaces.
A standing-room crowd of 50 saw the policy pass by consent in the district’s Service Center on Dutton Mill Road. This means they don’t have to say their ayes or nays before the crowd.
In public comments prior to passing, Lisa Esler of Aston, a former school director, asked that it be tabled.
Kathi Culp noted the issue was ripping apart the community and asked why the board was so eager to pass it. She noted that there is no student in the district to whom it would apply
“Why are we rushing it?” she asked.
Jaci Farra noted the policy violates numerous aspects of the state and federal constitutions including the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause. She also said the policy violates several laws which are written based on objective biological definitions of sex, rather than arbitrary feelings.
She noted what the board did renders Title IX meaningless.
Ms. Farra further noted that the board in their haste rejected a meeting with a lawyer versed in educational policy development despite the lawyer having guided the Pennridge School District‘s successful and community-accepted sex-based bathroom policy.
All the women received loud applause.
After it passed, Joe Dychala of Aston took the podium and ripped the board for what it did. He ended up in a heated shouting match with school board President Leon Armour who ordered him away from the mike well before Dychala’s allotted time. Dychala finished saying his piece, however, and then some.
Mrs. Esler returned and said the board should be ashamed of itself for the rather cowardly way it instituted the controversial policy. She noted that the district’s cost per pupil is $20,000 per year and asked that the board give parents wishing to find an alternative school $10,000, which resulted in condescending sneers from the board.
Ms. Farra returned and said the new policy gives the Superintendent a dangerous degree of authority.
“Giving the administration this much power gives the board members the chance to wash their hands (of unpopular decisions),” she noted.
Brian Devane (sp) noted that he graduated from Sun Valley not that long ago. He said that school boards’ histories of adopting fads has led to tragic ends, some of which he personally witnessed. Devane said that in his school days ADHD was the fashion. Many of his friends were diagnosed with it and prescribed Adderall.
He said that he has attended many funerals for these friends.
Joe DiPietro of Aston said that he joined the Marines after high school rather than attend college. He expressed concern — which is not unwarranted — for the dangers the females students will face under this new policy.
“If something happens to my daughter you are going to see this face again and it’s not going to be cool, calm and collected,” he said.
Phil Falcone (sp) said he might be the oldest person in the room
“If what you guys did, you did 40 or 50 years ago, there would have been people outside with straitjackets,” he said.
Not one person spoke in defense of the policy.
The board, all Republicans, ran uncontested two weeks ago as they won on the Democrat ticket in the primary. Cross-filing is allowed in school board races.
We suspect most Penn Delco residents were rather surprised they would vote for such a policy. Here, for instance, is a story concerning Armour we carried three years ago.
The meeting started with Superintendent George Steinhoff saying district kindergartners will now be bussed and that Democrat State Sen. John Kane (9th District) is completely on board with his dream of cutting funds for cyber charter schools.
Well, that would end one escape for parents fearing for their daughter’s safety.
Penn Delco Mocks Reason With Definition Of Biological Sex — More than 75 concerned parents packed yesterday’s (Oct.25) Penn Delco’s school board meeting protesting the proposed resolution to give boys access to girls’ private places.
These include bathrooms and locker rooms with their showers and changing stations.
“‘Biological sex’ means the sex assigned by a doctor at birth” it says. “For intersex individuals or others with genetic anomalies, ‘biological sex’ refers to gender identity”
Parents do not have to be told that their child is having emotional troubles over his or her gender, under the policy, and the child gets to pick his or her pronouns. These might not necessarily be his or her, by the way.
The board denied that boys have already been allowed into girls spaces. Female students in attendance shouted that wasn’t true.
A mechanism long in place for students with emotional issues is the individual education plan (IEP). These would not be necessary for children confused about their sex under the new policy.
The board did not address whether the Sun Valley students protesting the policy would suffer consequences for yesterday’s walk out/lock out.
Parents, either get new school boards or get your children out of government-run schools into schools that you control.
Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation — About 50 students left Sun Valley High School at 10 o’clock this morning, Oct. 25, to protest the Penn Delco School District’s gender fluid bathroom/locker room policy.
Penn Delco is in Delaware County, Pa.
The students were met by a similar number of parents and supporters along with encouraging honks from passing drivers.
The students braved warnings, then threats from administration for having the walk out, which was reportedly originally scheduled for Oct. 2.
And there was peer pressure.
About 70 percent of the students support the school policy with about 30 percent opposing, said freshman James Pantuliano.
On his way out the door, another student grabbed his sign defending safe bathrooms and tore it up.
He didn’t back down, though.
“You never know what their motive is,” he said regarding boys who enter the traditional private places of girls.
There were reports that students had to pass through a “wall of teachers” to participate. They reportedly received threats that their grades would be affected and they would be banned from school sports.
Freshman tennis player Taylor MacNamee-Graham wasn’t worried.
“Tennis is over so I’ll be fine,” she said.
She said she didn’t care about getting in trouble anyway.
A senior who identified himself as Pablo said the protest was the right thing.
“I don’t want males going into female bathrooms or vice-versa,” he said.
He said the faculty tried to keep the protest from being discussed.
“They tried to stop us from talking about it but we have freedom of speech,” he said.
An order was broadcast for the students to return when they left the building but was ignored.
Aston Police were at the parking lot entrances.
Parents were reportedly never made aware of the change in bathroom policy, nor do they seem to be aware of sexually graphic books reportedly encouraging child-adult sex in the libraries.
Man In Dress Mocks Delco Council For Pregnant Person Wokeness — Sam Smith of Chester put on a dress and make-up, tonight, Oct. 18, and told Delaware County (Pa.) Council that he wanted a doula.
A doula is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth.
Sam was taking issue with agenda item 7L concerning hiring five doulas to provide support to 14 “pregnant persons.”
Yes, they used the phrase “pregnant persons” and that’s what Sam was calling out.
Good for him. The twisted souls who cook up phrases like this are vandals no different than a kid spraying painting crap on the wall of a business. Well, they are far, far, far more destructive of course.
And when those like on Delaware County Council, in a moment of weak-minded thoughtlessness, submit to them, mocking’s necessary.
Sam did a fine job.
See below for the video.
In other matters, Giselle Cosentino made a presentation on behalf of the Garrett Williamson Foundation in Newtown Square. The foundation is seeking $45,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money to repair a 200-year-old barn damaged in a tornado in 2019 and to pay for the enrollment of 400 fourth graders from the William Penn School District in the foundation’s school to farm program.
The foundation is on a 250-acre tract on Bishop Hollow Road.
Council unanimously approved the grant.
Helen Kaplonski of the Child Guidance Resource Centers on Old West Chester Pike in Haverford Township sought $87,570 in ARPA money to replace copper window frames installed in 1963.
The grant was approved with Christine A. Reuther abstaining. Ms. Reuther sits on the organization’s board.
The board approved 28 agenda items including 7L and 7k which provided for the training of 18-20 doulas, which is a apparently going to be one per person. The county also want the doulas to be able to overcome language barriers..
Gotta look out for the “pregnant persons”.
Man In Dress Mocks Delco Council For Pregnant Person Wokeness
The latest transoversy: Should there be separate leagues for transexuals engaged in amateur athletics.?
One reason for this is purely statistical. Shouldn’t we have four lanes for stats; i.e., men. women, MTF and FTM, or do the numbers really matter?
Well, even amateur sports declare a champion and winners of individual meets, so, rightly or wrongly, most societies emphasize winning, and, mostly, in what is considered a “fair” manner, without any performance enhancing drugs or operations, etc .
“If you go through male puberty you should not be able to take away medals away from females,” said Trans Activist Caitlin Jenner. At the same time “Trans women who transitioned before male puberty do not have a performance advantage”.
My addition to this is that, however you do it, it should be post op transexuals.
“What about male transsexuals? Are they to have no competitive arenas of their own? Due to their use of estrogen, they are weaker and less competitive than otherwise would have been the case, but still far stronger than undrugged girls. And their female to male counterparts are stronger and thus more competitive than they were before, thanks to doses of testosterone, but still nowhere near the level of males. No, they should not be banished from sports rivalry. They, too, deserve to experience the joys of competition. They should be allowed to organize their own events, whether in high school, college or the Olympics. We already have the Paralympic Games. Why not also organize athletic games for transsexuals?
However, there have been some FTM exceptions (see below)
In March of this year, the WAC (World Athletics Council) voted to exclude male athletes who have undergone male puberty from female World Ranking competition”.
Lastly, can we advance to the place where we are no longer “otherizing” Transexuals, athletes or not, once we’ve found agreement on the above issues.