Founding Fathers Were Christians

Founding Fathers Were Christians — Kim Kennedy shared this March 30 Face the Culture podcast featuring Pastor David Whitney. He points out that all who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were all expressed followers of Jesus Christ including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.

It’s worth listening to and powerfully rebuts the arguments of I-think-I’m-smart academics and their wannabe followers.

Here it is:

Founding Fathers Were Christians

Delco Voting Issues Aired On Face The Culture

Delco Voting Issues Aired On Face The Culture — Discussed on last night’s (April 26) Face the Culture with Kim Kennedy and Pastor Stephen Gruen were the crusade by Robert Mancini to learn obtain certain public records and Delaware County, Pa.’s peculiar quest to keep them from him.

Mancini won a judgement from Pennsylvania’s Office of Open Records which Delco is appealing to Common Pleas Court.

The records Mancini wants concern with Fort Orange Press of Albany, N.Y., which prints the county’s election ballots; the number of voters who cast a ballot in a precinct in Marple; the mail-in ballot applications Fort Orange Press received; and the identity of those who installed software on certain voting machines in Marple along with the software that was installed.

Access to these things should be considered routine and uncontroversial. That the county is fighting raises unfortunate questions.

Also discussed with guest Greg Stenstrom, was the victory won by himself and Leah Hoopes in which Commonwealth Court has agreed to hear their appeal of case by Delaware County Common Pleas Court that county election officials destroyed or are hiding evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.

He noted that Leah and himself will have to resubmit the documentation as the court initially rejected the appeal.

Greg also noted that his social media platform Patriot.Online is gaining readers and influence.

It’s an excellent site that we recommend.

Bill Lawrence of this site was also a guest.

The program can be heard here:

Delco Voting Issues Aired On Face The Culture
Delco Voting Issues Aired On Face The Culture

Misanthropic ICD Gambit Used To Advance Tyranny

Misanthropic ICD Gambit Used To Advance Tyranny –Kim Kennedy and Pastor Steve Gruen hosted on Wednesday’s Face the Culture Leah Hoopes, Gregory Stenstrom and Bill Lawrence of this site.

Discussed were lawfare; Tucker Carlson’s revelations regarding Jan. 6; and Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer’s dismissal of a complaint filed by Leah and Greg concerning unlawful behavior by election officials.

Stollsteimer said in a May 4 letter to County Council that the complaint was based on just three internet videos that had been “materially edited”. It was a shameless thing to say as Greg and Leah had submitted 37 video files along with audio ones none of which came from the web but from whistleblower Regina Miller.

Also discussed was Dominion Voting Systems use of lawsuits to silence critics. Other media outlets fail to wonder why Dominion is so strident in its opposition to audit of its machines. They also fail to ask why proprietary software should be used in election systems in the first place. It wouldn’t be hard to write open-source, publicly owned code. How many are aware that Dominion officials refused to testify before the Pennsylvania Senate shortly after the 2020 election?

Greg, who refers to those behind this as “misanthropes” i.e. “haters of humanity”, noted that they are skilled in the strategy of ICD which means “isolate, contain, destroy” and said they are trying to to this to Carlson. He explained they are seeking to isolate him from support, contain his message and then ultimately destroy him.

He said the response is CER or connect, engage and restore. This doesn’t mean attacking the ICD users but to support the subject of their attack. It also means to engage in a substantive discussion of what they are trying to suppress.

Here is a link to the podcast:

Misanthropic ICD Gambit Used To Advance Tyranny --Kim Kennedy and Pastor Steve Gruen hosted on Wednesday's Face the Culture Leah Hoopes, Gregory Stenstrom and Bill Lawrence of this site.

Misanthropic ICD Gambit Used To Advance Tyranny --Kim Kennedy and Pastor Steve Gruen hosted on Wednesday's Face the Culture Leah Hoopes, Gregory Stenstrom and Bill Lawrence of this site.
The Delaware County Daily Times article concerning the May 18 2022 meeting of Delaware County Council at which Stollsteimer’s letter was read into the record

Misanthropic ICD Gambit Used To Advance Tyranny