Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction

Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction — Dave Galluch is calling out Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa5) for the cruel and insensitive remarks she posted concerning Republican revelations of the suffering caused by Soros-style attitudes towards police

Mary Gay insisted that crime is dramatically dropping then blames the possession of guns by law-abiding citizens for a rise in violence.

C’mon girl. Keep your story straight.

She is right in that murders have dropped in Philly from the record setting year of 2021.

What possibly could have changed? Could it be a new tough-on-crime, pro police mayor?

The last one was anti-police and soft on crime.

Regarding guns, Philadelphia had 432 murders in 1995 which was when the state legislature made “right-to-carry” applicable in the city. Within four years the number fell to 292 and stayed fairly flat until 2018 which was James Kenny’s third year and when his ally, Soros-backed Larry Krasner became district attorney.

There were 353 murders in 2018 and in 2019. They jumped to 499 in 2020 and then a record 562 in 2021.

In 2022 there were 514 in 2022 and then a solid drop to 410 in 2023.

Keep clapping those hands Mary Gay. Maybe they will fall beneath 300 again when police once again becomes respected. You know, when congresswomen stop implying they are mostly racist thugs.

And, of course, for homes and streets to be safe, good guys have to keep their guns.

A citizenry able to defend itself while being protected by the police and courts is a very safe citizenry.

Here is Galluch’s post on X which includes Mary Gay’s posturing video.

Yes, she wants to strip sane, law-abiding people from being able to defend themselves.

Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction

Your Body So What Says Mary Gay

Your Body So What Says Mary Gay — An undated video of Delco’s congresswoman, Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa5), is flying around X in which she praises lockdowns and says those reluctant to take vaccines deserve what’s coming to them as far as loss of employment and education.

Former Al Gore advisor Naomi Wolf describes her smile as “demonic”.

Patrick Byrne is, well, even more undiplomatic.

Mary Gay proclaims “my body, my choice,” as she demands restriction-free abortion even through the ninth month.

Granted, the slogan ignores the body of the baby and the wishes of the father, albeit ironically far more often than not it’s the father whose choice is what’s honored in the termination of a pregnancy.

Her hypocrisy, though, is still glaring.

There are a lot very good reasons why one might not want to take a vax, even one far more tested that the Covid ones foisted upon us.

For Pete’s sake, there are people who can’t eat peanuts.

Here is the video.

This November, let’s choose to retire Mary Gay.

Your Body So What Says Mary Gay
Oh, come on, Naomi. It’s not THAT demonic.

Congresswoman Carjacked In Sorosdelphia

Congresswoman Carjacked In Sorosdelphia — We just learned via the great Gateway Pundit that Mary Gay Scanlon was carjacked on Pattison Avenue in Philly, about 2:45 this afternoon (Dec. 22) after leaving a meeting about development in FDR Park.

Congresswoman Carjacked In Sorosdelphia
So does a liberal who gets carjacked become a conservative?

Maybe that’s why our Democrat congresswoman — Pennsylvania’s 5th District — has yet to respond to our query regarding the use of ivermectin to treat congressional covid cases.

Mary Gay, according to GP, is fine albeit she lost her 2017 Acura MDX, personal cell phone, federal government cell phone and personal ID. 

The perps were two armed men. You would think a better description would be available.

Will we find it true that a conservative is a liberal who gets carjacked? Hope so but we wouldn’t bet on it.

Wasn’t that long ago, the stadium neighborhood was among the safest in the city.

Oh what a difference a Soros DA makes, right Larry Krasner?

Of course, Delaware County is in the same boat, right Jack Stollsteimer?

Congresswoman Carjacked In Sorosdelphia

Sanctimonious Scanlon Sneers At Constituent

Sanctimonious Scanlon Sneers At Constituent
She doesn’t care

Sanctimonious Scanlon Sneers At Constituent — A reader contacted Mary Gay Scanlon, the divisive Democrat who represents Pennsylvania’s 5th District in Congress, expressing concern about the lack of action regarding border security and the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). The USMCA is a trade agreement that bipartisan experts say will greatly improve the economy of North America and, unlike, NAFTA, puts America first.

Here’s what our reader got in response. Congresswoman Scanlon should be ashamed of herself. She does not care about this country or her district.

Sanctimonious Scanlon Sneers At Constituent
Sanctimonious Scanlon Sneers At Constituent

Crowd Protests Divisive Scanlon Over Impeachment Push

Crowd Protests Divisive Scanlon Over Impeachment Push
Pro Trump protestors pack the Route 252 walkway at Strath Haven High School in Nether Providence to greet Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa5).
Ph0to by Susan Jane Goldner

Crowd Protests Scanlon Over Impeachment Push — About 35 protesters greeted Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon at yesterday’s (Oct. 20) town hall at Strath Haven High School in Nether Providence Township our sources tell us.

Ms. Scanlon is the divisive Democrat who represents Pennsylvania’s 5th District.

The purpose of the event was to drum up support for the Democrat coup d’état of President Trump disguised as an impeachment proceeding.

About 200 in total — a rather small crowd considering — attended the event.

Activist Susan Jane Goldner has posted numerous videos on Facebook.

Susan Jane, of Montgomery County, was one of the organizers of the protest against the Democrat Scanlon. She had been a much more active-than-average Republican committeewoman in Lower Gwynedd until she was forced from her post last December. It would have been nice if the GOP leadership kept her in the fold considering the division in the party and the opportunity they are blowing to take back control of the county this Nov. 5.

Crowd Protests Divisive Scanlon Over Impeachment Push

Ladies Who Lynch With Mary Gay

Ladies Who Lynch With Mary Gay
Is she sane? Seriously?

Ladies Who Lynch With Mary Gay — Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon, the divisive Democrat who represents Pennsylvania’s 5th District, is holding a town hall 3 p.m., Sunday (Oct. 20) at Strath Haven High School, 205 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa., 19086.

Maybe next week she can look into Russia’s other LOL assets Jill Stein and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).

Apparently she will be attempting to drum up support to impeach President Trump, well, just because.

Don’t be surprised if most of those attending Mary Gay’s ladies-wh0-lynch event to be defenders of the President and democracy.

Lynch With Mary Gay

Mary Gay Scanlon First Town Hall

Mary Gay Scanlon First Town Hall

Mary Gay Scanlon First Town Hall — Mary Gay Scanlon, the new Democrat extremist representative for Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District will hold a town hall, 7 o’clock, tonight, Feb. 21 , at Widener University’s Lathem Hall in Chester.

You have to RSVP though. It can be done here.

Mary Gay Scanlon First Town Hall