Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes — Hadassah Feinberg early this morning, July 24, posted another video regarding Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro. This one says he is complicit in the July 13 attempted assassination of President Donald Trump in Butler, Pa. along with the murder of Corey Comperatore, and the wounding of two others.

Ms. Feinberg, who had been an active member of the Harrisburg Jewish community, says Shapiro is guilty of numerous other crimes — including murder and cover ups of murder.

She had been a supporter of Shapiro and had even attended a closed even at the Governor’s Residence last September.

A few weeks afterwards, though, she became involved in a matter involving the grandchildren of a convicted sex abuser with connections to Josh.

She says she “saved them” and had to flee Dauphin County 10 days later due to threats.

She first moved to neighboring Cumberland County, but has now left the state.

Ms. Feinberg says the Harrisburg Jewish community fears speaking up due Shapiro’s willingness to cruelly retaliate.

Her letter cites Shapiro’s cover-up of Ellen Greenberg‘s murder. Ms Greenberg been engaged to Shapiro’s childhood friend and donor, Samuel Goldberg.

Ms. Feinberg has filed a private criminal complaint charging Shapiro with homicide relating to the murder of Comperatore and attempted assassination of Trump.

Here is her letter:

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes --

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes --

Below is her YouTube video. How long will it stay up?

Hat tip Sean Connolly.

Gov Shapiro Implicated In Trump Assassination Try And Many Other Crimes.

Woman Fled Pennsylvania Out Of Fear Of Shapiro

Woman Fled Pennsylvania Out Of Fear Of Shapiro Hadassah Feinberg posted a warning regarding Gov. Josh Shapiro on YouTube. She says she has been forced to flee Pennsylvania out of fear of repercussions for speaking out against him.

Watch it here.

Hat tip Sean Connolly

Woman Fled Pennsylvania Out Of Fear Of Shapiro

Never Forget Ellen Greenberg, Little Josh Shapiro, Never Forget

Never Forget Ellen Greenberg, Little Josh Shapiro, Never Forget — Pennsylvania Gov. Little Josh Shapiro is on the short list of vice presidential (presidential?) candidates now that (the late?) Joe Biden has declared that he is not seeking re-election.

We’d like to remind all how he swept the investigation into the “suicide” of kindergarten teacher Ellen Greenberg into oblivion.

Ellen “killed herself” by stabbing herself in the back 22 times.

Josh is buds with her “heartbroken” fiance Samuel Goldberg, an NBC (Comcast) producer.

Never Forget Ellen Greenberg, Little Josh Shapiro, Never Forget
Little Josh Shapiro takes care of his buds

Stradley Ronon Opens Southern California Branch

Stradley Ronon Opens Southern California Branch — Stradley Ronon, the Philadelphia-based octopus that employed together Josh Shapiro just before he became Pennsylvania attorney general and Val DiGiorgio while he chaired the Pennsylvania Republican Party, has opened an office in Southern California.

It will specialize in securities litigation.

Shapiro and DiGiorgio were friends and washed and watched each others back.

Stradley Ronon is one of the reason why politicians don’t do what their constituents expect them to.

Stradley Ronon is one of the reason why life gets harder for Pennsylvanians.

Now they are going to play in the California sun.

Stradley Ronon Opens Southern California Branch
Gov. Josh Shapiro of Stradley Ronon

Stradley Ronon Opens Southern California Branch

AG Wants 30 Days To Answer Connolly RTK

AG Wants 30 Days To Answer Connolly RTK — The Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General says it needs another 30 days, or until April 24, to answer the right-to-know (RTK) request Sean Connolly submitted March 18.

RTK Officer Sharon K. Maitland said the extension was needed due to the extent of Connolly’s request.

Connolly of Collegeville bought a Toll Brothers-built house in 2017 and says its shoddy construction makes it barely livable.

He has recorded his grievances at

He says state, municipal and Montgomery County authorities are protecting Toll Brothers and then Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

Connolly seeks communications between the AG office and attorneys Jennifer Horn and Carter Williamson of Horn Williamson relating to Toll Brothers along with documents such as inter-office emails and meeting agendas involving former Consumer Protection Division Director Sarah Frasch in which Connolly was mentioned.

He also seeks financial records relating to use of special agents used to contact Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, both of Delaware County, after they reported election irregularities in November 2020 to former US Attorney Bill McSwain.

Connolly also asked for all communications sent to Dr. Scott Rifkin who is an advisor to now Gov. Shapiro. He says Shapiro, Rifkin and others were involved in a backdoor deal to sell the 200 acre county-owned Parkhouse property while Shapiro was a county commissioner.

Connolly has numerous other request in his RTK and we are including a pdf of the attorney general office’s response.

AG Wants 30 Days To Answer Connolly RTK -- The Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General has informed Sean Connolly they will need another 30 days,

Stenstrom Explains Shapiro Involvement In Election Issues

Stenstrom Explains Shapiro Involvement In Election Issues — Greg Stenstrom has a column in The Intelligencer Today concerning his — and Donald Trump’s — recent victory in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court regarding the 2020 election.

He also makes note of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s involvement in the gaslighting to convince all the election was safe, secure and legitimate.

Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes are the authors of The Parallel Election which describes massive voting irregularities in Delaware County.

Here are the first few paragraphs of the article:

The day after President Trump and codefendants Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes won their Philadelphia defamation case on February 28th, 2024, where they used a truth is a complete defense strategy to expose massive election fraud, Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro responded by announcing he would partner with federal agencies to target “threats to elections.” Specifically, Shapiro will gag speech he deems “misinformation” with unveiled threats directed at President Trump, and Stenstrom and Hoopes, who have turned the false narrative of the “safest and most secure elections in history” on its head.

There is no longer any question of whether there was massive election fraud in the November 2020 presidential election, or in elections since. It is now a matter of public and judicial record that it did occur, and Shapiro was at the vanguard in stealing both the Pennsylvania and national elections.

Election fraud is not the end goal, but the means by which a cadre of career criminals are placed in strategic roles within government to implement wealth extraction from the citizenry.

Left unopposed, Shapiro intends to continue stealing elections. In addition to his now open threats to anyone challenging what he ironically calls “The Big Lie,” he recently ordered that illegal aliens who apply for drivers’ licenses be illegally registered to vote by mail-in-ballot, is now prowling college campuses for non-resident students to also register to vote by mail-in-ballot, and amping up every possible method to cement his control over election outcomes.

The only “big lie” is that Josh Shapiro refused to investigate the massive election fraud reported to him as Pennsylvania Attorney General, and he never dared to enter a courtroom on the matter.

Shapiro has focused a group of criminal-minded acolytes, minions, and lawyers to terrorize anyone opposed to their ideas of the fundamental “transformation” of the government and maintain their hold on it to extort and extract the wealth of the citizenry. His simple formula, historically used by all tyrants, is to give weak-minded, resentful, unqualified people a little bit of absolute power, along with a salary that depends on them wielding that power and setting them loose.

Read the rest of the article here:

We’ll note that Shapiro’s acolytes consists of the leadership of Pennsylvania’s Republican establishment.

Val DiGiorgio, who was Pennsylvania’s GOP chairman not that long ago was a backer. Mike Vereb, who was a chairman of the Montco GOP was part of Shapiro’s cabinet until, well,

Alex Soros, who is George’s kid, posted this on X, March 20.

Stenstrom Explains Shapiro Involvement In Election Issues

Stenstrom Explains Shapiro Involvement In Election Issues

Flipping On Shapiro?

Flipping On Shapiro?Doom, despair and misery aside, most in law enforcement and government are good guys. Granted, they are not usually the ones running things but they are the majority.

We just heard from a credible source that someone is about to flip on Gov. Josh Shapiro.

Keep watching the Montgomery County Courthouse, people. Keep watching the courthouse.

Flipping On Shapiro?
“Steele” yourself

Sarah Frasch Leaving AG For Big Pharma?

Sarah Frasch Leaving AG For Big Pharma? –We have heard that Sarah Frasch is stepping down as director of Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.

Reportedly, it is to take a job with Johnson and Johnson of Big Pharma infamy.

The AG’s press office hasn’t returned the phone call and email we sent this morning for confirmation.

Sarah Frasch Leaving AG For Big Pharma?

Shapiro Admin Pays Out $295K To Settle Sex Scandal

Shapiro Admin Pays Out $295K To Settle Sex Scandal — The Shapiro Administration has forked out $295,000 to pay settle the sex harassment matter involving Josh’s good bud Mike Vereb, who had been his secretary for legislative affairs.

Legislative affairs! Good one! LOL.

Anyway Josh, a Democrat, has long been pals with Vereb who was once chairman of the Montgomery County GOP.

He had no prob digging up $295K for a bro.

So long as it was taxpayer money, of course.

Hey, have you considered Ken Lawrence to fill Mike’s shoes?

Let that Montgomery County connection party on.

Shapiro Admin Pays Out $295K To Settle Sex Scandal
Josh is always there for a bro in need!

Shapiro Admin Pays Out $295K To Settle Sex Scandal

Vereb Sex Harassment Settlement Reportedly Reached

Vereb Sex Harassment Settlement Reportedly Reached — Gov. Josh “Male Democrat Feminist” Shapiro saved “Minion” Mike Vereb’s butt from a big beating when he had the state settled the sex harassment allegations against him, as per  Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA.

Vereb still had to resign as the Secretary of Legislative Affairs, though.

Betcha he lands in something soft though.

If he’s buds with Josh, you know he has good connections.

Hey, did know that Mike once chaired the Montgomery County Republican Party?


Why is Josh giving Republicans Party leaders top jobs? Why are the Republican Leaders accepting them?

Is there two parties or just one?

Vereb Sex Harassment Settlement Reportedly Reached
Gov. Josh “MDF” Shapiro
Vereb Sex Harassment Settlement Reportedly Reached