Border Czar Gaslighting By Establishment Mouthpiece Media

Border Czar Gaslighting By Establishment Mouthpiece Media –The establishment media mouthpieces are trying to convince the normies of America that Vice President Kamala Harris never had any responsibility for the border and is no way culpable for the crisis caused by unvetted “migrants” crossing it at will.

Their tears are sweet when they no longer control the fact-checking.

Peter St Onge noted on X that there were 31,800 references to Kamala as ‘border czar’ over the course of 3 years.

Border Czar Gaslighting By Establishment Mouthpiece Media

This was posted on X by Buzz Patterson.

Border Czar Gaslighting By Establishment Mouthpiece Media

Success in life William W. Lawrence Sr. Cryptowit 7-26-19

Success in life William W. Lawrence Sr. Cryptowit 7-26-19

Wr zhdu brxu khduw rq brxu vohhyh lvq’w d yhub jrrg sodq; brx vkrxog

zhdu lw lqvlgh, zkhuh lw ixqfwlrqv ehvw.

Pdujduhw Wkdwfkhu  

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things; to the every day things nearest to us rather than to the things that are remote and uncommon.
Booker T. Washington


Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things; to the every day things nearest to us