Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters

Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters— Delaware County (Pa) Councilwoman Christine Reuther issued a challenge at the Aug. 7 meeting to show that county’s voting rolls were dirty.

John Proctor Child created a 300-page report showing that there are 12,000 ineligible voters on Delco’s rolls and Leah Hoopes posted the cover letter to the county, yesterday, on X.

Here it is:

Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters On Rolls

In other news, Roger Alejandro Piñate Martinez, 49, a Venezuelan citizen and resident of Boca Raton, Fla., is among those charged with bribery and money laundering concerning elections in the Philippines.

Martinez and his co-conspirators funneled around $1 million in bribes to Juan Andres Donato Bautista, 60, the former Chairman of the Filipino Commission of Elections.

Martinez is a co-founder and executive of Smartmatic, which makes voting machines including the ones used to elect Hugo Chavez and Joe Biden.

Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters

Harris-Walz Weakest Border Security Ticket In History?

Harris-Walz Weakest Border Security Ticket In History ?

By Joe Guzzardi

Tradition calls for the presidential candidate to tack to the middle and to choose a vice president who will capture a state which the opposition might otherwise win. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ choice as running mate, does neither. Walz is a less-well-known version of California Governor Gavin Newsom, an ultra-progressive who is aligned with Harris on every radical position she supports. And 1972 was the last time a Republican presidential candidate captured Minnesota, when Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern. Although the GOP has made inroads in recent years, the state should remain safely blue.

Among U.S. residents, 71% have neither heard of Walz nor are sure how to evaluate him. But Walz has been in politics since 2006, when he began the first of six terms serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and before being elected and re-elected Minnesota’s governor in 2018 and 2022. Walz’s 26 years in public office should give concerned voters ample insight into his views on their top priority—immigration—and other controversial social issues like his handling of the 2020 BLM riots that cost Minneapolis-St. Paul taxpayers $2 billion.

On open borders and advocacy for more taxpayer funded benefits for illegal aliens, Walz is a carbon copy of Harris. He supports how Biden and Harris have stood idly by and watched millions of unvetted illegal aliens, including at least 99 from Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia and other nations on the terrorist watch list, cross into the U.S. and disappear into the interior. A sampling of his votes while he was in Congress shows that Walz is all-in on supporting more illegal immigration and providing them with more benefits. Walz was only one of ten co-sponsors on H.R. 2940 which would make it easier for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to waive grounds of inadmissibility related to terrorism. Walz also voted for H.R. 392, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, which would remove the per-country caps for employment visas and flood the country with even more foreign labor that would take American jobs from U.S. tech workers. As governor, Walz continued and intensified his illegal immigration advocacy. Walz sent a letter to congressional leaders in 2021 which urged them to pass amnesty legislation for “essential workers, Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status holders, and their families.” In the letter, Walz referred to amnesty as “the right thing to do” for the country. He promoted sanctuary state status for Minnesota, the North Star Act, signed a law that gave illegal aliens free public college tuition, and another law that gave drivers licenses to illegal aliens making it easier for them to get to jobs that are illegal for them to hold.

Walz has more heavy baggage that, if it ever becomes nationally known, would hurt Harris’ presidential bid.

      *A pesky 1995 DUI charge has resurfaced. Walz, living in Nebraska, was stopped for driving 96 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. He had a blood alcohol level of 0.128, well over Nebraska’s legal limit of 0.1 Ultimately, after telling several versions of the incident, Walz plead guilty to a reckless driving misdemeanor. His contradictory statements raised questions about his honesty.

     *As the Black Lives Matter riots swept through Minnesota, Walz’s leadership came under intense scrutiny. Critics argue that his failure to call the National Guard immediately allowed the chaos to escalate, and ultimately destroyed neighborhoods and small businesses. Harris’ involvement didn’t help matters; she was busy soliciting bail money for arrested protesters through the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which added fuel to the fire.

     *The governor changed the Minnesota flag to more closely resemble Somalia’s even though Somali gangs had terrorized shoppers at the Mall of America and at other Twin-Cities locations.

     * In January 2023, Walz signed into law Minnesota legislation that includes no limitations on when a woman may end the life of her unborn baby, abortion.

     *In March, 2023, Walz signed an executive order that affirmed gender affirming health care for Minnesota’s LGBTQ community.

     * Signed a bill that took effect on January 1 that required public schools to provide free menstrual products in boys and girls bathrooms. Co-sponsor Sandra Feist hailed Walz’s bill and said, “Not all students who menstruate are female.”

     *Finally, Walz signed an executive order ensuring that Minnesota children have access to irreversible transgender surgeries and sterilizing hormone treatments, which proponents call “gender-affirming care.”

Walz and Harris’ immigration and societal perspectives are far outside of the mainstream but, to date, the complicit media has kept their extreme policies under wraps. Since her coronation, Harris has gone seventeen days without taking a single question, a strategy that’s been working for her. A poll taken just after Biden dropped out, for example, showed that voters trusted her and Trump equally to bring down prices. She’s avoided, in the public’s eye at least, being tied to Biden’s inflationary policies, his open border agenda and warmongering administration. In Harris’ Philadelphia speech and Walz’s acceptance, neither mentioned the words “inflation” or “border.”  Her website is a fundraising vehicle that offers no policy proposals from which voters may review and draw their own conclusions.

Critics claim that the Harris-Walz ticket is the most radical in presidential history, a conclusion that well-informed voters may disagree with but should decide for themselves before they cast their votes.

Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst. Contact him at

Harris-Walz Weakest Border Security Ticket In History ?

Harris-Walz Weakest Border Security Ticket In History ?

Whether hideous William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-9-24

Whether hideous William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-9-24

Vdktgcbtcih ctktg atpgc. Dcan etdeat atpgc.
Bxaidc Ugxtsbpc

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit: I am, as I am; whether hideous, or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.
Herman Melville

Whether hideous William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-9-24
 whether hideous, or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.
Herman Melville

Grapes And Hope Ripen In Pennsylvania

Grapes And Hope Ripen In Pennsylvania — The grapes are ripening in central Delaware County, Pa. and despite the turmoil — and the lack of a fig tree — one does not feel afraid.

The crushing heat of the last month has been broken. The forecast for the next 10 days seem mild as per temperature and mostly clear after tomorrow.

The truth is coming out about a lot of things. The twisted people running much are being exposed as fools and knaves, and they are fighting in panic among themselves.

God bless Donald Trump.

Grapes And Hope Ripen In Pennsylvania

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

By Bob Small

If we had known the July 22 Wallingford-Swarthmore School Board Meeting would have been so exciting, we would of dropped our normal schedule of watching old westerns.

More than 250 attended. The big item was to announce the hiring of Dr. Sharon Baddick as assistant superintendent. Originally scheduled for the Strath Haven Middle School Library, the meeting had to be moved to the auditorium.

Among the issues the public raised was the failure of negotiations with the union, and the alleged “mistreatment of staff.” Other complaints were issues with the buildings and a general lack of communication.

Much of this has also been discussed on Next Door Swarthmore and other arenas.

In a letter to the Swarthmorean that was read into the meeting’s record, Arianne Allen had five suggestions:

  • A formal, independent evaluation of Dr. Marseille’s performance with emphasis on his ability to create a supportive and collegial work environment.”
  • Designate the District’s top priority to “stopping the bleeding” of the loss of administrators, teachers and staff by setting up meetings to “course correct”.
  • Work with the teacher’s union to approve a contract for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Do the budget and building decisions that are needed for the physical structure.
  • Evaluate the Special Education Team’s needs and help them become successful after their staff departures.

This was also reported in both the Delco Times and Town Talk.

Board Member Wachtman was interrupted by members in the audience” and said they wouldn’t continue “if decorum wasn’t restored”.

We should mention that the nine school board members almost all have a Bachelor’s degree with a number having Masters Degrees. They’re all members Board Members / Overview of a certain class without any “diversity”.

Slightly over a decade ago, four candidates for two seats included “ a police officer, a real estate agent, an investigator and a retired paper company executive. “

Might a return to this type of diversity be helpful? Just saying.

Full disclosure; My Bachelor’s degree, in English, is from Neumann’s night school.

The next meeting is 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27 School Board Meeting Calendar

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

School Board Sans Working Class Causing Turmoil In Wallingford Swarthmore

Liberals claim William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-8-24

Liberals claim William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-8-24

U my, me U my; itqftqd tupqage, ad tmzpeayq, pqbqzpe gbaz ita ue ympq vgpsq.
Tqdymz Yqxhuxxq

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.
William F. Buckley

Liberals claim William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-8
Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.
William F. Buckley

Vance Rocks South Philly

Vance Rocks South Philly — Sean Connolly sent us some photos of yesterday’s, Aug. 6, rally by Republican vice president nominee J.D. Vance at the 2300 Arena in South Philadelphia.

He said the counter-protest was insignificant and one poor lefty was leftyed near tears after a confrontation with the wonderful and inimitable Leah Hoopes.

Leah was interviewed by FoxNews. Check her out here. She starts at the 2:21 mark.

Journalist Christine Flowers said the energy for Trump was strong in South Philly and that while he might not win the city, he can definitely win the state.

“The crack in Kamala’s base is deeper than the one in our bell,” she said.

Vance Rocks South Philly
Distributed at the rally were these flyers featuring Sean Connolly’s The site played a role in torpedoing Shapiro’s nomination.

This fellow who gave his name as Sam shadowed Connolly’s contingent. He had a press badge but said he worked for the Republicans then said he had been a worker for the Shapiro campaign

Vance Rocks South Philly
This fellow also followed the Connolly group and appeared to be working with Sam, Connolly says.

Vance Rocks South Philly

Pennsylvania’s Guardianship Corruption Misery

Pennsylvania’s Guardianship Corruption Misery — Had a long phone call, yesterday, with a person from central Pennsylvania concerning a guardianship tragedy with his mother.

He didn’t want a story as of yet but what was described was no different that the tragedies suffered by Arthur Herring, Mary Bush and Jenny Reimenschneider.

This person — don’t assume male as the pronoun is being used in the universal sense to protect identity — is having limited access to his mother and his estate has been drained.

The mother, naturally, was given a guardianship despite having just mild incapacitation.

Pennsylvania’s system for guardianship is corrupt. It is designed to siphon money from vulnerable families to those connected to courts. The corruption includes judges, attorneys and various cronies.

The awareness of this corruption is international, by the way.

This would be an excellent issue for a honest legislator or an ambitious candidate.

Pennsylvania's Guardianship Corruption Misery

Pennsylvania’s Guardianship Corruption Misery

Superintendent Reusche Blames State For Not Notifying District Of Lynnewood Teacher Arrest

Superintendent Reusche Blames State For Not Notifying District Of Lynnewood Teacher Arrest

By Sharon Devaney

Superintendent Maureen Reusche, at the Aug. 1 Haverford Township (Pa.) School Board meeting, blamed the state for failing to notify the district of the two arrests of Lynnewood 5th grade teacher Matthew Gagat for masturbating in public.

“The problem is a technical one,” she said she was told.

The district’s policy is for parents to contact the teacher about such concerns, and then the principal before contacting the central office, she said. However, the parents can contact the administration if they feel they are being ignored.

So, were they being ignored? Was the principal told? Why wouldn’t the principal contact the superintendent?

We hear that parents had been expressing concern about Gagat’s classroom behavior for some time.

Lets not forget that the administration defended High School Vice Principal Steven Quinn despite his posting uncomfortably suggestive photos of himself on Instagram.

Perhaps the school district should worry less about diversity and more about character and competence.

In other matters, a few residents continued to push for impractical solar panels at Chatham Park Elementary School.

They argued that state subsidies would make solar energy affordable.

Newsflash: State subsidies are tax money also.

Superintendent Reusche Blames State
Former Vice Principal Steven Quinn on Instagram

Ashamed of mistakes William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-7-24

Ashamed of mistakes William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-7-24

Urknajub lujrv cx fjwc cx pren j qnjarwp cx xcqna ernfb, kdc cqnw jan bqxltnm jwm xoonwmnm cx mrblxena cqjc cqnan jan xcqna ernfb.
Fruurjv O. Kdltunh

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes.

Ashamed of mistakes William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-7
 Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes.