Woman Avoids Charges And Keeps Daughter After Montco Custodial Hearing

Woman Avoids Charges And Keeps Daughter After Montco Custodial Hearing — Alexandria, who is facing charges for taking her daughter to California to keep her from the clutches of an abusive ex escaped punishment, yesterday, Aug. 30, after a hearing before Montgomery County (Pa.) Common Pleas Court Judge  Wendy Demchick-Alloy.

Further, she retained full custody.

Among those attending the hearing in support, were Montco good-government activist Sean Connolly; the mother of Kayden Mancuso, whose death at the hands of a violent and unstable ex led to Kayden’s Law; a Delco woman seeking to keep her grandkids from unsupervised visits with a violent and unstable ex; Jody McMahon; and representatives from media outlets including a documentarian.

We understand that Montco President Judge  Carolyn T. Carluccio is beginning to take an interest in these cases.

Something is seriously wrong with Pennsylvania’s system of (alleged) child protection. The women above described objective instances — like hospital reports — of physical or sexual abuse of children with the abusing spouse not only escaping charges but continuing to have visitation rights.

Meanwhile, not so long ago, we attended a hearing in which a rather bratty kid described how his mother left a bruise on him when she smacked him after he kicked her leading to the Delaware County District Attorney to bring charges against her.

No hospitalization or stitches or anything of import.

The DA, however, chose to pursue this rather than protect children who hid in a Springfield sewer to escaped being in the custody of a violent father.

Sick people are in charge and the good judges and police and prosecuters have to speak up.

Connolly, by the way, noted he enjoyed the company of the seven or so sheriff deputies present at the hearing. He also said he had enjoyed a short conversation with the former driver for Mike Vereb, the one-time Montco GOP chairman who became secretary for legislative affairs for Gov. Josh Shapiro until unfortunate matters of legislative affairs compelled him to leave.

Activist Sean Connolly and Alexandria at the Montgomery County, Pa. courthouse.

Harris And False Murder Convictions

Harris And False Murder Convictions

By Bob Small

Where does the buck stop?

Harry Truman, former US President, had a sign on his desk saying “The Buck Stops Here”. Evidently, Kamala Harris never heard of that sign, or of that concept, involving her fellow democrat, as the following case will show.

Jamal Trulove, an emerging movie and tv entertainer, was convicted in October 2010, of a murder he did not commit. To be clear, Kamala, though the San Francisco District Attorney at the time, did not prosecute the case directly, but oversaw the case and was in the courtroom frequently.

Frequently enough to be aware that the conviction was based almost solely on the single testimony of one Priscilla Lualemaga.

Trulove appealed his 50-year to life sentence, and in 2014, his conviction was overturned by the California Court of Appeals, citing “highly prejudicial prosecutorial misconduct” by Harris’ office, including falsely and improperly inflating the personal danger Lualemaga had been in.”

Trulove was acquitted at his retrial in 2015. Linda Allen, a prosecuting attorney in the case, was later fired. Oh, and Trulove was awarded $13 million and change for his unlawful incarceration. Harris, btw, has never publicly commented on the case.

In 2020 he voted the Democratic ticket. He stated that “The people that I work with in Hollywood, they’re all on the left,” he added. “I really had no other choice.” .

He explained his switch to Trump thusly “When we look at what our life was like when Trump was in office we felt like life was good compared to right now,” “We wasn’t in no wars, right now we’re in wars. Illegals wasn’t coming in, but they’re coming in now.”

For some other decisions of Kamala Harris see Kamala Harris’ Record on Criminal Justice: What to Know

She did strictly enforce anti-truancy laws.

“Before he was acquitted, Trulove spent years in maximum security prisons, where he was stabbed “ Kamala Harris didn’t frame and prosecute a man for murder is technically a true statement, as it was done by her office, not her personally.

We do know three facts from this case;

The murderer of Seu Kuku has never been caught,

Jamal Trulove was falsely imprisoned.and may never have the career he should have had

Kamala Harris has never expressed regret.

See also Harris laughed when wrongfully convicting me, SF actor says

Jamal Trulove

Jamal Trulove – IMDb

Harris And False Murder Convictions

By Bob Small

Where does the buck stop?

Harry Truman, former US President, had a sign on his desk saying

Proverb from a fool’s lips William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-31-24

Proverb from a fool’s lips William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-31-24

Yd uluho Qcuhysqd jxuhu yi qd qyh ev ydsehhywyrbu yddesudsu, mxysx iuuci je sedsuqb q tyqrebysqb skddydw.
Q. U. Xekicqd

Proverb from a fool’s lips William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-31-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: A proverb from a fool’s lips will be rejected, for he does not tell it at the proper time.

Who Are The Republicans For Harris?

Who Are The Republicans For Harris?

By Bob Small

It’s easier to go negative then tell the truth.

In any political campaign, possibly starting at class president, it’s easier and more profitable to go negative on the other candidate than to tell the truth about yourself. Most of the TV/Radio ads on the airwaves are negative this year.

There’s a new Republicans for Harris ad which features such stalwarts as Former Rep. Denver Riggleman (formerly of the House Freedom Caucus) who calls Trump an “inveterate liar” and a “conspiracy theorist”.

Locally, Matthew McCaffrey, Upper Merion GOP leader, is now the ex- GOP leader, for his endorsement of Kamala Harris in a July op-ed. The Montco County GOP Chair Christian Nascimento said “Our bylaws are pretty clear that if you want to serve as a committee person in the party then you support the endorsed ticket”.

A number of Republicans including former Rep Adam Kinzinger who opined that “Donald Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party.”

However current Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) criticized these speakers as suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” on NBC’s This Week. He continued “The Democratic Party under Kamala Harris has gone so far to the left that you actually had a Kennedy endorse a Republican.”

Of course, they’re reaching out to some of the former President’s critics though to no real effect as of yet. There are implications that they are planning events in Pennsylvania this September.

Lastly, where did this RFH campaign come from? “Speedily and bluntly put, Republicans for Harris is to 2024 what the Lincoln Project was to 2020:” This article goes on to mention that one Amy Cookson, a Harris staffer, is one of the main contacts for Republicans for Harris. One should read the whole article from westernjournal.com.

See also Republicans for Harris | Facebook

See also ‘Republicans for Harris’ rallies members of GOP

Who Are The Republicans For Harris?

Shady business William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-30-24

Shady business William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-30-24

P egdktgq ugdb p udda’h axeh lxaa qt gtytrits, udg wt sdth cdi itaa xi pi iwt egdetg ixbt.

Shady business William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-30-1 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: A shady business never yields a sunny life.
B. C. Forbes

Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Harris Economic Plan Topic Of Keystone Town Hall

Harris Economic Plan Topic Of Keystone Town Hall — A Keystone Town Hall, sheduled for tonight, Aug. 29, will concerning the impact the invasion of illegals is having and the dangers of the economic price controls proposed by Vice President Kamala Harris.

It starts 7 p.m. at The Desmond Hotel, 1 Liberty Blvd., Malvern, Pa. 19355.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The event will be in the third-floor amphitheater.

For information email KeystoneTownHall@pm.me

Harris Economic Plan Topic Of Keystone Town Hall

Who Are The Republicans Against Trump?

Who Are The Republicans Against Trump?

By Bob Small

It’s a warning bell when any organization insists on changing its name. First started in May 2020 as the Defending Democracy Together as Republican Accountability In January 2021 they became Republican Accountability Project (RAP). However, their next iteration was Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT) which is their fourth (and final?) title.

The founders of RVAT  are Bill Kristol of the George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan administrations, Sarah Longwell and Tim Miller who was communications director for the Jeb Bush 2016 campaign, They also worked to defeat Trumpian candidates, succeeding with Dr. Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker. A third targeted candidate was J. D. Vance.

“Show me the money” is a well-remembered phrase. In the case of RVAT it’s billionaires Reid Hoffman, Seth Klarman, and John Pritzker.

Hoffman is the co-founder of LinkedIn and a democratic donor. Klarman runs the Baupost Hedge Fund (Boston) and has donated to both parties. Pritzker, of the Hyatt Hotel family, and the cousin of J. B. Pritzker  the Democrat governor of Illinois who ran Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

One keeps hearing that all the millionaires favor Trump but some didn’t get the memo.

“Donald Trump proved during his time in office and since why he is unfit to be President of the United States. This is from the official website of Republican Voters Against Trump. They are currently blitzing Pennsylvania, using electronic media, along with highway signs, etc.

The Guardian noted that, in 2024, RVAT released one hundred videos recorded by anti-Trump Republicans Vote against Trump, former supporters urge in $50m video.

More recently, Mike Pence came out strongly against what he claims is Trump’s backdown on abortion.

See also Mike Pence stars in new anti-Trump GOP ad campaign where Nikki Haley and Mitt Romney, etc. are also notable non-endorsers.

Since they are not being sent to the Democratic dark side then, where?. According to The 2024 Presidential Candidates, only the Libertarian Party has ballot access in 30-plus states and they are not a natural fit. The Constitution Party, whom we could see Mike Pence voting for, probably will only have about 10 states. So the mystery remains.

Who Are The Republicans Against Trump?
What ever was in those envelopes?

Black Americans William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-29-24

Black Americans William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-29-24

O gvorm pigwbsgg bsjsf mwszrg o gibbm zwts.
P. Q. Tcfpsg 

Black Americans William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-29-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: But I know that the vote of 9 out of 10 black Americans for the Democratic Party or for leftist kinds of policies just is not reflective of their opinions.
Clarence Thomas

Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Think otherwise than myself William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-28-24

Think otherwise than myself William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-28-24

 Ohg V xabj gung gur ibgr bs 9 bhg bs 10 oynpx Nzrevpnaf sbe gur Qrzbpengvp Cnegl be sbe yrsgvfg xvaqf bs cbyvpvrf whfg vf abg ersyrpgvir bs gurve bcvavbaf.
Pynerapr Gubznf 

Think otherwise than myself William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-28-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: I love all men who think, even those who think otherwise than myself.
Victor Hugo