Who Are The Republicans For Harris?
By Bob Small
It’s easier to go negative then tell the truth.
In any political campaign, possibly starting at class president, it’s easier and more profitable to go negative on the other candidate than to tell the truth about yourself. Most of the TV/Radio ads on the airwaves are negative this year.
There’s a new Republicans for Harris ad which features such stalwarts as Former Rep. Denver Riggleman (formerly of the House Freedom Caucus) who calls Trump an “inveterate liar” and a “conspiracy theorist”.
Locally, Matthew McCaffrey, Upper Merion GOP leader, is now the ex- GOP leader, for his endorsement of Kamala Harris in a July op-ed. The Montco County GOP Chair Christian Nascimento said “Our bylaws are pretty clear that if you want to serve as a committee person in the party then you support the endorsed ticket”.
A number of Republicans including former Rep Adam Kinzinger who opined that “Donald Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party.”
However current Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) criticized these speakers as suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” on NBC’s This Week. He continued “The Democratic Party under Kamala Harris has gone so far to the left that you actually had a Kennedy endorse a Republican.”
Of course, they’re reaching out to some of the former President’s critics though to no real effect as of yet. There are implications that they are planning events in Pennsylvania this September.
Lastly, where did this RFH campaign come from? “Speedily and bluntly put, Republicans for Harris is to 2024 what the Lincoln Project was to 2020:” This article goes on to mention that one Amy Cookson, a Harris staffer, is one of the main contacts for Republicans for Harris. One should read the whole article from westernjournal.com.
See also Republicans for Harris | Facebook
See also ‘Republicans for Harris’ rallies members of GOP
Good to see the #RINOs doing a self-reveal….