Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction

Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction — Dave Galluch is calling out Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa5) for the cruel and insensitive remarks she posted concerning Republican revelations of the suffering caused by Soros-style attitudes towards police

Mary Gay insisted that crime is dramatically dropping then blames the possession of guns by law-abiding citizens for a rise in violence.

C’mon girl. Keep your story straight.

She is right in that murders have dropped in Philly from the record setting year of 2021.

What possibly could have changed? Could it be a new tough-on-crime, pro police mayor?

The last one was anti-police and soft on crime.

Regarding guns, Philadelphia had 432 murders in 1995 which was when the state legislature made “right-to-carry” applicable in the city. Within four years the number fell to 292 and stayed fairly flat until 2018 which was James Kenny’s third year and when his ally, Soros-backed Larry Krasner became district attorney.

There were 353 murders in 2018 and in 2019. They jumped to 499 in 2020 and then a record 562 in 2021.

In 2022 there were 514 in 2022 and then a solid drop to 410 in 2023.

Keep clapping those hands Mary Gay. Maybe they will fall beneath 300 again when police once again becomes respected. You know, when congresswomen stop implying they are mostly racist thugs.

And, of course, for homes and streets to be safe, good guys have to keep their guns.

A citizenry able to defend itself while being protected by the police and courts is a very safe citizenry.

Here is Galluch’s post on X which includes Mary Gay’s posturing video.

Yes, she wants to strip sane, law-abiding people from being able to defend themselves.

Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction

Supremes Throw Shade At Philly DA In Gun Case

Supremes Throw Shade At Philly DA In Gun Case –The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, heard this morning, Sept. 13, a plea to overturn numerous state laws that prohibit municipalities from enacting independent firearm ordinances.

The hearing was at Philadelphia City Hall, one of the three venues used by the court.

Stanley Crawford et al vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, alleges that the state laws hurt minorities by preventing big cities from keeping guns out of poor neighborhoods.

Lead plaintiff Crawford is Black. His son was killed in a shooting, Sept. 8, 2018, in Philadelphia’s Rawhnhurst section.

The plaintiffs also say the state laws violate Article I, Section 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution which says that “(all) have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty.”

Their reasoning is that one can’t enjoy life if one lives in fear. Bad people on the street with guns make people afraid, they say.

And if only people would do what they want, unicorns would bring us all lollipops.

The plaintiffs also claim that gun violence is a health crisis

The plaintiffs were represented by Lydia Furst of the City of Philadelphia’s Law Department and Benjamin David Geffen of The Public Interest Law Center,.

The Democrat-leaning court was surprisingly unsympathetic to their arguments. Several justices wondered if they weren’t asking the court to set policy rather than address constitutional concerns.

Even more surprisingly — shockingly actually — was the shade thrown by the court at those Philly officials tasked with keeping the peace. Most of the shade came from Justice Kevin M. Dougherty and Chief Justice Debra Todd.

Dougherty and Ms. Todd wondered why the plaintiffs didn’t address their concerns about crime control with city officials.

District Attorney Larry Krasner was not cited by name.

But did he have to be?

Dougherty made it a point to say he was the only Philadelphia resident on the court.

Supremes Throw Shade At Philly DA In Gun Case
Attorney Josh Prince before the hearing

The defendants were well-represented by Democrats, also surprising. Matthews S. Salkowski represented the General Assembly and a person whose name we missed the Attorney General. They gave solid reasons for not letting Philadelphia and other places set independent firearm policy. Republican Senate Pro Tempore Kim Ward had her own representation, who also made strong arguments.

Attorney Josh Prince who filed amicus curiae on behalf of Allegheny County Sportsmen League and Firearms Owners Against Crime was an observer. He thinks the state laws are likely to stay in place.

The plaintiffs struck us as sincere. If they overcome this bizarre blind spot that has convinced them that their opponents are bad people indifferent to murder, much division would end.

Gun rights supporters are very much opposed to murder, let us note.

The 1994 law passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly compelled Philadelphia to grant concealed carry permits in the same unburdensome way the rest of the state did. Philadelphia homicides fell from 432 in 1995 to 292 by 1999, and stayed under 400 for 20 years.

Granted things have changed but, well, Larry Krasner.

Note at this link that there were but 150 homicides in Philly in 1960 and the city had about a half-million more people, and there were far fewer gun restrictions.

And nobody wants mass shooting. Japan has few mass shooting but the reason isn’t a gun ban. What Japan does is lock up the crazies.

Which is what we used to do. In 1960, there were more than three times as many in the United States who were incarcerated in mental institutions than in prisons.


It’s over six-to-one in prisons.

Supremes Throw Shade At Philly DA In Gun Case

Supremes Throw Shade At Philly DA In Gun Case

Pennsylvania Supreme Court To Hear Gun Rights Case

Pennsylvania Supreme Court To Hear Gun Rights Issue — The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hold a hearing, Sept. 13 in Courtroom 456 at Philadelphia City Hall concerning Stanley Crawford et al vs the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania et al.

The session starts at 9 a.m. and Crawford is the first case scheduled.

Crawford seeks to overturn decades-old state law and precedent prohibiting municipalities from passing gun laws stricter than the state.

Commonwealth Court rejected the case in 2021 it should have no chance on Wednesday s Supreme Court is baldly partisan and out-and-out fascist in its lack of respect for the law and Constitution.

We’d like to note that when Pennsylvania forced Philadelphia to make it easy for citizens to acquire concealed carry permits in 1995, murders dropped dramatically.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court To Hear Gun Rights Case

Pennsylvania Supreme Court To Hear Gun Rights Issue

I Hate Liberty Gun Safes

I Hate Liberty Gun Safes

I Hate Liberty Gun Safes

For what it’s worth the deer-hunting relatives we knew growing up generally kept their firearms in utility closets and such. No younguns ever did anything stupid with them. It really has to do with how one is raised. Hat tips Amanda Milius and Austin Ramos.

Guns Not Leading Cause Of Child Death

Guns Not Leading Cause Of Child Death — Establishment propagandists and power-mad politicians have been pushing the trope that guns are the leading cause of death among children.

David Harsanyi of The Federalist fact-checked it.

“According to the CDC, the number one killer of children between 1-14 are accidents — vehicular, suffocation, and drowning,” he writes. “Twice as many kids under 12 died in cars than from guns. Also, if these studies began at birth rather than starting at one, the leading killer of all children would be diseases and genetic abnormalities.”

Harsanyi further notes that the studies cited by America’s answer to TASS count 18 and 19-year-olds as “children.”

This further inflates an already inflated count.

“When you take 18- and 19-year-old adults out of the equation, the number of gun-related deaths among kids plummets considerably,” he says.

He also points out that if one starts counting at fetal viability late-term abortion is by far the leading cause of death among the young. He says that — more than 8,000 viable unborn are killed annually with and probably more than 50,000 after 15 weeks.

Hey soccer moms, ask yourselves why so many traditional media sources would so unashamedly distort the data.

Guns Not Leading Cause Of Child Death

Joe Biden Hypocrite On Everything

Joe Biden Hypocrite On Everything — Graphic images have again been released from that laptop of Hunter Biden’s that establishment mouthpieces called Russian disinformation in October 2020.

The latest data dump involved pictures of Hunter, naked, waving a gun in a hotel room with a prostitute, bottles of vodka and bags of white powder.

The gun appears to be a 9mm.

Dang boy, you can blow someone’s lung out with that.

If Hunter was black he could look forward to a life in prison.

Well not now with Donald Trump’s reforms, but under the laws Hunter’s daddy got enacted, oh yeah.

The laptop has been conclusively confirmed as Hunter’s.

It leads to an interesting question as to why the filth on it appears to be being doled out to match current events, rather than all at once.

Joe Biden Hypocrite On Everything
Joe Biden Hypocrite On Everything

Biden Can’t Even Control His Kid’s Gun

Biden can’t even control his kid’s gun.

Take that however you want.

As per Arthur Schwartz:

Hunter Biden lied on a Form 4473 to illegally purchase a gun, a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison & a $250K fine. His girlfriend then dumped that gun in the trash next to a school. He wasn’t even arrested. Why don’t we enforce existing laws before demanding new ones?

Biden Can't Even Control His Kid's Gun

Biden Can’t Even Control His Kid’s Gun

Guns Gays And June

Guns Gays And June — Delaware County Vice Chairwoman Elaine Schaefer during her short speech at Monday’s Media Memorial Day event alluded to the mass shootings in Buffalo and Uldave.

She said we should embrace our common values and consider curtailing our freedoms.

OK, we can work with her. Can she work with us?

The intransigency by gun right defenders comes from the reasonable assumption that for those like Ms. Schaefer it is about banning guns and not about stopping mass shootings, or even mundane weekly shootings in places like Chicago and Philadelphia.

We challenge Ms. Schaefer to make the first step of faith. Simply say, “I support the right of a sane, law-abiding adult to have an AR-15 with a 30-round magazine.”

“Law-abiding” should be self-evident but we can start considering the definitions of “sane” and “adult”.

We can then start discussing whether ending cash bail is wise and do the same for not just defunding but demoralizing the police.

We can ask how we can create a culture where life is revered. When prominent politicians express support for the literal killing of babies it’s easy to see how certain ungrounded young can acquire a nihilistic philosophy.

How about instead of our schools teaching that we exist by chance and nothing matters once we die, we start teaching that we are here for a purpose and that we face a judgement after death at which we must account for what we have done?

No sane, law-abiding adult supports mass shootings or mundane weekly ones. That’s the common value we share.

Gay Be Not Proud

June is being pushed by the establishment bullies as “Gay Pride Month”. We should love everyone and we can think of a couple of gay journalists who have become heroes of ours, but it’s beyond stupidity to encourage pride in participating in objectively destructive sex acts or rejecting half of humanity and not creating children of your own.

What one should be proud of is standing up to establishment bullies.

Guns Gays And June
Gillette Stadium lit up in celebration of #Pride2022
Guns Gays And June

Oligarch and tyrant mistrust William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-30-21

Oligarch and tyrant mistrust William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-30-21


Nyx’d sxdobpobo gsdr kxidrsxq sx dro Myxcdsdedsyx. Drkd wecd lo wksxdksxon, pyb sd sc dro yxvi ckpoqekbn yp yeb vslobdsoc.
Klbkrkw Vsxmyvx

Oligarch and tyrant mistrust William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-30-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.

Oligarch and tyrant mistrust William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-30-21

Hunter Lost His Gun In Domestic Tiff Reportedly

Hunter Lost His Gun In Domestic Tiff Reportedly — Joe Biden is pushing for gun control. Seriously? He can’t even get his family to do the responsible things 99.999 percent of legal gun owners do.

You heard about that right?

Yes, Hunter Biden and Joe’s daughter-in-law Hallie violated gun laws and common sense safety concerns after a domestic tiff.

Hunter Lost His Gun In Domestic Tiff Reportedly
Barry, Joe and Hunter

This occurred Oct. 23, 2018 near Wilmington.

Just be clear, Hallie was not Hunter’s wife. She was the widow of Biden’s other son Beau. Hallie was merely Hunter’s paramour. Playas like Hunter can expect tiffs with their mistresses, though, no matter how temporary.

Anyway, Hallie threw Hunter’s .38 caliber revolver into a trash can outside Janssen’s Market which is across from Alexis I. du Pont High School breaking numerous laws. Why did Hunter have a handgun anyway? For what it’s worth, he lied through his teeth on the ATF Form 4473 to get it.

See the part about Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

Hunter is most certainly an unlawful user of controlled substances.

Anyway, the then former vice president apparently did his best to cover up for him. Secret Service agents were reportedly dispatched to the gun dealer, StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply, and demanded the paperwork for the transaction from the owner Ron Palmieri.

Palmieri rightfully refused, but later turned over the papers to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, which is the proper authority.

The Secret Service claims it has no record of its agents investigating the issue which would have happened while Biden was preparing his presidential campaign.

Sure. We believe them. LOL.

Hunter Lost His Gun In Domestic Tiff Reportedly