Birth Cert Problems Can Be Addressed By Rep Charlton
By Alex Charlton
Beginning on April 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of State altered parameters regarding what is required to be on a valid birth certificate in order to apply for a U.S. passport. The most notable of these changes is the requirement that the full names of the applicant’s parents be listed on birth certificates in order to be acceptable with the passport application, otherwise known as a “long form” birth certificate.
My office has found a number of constituents are unaware of this requirement, particularly now as summer travel plans are being finalized. As a result of this, many constituents have arrived without enough time in order to receive a certified copy of their long form birth certificate and subsequently apply for their passport.
Additionally, a number of issues in Harrisburg have created a delay in processing with some constituents being forced to wait a month before receiving their long-form certificate.
I strongly recommend constituents give themselves enough time in order to plan their trip and ensure their certificate is received in enough time for them to also get their passport.
While the option does exist to apply online, I have not found that constituents who have done so receive them any faster than going through my office, even if they have paid the expedited fee. I would highly recommend submitting your application through my district office at 905 W. Sproul Road, Ste. 203, Springfield, PA 19064, in order to ensure the order is properly tracked and received in a timely manner.
My office also offers a number of other services, including assistance with PennDOT paperwork, free notary service, and applications/issues with the Department of Human Services, among many others. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 610-544-9878 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Alex Charlton represents the 165th District in the Pennsylvania House.

Birth Cert Problems Can Be Addressed By Rep Charlton
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