Government Subsidy For Lawbreaking

Government Subsidy For Lawbreaking — An illegaI migrant from Venezuela left her receipt at the grocery store, so the cashier took a photo and TaraBull posted it on X.

Wouldn’t your life be a tad easier if someone gave you $13.4K worth of food and $5K worth of cash just for breaking the law?

Don’t just blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Blame all Democrats.

And the never-Trumper Republicans.

Government Subsidy For Lawbreaking

Recommend virtue William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-3-24

Recommend virtue William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-3-24

Kl bkxzqjbkq lc jxk zxk yb zlkpfaboba ixt rkibpp fq zlkclojp ql qeb ixt lc Dla.
Tfiifxj Yixzhpqlkb

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr. Cyrptowit puzzle: Recommend virtue to your children; it alone, not money, can make them happy. I speak from experience.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Recommend virtue William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-3
Recommend virtue