Has The SPLC Lost Its Mission?
By Bob Small
The Southern Poverty Law Center (founded 1971) was an important organization when its primary focus was true hate groups, such as American Nazis and various iterations of the Klan.
We had been contributors until the year I read their current list of “hate groups”. There were numerous groups that did not belong on it.
We stopped our contributions.
According to The Daily Signal, the SPLC is now claiming there are Gay “hate” groups such as Gays Against Groomers.
Tyler O’ Neill describes how the SPLC has become corrupted in Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty
And in Conservative Groups Respond to Being Left Off SPLC Hate … Rabbi Yaakov Menken, who is managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Value woners why his group is off the hate list while Moms for Liberty as they have the same agenda and similar beliefs.
There are almost 80 groups listed for Pennsylvania. Some such as pro-Nazi DNVF records and anti-Israel Antelope Hill Publishing we understand albeit we defend their right to have such opinons.
However, SPLC also includes 18 chapters of Moms for Liberty including the one in Delco.
Moms defines it’s mission as “ dedicated to the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.” Their “resources and issues” section includes recent events. Perhaps, Moms for Liberty is over-reacting to an education system that has wantonly ignored the rights of parents. This does not make them anti-government”.
Also on the hate list is the Constitution Party. This seeks to become part of the government. How can they be anti-government?
Their presidential candidate, Randall Terry, did say, however, throughout the recent Fair and Equal Presidential Debate that “The Democratic Party must be destroyed!
Also, Sheriff Brigades Of Pennsylvania, coordinated by William Taylor Reil is on the list. This group believes in the legal authority of the government, especially those given to Sheriffs. Again, not anti-government, at least not in the meetings I attended.
Though we may have missed it, the RCP (Revolutionary Communist Party) and others seem to have been “left-out” from their list.
Has The SPLC Lost Its Mission?
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