Blue Moon 2015

Blue Moon 2015
Tonight’s moon is not going to look like this.

Tonight, July 31, there will be a blue moon. Many will go out and look at it. All will say it looks just like any other full moon. They will be right.

A “blue moon” is a full moon appearing a second time in a month. It’s a fairly rare occurrence happening once every 30 months or so.

The last blue moon was in August 2012. The next one will be in January 2018.

The moon has at times actually turned blue, it should be noted. This usually happens after a major volcanic eruption with the ash filtering the light reflected from the orb.

And the meaning of “blue moon” has changed slightly from when it came into use. It  originally meant the third full moon in a season that had four, understanding that seasons are considered to be three months long and hence typically have but three full moons.

Anyway, here is some music for you:

Blue Moon 2015

Tornado Tom Predicts 1 Inch for 3-20

Tornado Tom Padula is predicting tomorrow’s (March 20) storm should run between 5 and 10 a.m. and will  bring us between zero through 3 inches of the white stuff. Tornado Tom Predicts 1 Inch for 3-20

Tom is a 9th grader at Unionville High School.

Here is his report:

Tornado Tom Calls It

Tornado Tom Padula predicted yesterday, March 4, that the Philadelphia area would get its biggest snowstorm of the season today.

It looks like he was right. Tom said the snow would stop at about 5 p.m. and that he expects 4 to 8 inches with the likelihood of it being closer to the low end.

Tom is a 9th grader at Unionville High School.

We will see how it turns out.

Tornado Tom Calls It March 2015 Snowstorm
Springfield, Pa. at 10:49 a.m.
Tornado Tom Calls It

Biggest Storm Coming Says Tornado Tom

Tornado Tom Padula says the biggest storm of the season starts at midnight with the snow ending at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, March 5. He says expect about 4 to 8 inches of accumulation with a possibility of 13 inches. Helping him this broadcast are Cyclone Sallie, Lizzie and Erin,  Dr. Sanville and Joe the Dog.

Tom is a 9th grader at Unionville High School.

Biggest Storm Coming Says Tornado Tom
Biggest Storm Coming Says Tornado Tom

Thomas Padula Explains Feb. 16 Storm

Thomas Padula forecasts tonight’s (Feb. 16) storm saying he expects less than six inches of the white stuff but recognizes the possibility of up to 11 inches.

Tom is a 9th grader at Unionville High School.

Thomas Padula Explains Feb. 16 Storm

Great Blizzard Of 2015 In Philly

While the flurries still flurry in the Philadelphia region the Great Blizzard of 2015 predicted for today, Jan. 27, is going to wind up in the annuals of great hype.Great Blizzard Of 2015 In Philly

It’s more of a dusting than the two feet some were saying but schools were closed and municipal trash collections were cancelled.

It kind of makes you wonder, though, how the self-proclaimed smarter-than-you types think they can predict the weather with high certainty 100 years from now.

Kudos to Tornado Tom Padula the Unionville High School 9th grader who has been making weather reports concerning the storm. He went into nice detail about the strong possibility as to the storm not turning out to be a disaster.

Great Blizzard Of 2015 In Philly