Pat Meehan Sanctimonious Phony — Pat Meehan has pompously proclaimed that he will not vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump because Trump was caught talking dirty 10 years ago.
Gee Pat, that’s a new standard considering some of the candidates from Delaware County that you have supported.
Guess letting a person take office that is OK with ripping apart a nine-month-old baby is now less offensive to your sense of aesthetics.
It seems those circulating fliers last spring saying your pro life position was insincere had a point. You’ve certainly made us not regret our vote for Stan Casacio in the primary.
Still we do plan on voting for you Nov. 8 but it’s not because we like you. We just want the amusement of seeing you squirm in dealing with The Donald as president.
Meehan says he plans to write in Mike Pence. Frankly, we think he never intended to vote for Trump. Trump’s goal is to clean Capitol corruption. Starting with the V.A. That really frightens some people.
Pat Meehan Sanctimonious Phony
Great Comments your are right.
I just posted this column on my Facebook page with my statement: Congressman Patrick Meehan – this statement makes it impossible for me to vote for you. My vote may not make a difference to you but it does to me.
Oh vote for him. That way you can clap and laugh when President Trump pulls his string and makes him dance.
Totally agree with this article, but I’m not sure Meehan said he wouldn’t vote for Trump–he asked him to step down. Which implicitly shows his support for the corruption and the open border globalism of Hillary Clinton. The Congressman really does need to switch parties–he voted with Obama something like 63% of the time. He insulted our intelligence by coming into the district bragging about his votes to repeal Obamacare–but he voted to fund it every single time a new CR was done. What really confuses me, though, is the Congressman has not wasted any photo op relevant to his oh so overwhelming concern for addiction. Has no one told him where the heroin comes from? Well, I’ll step up. It comes in over the southern border and is overseen by some very nasty drug cartel types. But it’s so much easier to blame mild mannered docs for over prescribing than to take on the vicious drug kingpins who are killing our children ever day. If Mr. Meehan is sincere about the addiction problem, he would be supporting Donald Trump’s proposals to secure the border and not Hillary Clinton’s “let’s let them all in because that’s who we are” nonsense. So now you know the concern is simply supporting the latest vote getting fad.
The latest as per the link is that he told the Philadelphia Inquirer editorial board that he will not be voting for Trump but writing in Mike Pence for president.
Here is the direct link:
I’m going to write in Mike Pence for Congress.
Only good reason to vote for phony, sanctimonious Republicans. ” Pat Meehan Sanctimonious Phony — Pat Meehan has pompously proclaimed that he will not vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump because Trump was caught talking dirty 10 years ago.”
Guess letting a person take office that is OK with ripping apart a nine-month-old baby is now less offensive to your sense of aesthetics.
It seems those circulating fliers last spring saying your pro life position was insincere had a point. You’ve certainly made us not regret our vote for Stan Casacio in the primary.
Still we do plan on voting for you Nov. 8 but it’s not because we like you. We just want the amusement of seeing you squirm in dealing with The Donald as president.
Talk about a sanctimonious phony…up until like 9 months ago, Donald Trump was pro-abortion. And now anyone who DOESN’T support him is some kind of sell out????
Mike Pence for Congress
I’ll vote for him only because, I’d rather have him than her. But he’s another good reason for term limits
Good bye Pat! Don’t let the door hit you in the ass!
Trump’s curse strikes again.