Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son Who Defended Her To Prison

Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son Who Defended Her To Prison — Jane Herring died about 7 o’clock this morning, July 2. Her son Arthur had not been able to talk to her since December and even then only with supervision.

Bucks County President Judge Raymond F. McHugh revoked Arthur’s bail sending him back to Bucks County Prison eight hours after Jane’s death.

That’s not much time to grieve.

Arthur is facing a charge of harassment for picketing the New Britain home of David Jaskowiak, who had been the lawyer appointed by Montgomery County Orphan’s Court for Jane. His arrest was April 27. Bail was initially set at 10 percent of $100,000 — remember Arthur is an an American citizen so the breaks illegal aliens get don’t apply to him — and he was hauled away.

After five weeks in the lockup, bail was reduced to 10 percent of $10,000 and friends were able to free him.

Among the conditions of bail set by McHugh, however, were that Arthur have no contact with Jaskowiak.

On June 10, Arthur cc’d Jaskowiak on an email sent to the court-appointed guardian of the estate informing him that their mail to him was being sent to an incorrect address and unfortunately include a few choice words.

Jaskowiak immediately contacted the court and a bail revocation hearing was scheduled.

Arthur had been living in his car. He is 70 years old, weighs 135 pounds and will stay in prison until his pre-trial hearing, July 16.

A lawyer once gave a law lecture about ways an attorney could send an opponent to prison via lawfare. He would get three hots and a cot and a date with Bubba, this lawyer said.

Whoever could this lawyer be?

Arthur very well might miss his mother’s funeral.

This was one contact in a month of freedom.

Does McHugh have an ounce of compassion or is he just lacking common sense?

Or maybe it’s just the backstory that he’s missing.

It can be read here.

Montgomery County’s court system is rife with horror stories concerning family matters like divorces and guardianships.

One can be read here.

And another here.

Let’s not forget this one.

Or just do a search for Elaine Mickman.

Some are saying that what’s happening is simply legal robbery allowing those connected with county legal systems to loot the estates of those in domestic turmoil.

We will reserve judgement.

But we will ask questions.

Why can a mother be prohibited from seeing her son when the son wants to see her and she wants to see him?

Why would a judge prohibit a family member from videoing a person under guardianship?

How could skin cancer not be diagnosed in a nursing home until it became malignant?

That’s what happened to Jane Herring.

A final thought: Why would the subject of a competency hearing be told it was not necessary to call witnesses?

Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son Who Defended Her To Prison

Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son

6 thoughts on “Jane Herring Dies So Judge Sends Son Who Defended Her To Prison”

  1. They sent him to jail only hours after his mother died over an e-mail?

    The judge needs to resign over this travesty.

  2. “Guardianship” in Montgomery county is one of the most evil and corrupt arrangements I’ve ever had the misfortune to experience.
    There is absolutely no justification for depriving someone of their children, grandchildren, other relatives and friends in their waning years. Jane Herring was not even allowed visitors, except for the mentioned extremely limited and supervised visitations from her son. I know this because I attempted to visit her. It is unfathomable that we have legal and judicial systems which not only allow, but encourage, this atrocious human-ownership and deprivation of natural interactions. This is absolutely the opposite of beneficial to our seniors.

  3. It was absolutely horrid seeing this 70 year old man taken away in shackles yesterday, the same day his mother died.He is hardly a threat in any way . I did not know I would be watching him eat his last meal , heartbreaking.In the meantime illegals and other criminals are committing serious crimes and are being let go. The illegal who destroyed my life is still free and this poor sweet older man is not.God is going to get retribution for this believe you me.

  4. This is such terrible news. Arthur is really no threat AT ALL. I was hoping he would get a chance to see his mother before she died. There needs to be more attention on this story. The lawyer needs to be stopped and the judge should be ashamed.

  5. Forget shame, forget resignation. McHugh is not likely to feel shame, nor resign on his own.
    Progressive petty tyrants don’t feel shame and they’ll stay dug in like a tick till they’re chased out.
    Is his position an elected on or an appointed one? If he’s elected, vote him out.
    If he’s appointed, then it’ll take voting out whomever appointed him.

  6. I had addressed the Montco commissioners at one of their meetings soon after attending a previous meeting regarding Arthur Herring and his plea to visit with his sickly 99 year old mother who was in a demeaning so-called rest home. I recently learned that his mother passed on. Even more shocking for me was to learn that court appointed so-called guardians were the recipients of the Herring estate. It was brought to my attention that these ‘guardians’ and others in the same ring have been appointed by ruthless judges to oversee and gainfully profit from many victims in Montgomery and Bucks counties. OMG! I thought I was living in America, not some alienated nation where citizens are abused and dumped by the hands of such horrible individuals and the relatives of these victims are threatened with similar treatment if they dare to question the system.

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