Leanne Must Back Krasner Impeachment

Leanne Must Back Krasner ImpeachmentThe is an open letter to State Rep. Leanne Krueger (D-161)

Rep. Kruger:

Have you been to Philadelphia lately? I am sure you are well aware of the fact US Congressional Representative Mary Gay Scanlon was recently car jacked in broad daylight right off of Broad Street near FDR Park.

I have recently been to the city of Philadelphia and it is a disgrace. There is little to no police presence to maintain law and order. In addition there are literal gangs of off road vehicles disobeying every traffic law on the books. One of these bike gangs I saw on Spring Garden street had at least two dozen vehicles including dirt bikes, 3 and 4 wheeled ATV, dune buggies and numerous other vehicles clearly not legal for street use in the city limits.

The root cause of these and other problems including record high homicides in Philadelphia are a direct result of DA Larry Krasner’s soft on crime policies that release criminals back on to the street to continue to go on crime sprees and cause mayhem.

As a constituent in the neighboring 161st Legislative District I would like to know what you plan to do about this. More importantly I insist you vote in the affirmative to impeach Larry Krasner for dereliction of duty.

Do not put partisan issues above the safety of Americans who live, work and travel to what was once called the City of Brotherly Love but now more resembles a third world country in many areas.

I demand you fulfill your oath to the Constitution and vote to impeach Larry Krasner. Protecting law abiding citizens, not career criminals, is the responsibility of both you as a legislator with over sight powers as well as the District Attorney with prosecutorial powers. Larry Krasner has failed the City of Philadelphia and as such he must be held accountable.


Joseph B Dychala

Aston, PA 19014

Leanne Must Back Krasner Impeachment
Leanne Must Back Krasner Impeachment

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