Thank You Rich From Mountain Top

Thank You Rich From Mountain Top — Rich from Mountain Top sent us some promos that we find brilliant.

Here is one of them:

Today is your lucky day.

Rather than a muffin recipe here is one for HillBilly Bruschetta Grits:

The perfect meal for when the grid collapses.

Thank You Rich From Mountain Top

Subscribe to Greg Stentrom’s Patriot.Online

Mayday William Lawrence Sr Omnibit

The distress call mayday mayday mayday — note it’s always said three times — has nothing to do with the month of May. It comes from the French m’aider which means “help me”.

Mayday William Lawrence Sr Omnibit
Mayday William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-1-19

An Interesting Race In Pa 172

An Interesting Race In Pa 172

By Bob Small

There were few upsets in the April 23 primary. Even Bryan Cutler managed to survive.

And it was not unexpected that incumbent Kevin Boyle would lose in the 172nd House District in Northeast Philly. A warrant had been issued for his arrest for violating a protection from abuse order and that his opponent Sean Dougherty was supported by the State Democrat Party.

Note that the warrant was withdrawn the day before the election by Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner, because the order was “not active”.

But Boyle also had other problems. He was banned in February from Rockledge’s Gaul and Malt House, where he was “caught on video berating employees”. Here’s the video in case you missed it.

Also see this story from PennLive.

Boyle’s brother Brendan is the Democratic Congressman from the third District.

So Sean Dougherty is on the ticket for November where he will face Republican Aziaz Gill. Dougherty is the son of Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice Kevin Dougherty and the nephew of the infamous Johnny Doc.

Dougherty has a BA in Political Science and a minor in Criminal Justice and Psychology from Chestnut Hill College. His law degree is from Temple. He is as an associate attorney at The Duffy Firm.

He had been an assistant public defender in Philadelphia. worked at the Defender Association of Philadelphia (Assistant Public Defender)

Gill in his primary got 65.2 percent of the vote to Pathrick Gushue’s 34 percent.

Gill is the son of immigrant parents from South Asia. He has a Bachelor from Chestnut Hill College. He has worked as manager on City Councilman Brian O’Neill’s election campaign and was community outreach coordinator for City Commissioner Al Schmidt.

An Interesting Race In Pa 172

An Interesting Race In Pa 172

Biden Ethnically Cleansing Gaza?

Biden Ethnically Cleansing Gaza? — Reports are flying that Biden is going to be bringing Gaza Palestinians to the United States.

No Arab country is willing to take them. Egypt has built a border wall to keep out these whackos.

So why is our leader going to bring them here?

It’s not compassion.

Stupidity possibly, corruption probably but not compassion.

A competent leader would begin talking of the fate of Gaza post war. The assumption that most of us have is that it would be modeled on West Germany after World War II.

West Germany was de-Nazified and rebuilt, and kept its independence.

Israel’s invasion of Gaza was not merely justified but necessary.

If, however, the result is ethnically cleansing and annexing the land it will go from good guy to bad guy overnight in the minds of its best friends.

What Biden is reportedly seeking to do is extraordinarily troubling.

The only Gazans who should fear peace– assuming it is compassionate and just — are the ones we definitely don’t want here.

They are the ones who should be hanged, actually

Egypt’s border with Gaza. They don’t want the Gazans and neither should we.

Biden Ethnically Cleansing Gaza?

Merrick Garland MIA During Campus Upheavals

Merrick Garland MIA During Campus Upheavals

By Joe Guzzardi

Last week, amid nationwide student protesting that threatened Jewish students and effectively shut down college campuses, 27 GOP U.S. Senators sent Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona a letter urging them to restore order and shut down the antisemitic, pro-Palestine mobs. The letter requested an April 24 update that detailed the steps that the AG’s office would take to restore campus order and allay the Jewish students’ fear for their safety.

From the Senators’ letter: “You need to take action to restore order and protect Jewish students on our college campuses. President Biden issued a statement on Sunday, purporting to condemn the outbreak of anti-Semitism. If that statement was serious, it must be accompanied by immediate action from your departments.” They continued: “Rioting violates federal law. Violence or attempted violence against anyone because of their Jewish heritage violates federal law. School administrators’ failure to protect Jewish students from discrimination or harassment violates federal law and is grounds for those schools losing access to federal funds. Espousing support for terrorists such as Hamas violates federal immigration law and is grounds for deportation.”

A week after the April 24 deadline, the senators have not received a formal reply, and the criminal protests have accelerated. Cardona is Puerto Rican and may not have as strong a commitment to resolving the campus crimes as the Jewish Garland whose indifference is inexplicable. At a House Judiciary Committee hearing last year, Garland emotionally testified that the Department of Justice’s function is to provide equal protection to all. He then tearfully shared the story that two of his grandmother’s siblings were Holocaust murder victims. The protection of the law provided equally to all, Garland continued passionately, is what makes America great, and what saved his immigrant grandmother’s life when the U.S. took her in. “Under the protection of our laws, she was able to live without fear of persecution,” Garland concluded. Garland’s refusal to actively support is a sign that Biden has intimidated him. But principled AGs stand up for what they believe in.

Last November, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, (R-Florida), urged Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, the stepson of a Holocaust survivor, to revoke the visas of agitators who support Hamas. In his statement, Rubio reminded Democrats that a visa is not a constitutional right but rather temporary permission for foreign nationals to visit the U.S. After Rubio filed a motion to deport terrorist sympathizers, Senate Democrats blocked it. President Biden also rejected Rubio’s suggestion and instead extended protections to “some Palestinians” from deportations.

Biden’s remarks regarding Palestinians’ protections are telling, and consistent with his open borders policy. The president said he has determined that with some exceptions “it is in the foreign policy interest of the United States to defer for 18 months the removal of any Palestinian subject.” First, Biden did not explain the thought process that led to his conclusion that “the foreign policy interest of the United States” is advanced by the non-removal of Palestinian subjects. Second, U.S. presidents do not have the constitutional authority to determine which foreign nationals remain and which must be removed. Third, Biden pressed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to reward with work permission Palestinian “non-citizens whose removal has been deferred.” Biden then pressed the secretary “to consider suspending regulatory requirements with respect to F-1 non-immigrant students who are Palestinians,” presumably a recommendation that students be granted employment authorization, an affirmative benefit that their visa forbids. Mayorkas does not have the sole authority to defer deportation or to grant work permission to non-immigrant visa holders or visa overstayers. Congress, not the Executive Branch, has the ultimate authority over immigration. Finally, more foreign-born authorized workers depress native Americans’ job opportunities; since 2019, all the net job growth has gone to immigrants.

Biden’s sweeping statement for Palestinian protections could include rabblerousing students who may be present on F-1 visas. The non-immigrant student visa is a program that allows international students to study at American universities, with the understanding that after graduation, they will return home to use their U.S. degree to improve their native countries’ quality of life. Many, however, overstay their visas, and because of the relative ease with which foreign graduates of U.S. colleges may remain in the U.S. and seek employment, recent American graduates frequently compete with their foreign peers for jobs. Because employers view corporate diversity as positive, they give preference to international candidates over equally qualified Americans. In FY 2022, an estimated 850,000 visa holders, including 55,023 student and exchange visitors who overstayed.

The F-1 visa is an unwieldy program that has no annual limit on incoming students. For the 2022/2023 academic year, 1,057, 188 international students were enrolled in U.S. universities including 19,001 at Columbia, the epicenter of the ongoing student chaos. To help assure a safe and orderly academic environment, the State Department must review the F-1 visa, impose an annual numerical total that does not exceed 500,000, and work with DHS to institute a vigorous post-graduate enforcement policy to ensure that students return home when their visas expire.


Merrick Garland MIA During Campus Upheavals

Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at

Merrick Garland MIA During Campus Upheavals

Greg And Leah To Speak In Montco

Greg And Leah To Speak In Montco — Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes will be shining the light on the corruption in Pennsylvania’s elections 6 p.m., May 30 at the Trappe Tavern, 416 W. Main St., Trappe, Pa. 19426.

To RSVP, text

Greg And Leah To Speak In Montco

Chiun William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-1-24

Chiun William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-1-24

Nabgure Znl arj ohqf naq sybjref funyy oevat: Nu! jul unf unccvarff ab frpbaq Fcevat?
Puneybggr Fzvgu

Chiun William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-1-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: One cannot sew a silk purse from a sow’s ear.