Happy Mother’s Day

Happy  Mother’s Day


Happy Mother's Day

A mother’s love means a life’s devotion – and sometimes a life’s sacrifice – with but one thought, one hope and one feeling, that her children will grow up healthy and strong, free from evil habits and able to provide for themselves. Her sole wish is that they may do their part like men and women, avoid dangers and pitfalls, and when dark hours come, trust in Providence to give them strength, patience and courage to bear up bravely.
Happy is the mother when her heart’s wish is answered, and happy are sons and daughters when they can feel that they have contributed to her noble purpose, and in some measure, repaid her unceasing, unwavering love and devotion.


Happy  Mother's Day
Margaret Jane Lozinak Lawrence, Jan.1, 1924-June 10, 2016

To All Mothers Alone

A letter to all the Mothers are alone today:

You know who you are and you know you risked everything to try to give your children a better life .

To all the mothers whose children were called back to heaven , my heart goes out to you.

To all the mothers whose children won’t speak to them, my heart goes out to you.

To all the single Mothers, I am with you ..

To all the Mothers in controlling , narcissistic relationships , I pray for you ..

To all the Moms who are being or were abused by husbands or family members God loves you and you will get through this.

To all the Moms who are blessed to be with your family on Mothers Day make sure you thank God!

To all the Moms and Grandmom’s who are alone today , buy yourself some flowers.

Put on your armor of God and put one foot in front of the other .

I am Praying for all of us.

Happy Mothers Day

Sharon Devaney

To All Mothers Alone

Knowledge of the True God Nurtures Us To Eternal Life

Knowledge of the True God Nurtures Us To Eternal Life — Are we saying that knowledge is eternal life?

Are we saying that to know the one true and living God will suffice to give us complete security for the future without need of anything else?

Then how is “faith apart from works dead?”

When we speak of faith, we mean the true knowledge of God and nothing else, since knowledge comes by faith.

The prophet Isaiah tells us: “If you do not believe neither shall you understand.” But he is not talking about a knowledge that consists in barren speculations, which is entirely worthless. For one of the holy disciples said, “You believe that God is one, you do well. Even the demons believe and shudder.”

What then shall we say to this? How is it that Christ speaks the truth when He says that eternal life is the knowledge of God the Father, the one true God, and with Him of the Son? I think indeed we must answer that saying of the Savior is completely true. For this knowledge is life, laboring as it were in birth of the whole meaning of the mystery and granting to us participation in the mystery of the Eucharist, whereby we are joined to the living and life-giving Word.

And for this reason, I think, Paul says that the Gentiles are made fellow members of the body and fellow partakers of Christ, inasmuch as they partake in His Blessed Body and Blood. And our members may in this sense be conceived of as being members of Christ.

This knowledge, then, which also brings to us the Eucharist by the Spirit, is life.

For it dwells in our hearts, reshaping those who receive it into son-ship with Him and molding them into incorruption and piety toward God through life, according to the Gospel.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, then, knowing that the knowledge of the one true God brings to us and promotes our union with the blessings of which we have spoken, says that it is eternal life.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Courtesy of Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church of Swarthmore.

Knowledge of the True God Nurtures Us To Eternal Life

Government is ourselves William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-12-24

Government is ourselves William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-12-24

Xp vlr al klq hklt qeb mxqe lc qeb tfka, lo elt qeb ylav fp clojba fk x jlqebo’p tljy, pl vlr zxkklq rkabopqxka qeb tloh lc Dla, qeb Jxhbo lc xii qefkdp.

Government is ourselves William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-12-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday‘s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.
Franklin D. Roosevelt