Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Here’s an update

By Sharon Devaney

Jesse Bunch of The Philadelphia Inquirer emailed me yesterday, May 3, and asked for an interview.

He wanted to know why I was against The Savage Sisters packing 17 Tenby Road in Havertown with recovering addicts.

Here is why Jesse:

Haverford Township law only allows three non-related people to live in a residence.

Savage Sisters president Mary Nolan says she will fill the single-family home with 25 persons.

Further, it appears the person charged with managing the home will not be certified in CPR, first aid and other relevant matters including child trafficking. These certifications are required for every licensed professional in the state. I even have them.

I will send you a link to this story and that way you won’t have to waste your valuable time interviewing me.

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Sharon Devaney Gives Answer To Inquirer

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander–Charlie Alexander, whose ChucklesSport site leads the chronicling of Delaware County, Pa.’s chapter in America’s illegal immigration invasion drama, appears to be being stalked by a blue jeep.

The Marple man even got its picture.

It’s pretty solid evidence that Charlie is over some kind of target. This kind of effort isn’t wasted on crazy cranks.

Blue Jeep Stalking Charlie Alexander
The blue jeep that keeps crossing Charlie Alexander’s path

Illegals Filling Beverly Hills Middle School?

Illegals Filling Beverly Hills Middle School? — We’ve just been told that parentless African children have filled Beverly Hills Middle School in Upper Darby. These children, reportedly, cannot read.

Reportedly, they can’t even speak any English.

So what is going on Upper Darby School District?

Illegals Filling Beverly Hills Middle School?

Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction

Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction — Dave Galluch is calling out Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa5) for the cruel and insensitive remarks she posted concerning Republican revelations of the suffering caused by Soros-style attitudes towards police

Mary Gay insisted that crime is dramatically dropping then blames the possession of guns by law-abiding citizens for a rise in violence.

C’mon girl. Keep your story straight.

She is right in that murders have dropped in Philly from the record setting year of 2021.

What possibly could have changed? Could it be a new tough-on-crime, pro police mayor?

The last one was anti-police and soft on crime.

Regarding guns, Philadelphia had 432 murders in 1995 which was when the state legislature made “right-to-carry” applicable in the city. Within four years the number fell to 292 and stayed fairly flat until 2018 which was James Kenny’s third year and when his ally, Soros-backed Larry Krasner became district attorney.

There were 353 murders in 2018 and in 2019. They jumped to 499 in 2020 and then a record 562 in 2021.

In 2022 there were 514 in 2022 and then a solid drop to 410 in 2023.

Keep clapping those hands Mary Gay. Maybe they will fall beneath 300 again when police once again becomes respected. You know, when congresswomen stop implying they are mostly racist thugs.

And, of course, for homes and streets to be safe, good guys have to keep their guns.

A citizenry able to defend itself while being protected by the police and courts is a very safe citizenry.

Here is Galluch’s post on X which includes Mary Gay’s posturing video.

Yes, she wants to strip sane, law-abiding people from being able to defend themselves.

Galluch Calls Out Mary Gay Contradiction

Politicians also have no leisure William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-4-24

Politicians also have no leisure William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-4-24

Ekh byvu qbmqoi unfhuiiui jxu huikbj ev ekh tecydqdj jxekwxji.
Iehud Ayuhauwqqht 

Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness. Aristotle Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday‘s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness.