Yes Miranda, Luxor, Egypt a.k.a Thebes a.k.a. Waset is oldest continuously inhabited city in Africa with its founding estimated at 3,200 B.C.
Day: May 28, 2024
Raw Milk Is Good For You And Can Be Bought In Delco
Raw Milk Is Good For You And Can Be Bought In Delco
By Bob Small
The harassment of Amos Miller continues but hopefully will be soon resolved.
Our whole family, animal and human, are raw milk consumers.
The anti-raw milk campaign began before most of us, though not Joe Biden, were born. The Defender, traces it to a 1945 article in the gone but unlamented magazine Coronet titled“Raw Milk can Kill You.” Coronet cited a non-existent brucellosis outbreak in the imaginary town of Outlook.
Fast-forward to 2007, and we find the Food and Drug Administration attacking raw milk in a Power Point presentation using flawed data.
And now the Department of Agriculture declared there were symptoms of avian flu in it despite the lack of confirmed viral presence.
The authorities pointedly ignore the other side.
Farmers’ Almanac say that pasteurization killing odd bacteria “is actually a problem” as it also kills many beneficial microorganisms, including probiotics, naturally found in milk. It notes that people had been drinking raw milk, straight from their own cows, sheep, and goats, for millennia without getting sick.
Everyday Health notes raw milk sales are surging. It quotes Raw Milk Chairman Mark Mcafee saying “There is yet to be one case of avian influenza in humans from raw milk consumption.”
And no less an establishment organ as The New York Times says that none of the three reported cases of avian flu virus in the United States has been tied to drinking milk.
The title of the article was Raw Milk’s Risks Don’t Stop Right-Wing Commentators From Defiantly Pushing It.
Raw Milk is legally sold in Pennsylvania. Two places were it can be purchased are Martindale’s Natural Market in Springfield and the Swarthmore CO-OP | Your Community Food Market.
Those sneaky right wingers.
Bonus William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-28-24
Bonus William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-28-24
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Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle:
Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM
VP Sweepstakes Coming into Final Stretch
VP Sweepstakes Coming into Final Stretch
By Joe Guzzardi
Former President Donald J. Trump is tied up a Manhattan court room but he’s active online. One of his fund-raising efforts asks his supporters to help him choose his Vice President. In a mass email, Trump asked “Which person would you select as your next Vice President? Type in the person’s name here.” Trump will make up his own mind, but the potential candidates list is long, and his choice is important. A significant faction of registered GOP voters dubious about Trump’s candidacy could be swayed toward the former president based on his VP selection. Even though Nikki Haley abandoned her presidential campaign in early March after losing all but one state in Super Tuesday’s primary races, she’s still managed to clinch 13%-18% of the GOP electorate in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Haley’s performance causes GOP insiders to question whether her supporters will ultimately back Trump, cross party lines or simply stay home.
Trump’s VP will, if history holds, debate Kamala Harris on September 25 at Lafayette College, a key event that follows the first scheduled presidential debate, September 16 at Texas State University. A look back: The first vice presidential debate occurred in 1976 between two seasoned Senators, Kansas’ Bob Dole and Minnesota’s Walter Mondale. The exchanges were lively; Mondale called Ford “a hatchet-man.” Both were veteran politicians, tough and loyal, Dole to the right politically of incumbent President Gerald Ford and Mondale to the left of the challenger, Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter.
Among the names being bandied about are three U.S. Senators: Ohio’s J.D. Vance, Florida’s Marco Rubio and South Carolina’s Tim Scott, as well as U.S. Reps. Byron Scott (R-Fla.) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY). Forget them. If Trump wins, he’ll need every congressional supporting vote he can get; to remove five certain yeas from Congress on his agenda would be folly. Another name mentioned is also a highly unlikely choice. Although Trump flew North Dakota Governor and one-time 2024 presidential hopeful Doug Burgum to his Wildwood, New Jersey rally, the moderate is, like the presumptive nominee, an old, white billionaire. North Dakota has three electoral votes, and in 2016 and 2020 Trump won the state by a 2:1 ratio. Trump would gain nothing from an electoral college angle if he added Burgum to the ticket.
That narrows the prospects down to Tulsi Gabbard who, in many ways, is an ideal VP choice. Gabbard is young, attractive, well-spoken, a former four-term House Democrat, an Iraq War veteran who has served in the Army since 2003 and was promoted to Major in 2015. In 2022, Gabbard abandoned the Democratic Party because of its shift to the far-left, or as she put it, is “now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, undermines Americans’ God-given freedoms, demonizes the police but protects criminals, encourages open borders, weaponizes national security for politics’ sake, and pushes the country ever closer to nuclear war.” In further explaining her decision to switch to the Independent Party, Gabbard added that she believes in a government that is of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, she continued, today’s Democratic Party does not.” The 2020 presidential hopeful gave the keynote speech in March at Mar-a-Lago to the 1917 Society, a volunteer group dedicated to preserving the Constitution.
However, on voters’ top concern, immigration, Gabbard’s grade while she was in the House was as bad as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, F-. Gabbard was on the wrong side of every important immigration issue; she voted against stronger border and interior enforcement, and in favor of expanding worker visas that displace employed Americans. Her congressional votes showed that, at the time she cast them, she encouraged amnesty enticements and rewarded illegal aliens. Another irrevocable negative: Gabbard endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2016 and, after she ended her own presidential campaign, Biden in 2020.
Should Gabbard’s dismal congressional immigration voting record and her past presidential endorsements surface in her debate against Harris, the Hawaiian could point to her recent criticism of Biden’s open borders, her support of Israel and, in general, her more traditional values and say she’s evolved politically and socially since becoming an Independent. Trump promises to name his VP before the GOP national convention in Milwaukee, July 15-18. In the end, he may not choose Gabbard, but he absolutely cannot remove any of his congressional allies.
Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst. Contact him at
VP Sweepstakes Coming into Final Stretch
Beauty weeps the brave William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-28-24
beauty weeps the brave William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-28-24
Tq te hldy’e qzc mldpmlww, T’o mp ty ptespc esp apytepyetlcj zc esp npxpepcj.
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Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier’s tomb, and beauty weeps the brave.
Joseph Drake