Raw Milk Is Good For You And Can Be Bought In Delco
By Bob Small
The harassment of Amos Miller continues but hopefully will be soon resolved.
Our whole family, animal and human, are raw milk consumers.
The anti-raw milk campaign began before most of us, though not Joe Biden, were born. The Defender, traces it to a 1945 article in the gone but unlamented magazine Coronet titled“Raw Milk can Kill You.” Coronet cited a non-existent brucellosis outbreak in the imaginary town of Outlook.
Fast-forward to 2007, and we find the Food and Drug Administration attacking raw milk in a Power Point presentation using flawed data.
And now the Department of Agriculture declared there were symptoms of avian flu in it despite the lack of confirmed viral presence.
The authorities pointedly ignore the other side.
Farmers’ Almanac say that pasteurization killing odd bacteria “is actually a problem” as it also kills many beneficial microorganisms, including probiotics, naturally found in milk. It notes that people had been drinking raw milk, straight from their own cows, sheep, and goats, for millennia without getting sick.
Everyday Health notes raw milk sales are surging. It quotes Raw Milk Chairman Mark Mcafee saying “There is yet to be one case of avian influenza in humans from raw milk consumption.”
And no less an establishment organ as The New York Times says that none of the three reported cases of avian flu virus in the United States has been tied to drinking milk.
The title of the article was Raw Milk’s Risks Don’t Stop Right-Wing Commentators From Defiantly Pushing It.
Raw Milk is legally sold in Pennsylvania. Two places were it can be purchased are Martindale’s Natural Market in Springfield and the Swarthmore CO-OP | Your Community Food Market.
Those sneaky right wingers.
The Weston A. Price Foundation is in the vanguard of individuals/organizations fighting to remove laws prohibiting the sale of raw milk. Kimberton Whole Foods ( locations in Kimberton, Downingtown and Malvern and not to be confused with “ Whole Foods.”) sells raw milk produced by the same dairies as the raw milk sold in Martindales. Great stuff!