Buzzi Busts Sniffer Biden — Legendary comedienne Ruth Buzzi just posted this on X.
“He made me feel so special,” she said. “It was the first time I remember feeling good… really good… about my hair.”
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
Buzzi Busts Sniffer Biden — Legendary comedienne Ruth Buzzi just posted this on X.
“He made me feel so special,” she said. “It was the first time I remember feeling good… really good… about my hair.”
Illegals In Delco — Illegals in Delaware County, Pa. will be the subject of Thursday’s, May 2, Unite4Delco’s gathering at Gatsby’s Bar and Grill, 4936 Pennell Road, Aston, 19014.
Speakers will be Charlie Alexander and Sharon Devaney who was crippled by a driver who was in this country illegally, and who escaped prosecution.
It starts at 6 p.m.
The event is free by participants are asked to buy food or drink to support Gatsby’s, which is not a burden as the food and drink there are affordable and enjoyable.
Bucks County GOP Gets Hearing — Andy Meehan tells us that the good government guys in Bucks County await a ruling from yesterday’s, April 30, hearing regarding the status of the Bucks County Republican Committee bylaws.
The bylaws from 1972, appear to be followed only when convenient by Chairwoman Patricia Poprik and her supporters.
That is when they are not being out-and-out ignored.
Can a committeeperson be elected in a write-in campaign?
Only when the party approves says Pat.
Call it the Bucks County Banana Republican Party.
Political organizations invariably become groups whose mission devolves from ideals into easy lives via others’ money.
Most Americans believe the antidote is simply using the rules to change the leaders.
Depending on Judge Brian T. McGuffin’s ruling, this might be allowed to happen.
Bucks courts — and those in other counties — have held, however, that political organizations are more like clubs than government despite that the choosing of their leaders during primary elections is via the public dime.
And despite that the bylaws are required to be on file with election boards.
If Judge McGuffin goes hands-off and the Poprik faction continues to interpret the rules at whim, what next?
Bucks County GOP Gets Hearing
Life is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-30-24
Azq omzzaf eqi m euxw bgdeq rday m eai’e qmd.
Answer to yesterday‘s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Life is like a grindstone, whether it grinds him down or polishes him depends on the stuff he is made of.
John Quigg
Post Election Economic Prediction
Dallas Fed respondent: “Business is extremely slow, and we see no signs of improvement. We think it will stay slow until after the presidential election, after which, we will either have four more years of slow business or an improving economy.
Save completely William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-29-24
Wtqp td wtvp l rctyodezyp, hspespc te rctyod stx ozhy zc azwtdspd stx opapyod zy esp defqq sp td xlop zq.
Uzsy Bftrr
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
Hebrews 7:25
The Samaritan Woman And Living Water –The Fourth Gospel, attributed to Saint John the Evangelist, is used exclusively from Easter until Pentecost for the Sunday readings. The first chapter of John’s Gospel is the proclamation used for the Divine Liturgy on Easter itself. This week, we are reminded of the story of Christ’s encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob, and thereby Christ’s fulfillment of the Old Testament.
In one of the many unique stories of the Fourth Gospel not found in the Synoptics (Matthew, Mark or Luke), Jesus reveals himself as Messiah to this woman of Samaria and talks with her about the “water that I will give will become . . . a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”
In the early days of His ministry, Jesus travels back and fourth between Galilee and Jerusalem, and must pass through Samaria. The Samaritans were outcast Jews because they were not subject to the Babylonian exile of the Israelites from other provinces. Therefore when Jesus talks with this Samaritan woman, His disciples are surprised and in shock that He would carry n on a conversation with a woman at the well, let alone a Samaritan.
But as the story is explained, the woman’s testimony about Jesus spreads through the nearby town, and because of her, many come to hear His teachings
After hearing His word, they come to believe in Him and proclaim Him “the Savior of the world.” (John 4:42).
With water as the focal point of this encounter, we are once again reminded of our Baptism, and that Christ’s Baptism is that of “eternal life” through “living water.”
Archbishop Vsevolod of Scopelos
The Samaritan Woman And Living Water
Love seeks William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-28-24
Drobopybo ro sc klvo dy ckfo mywzvodovi dryco gry mywo dy Qyn drbyeqr rsw, lomkeco ro kvgkic vsfoc dy sxdobmono pyb drow.
Answer to yesterday‘s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Love seeks one thing only: the good of the one loved. It leaves all the other secondary effects to take care of themselves. Love, therefore, is its own reward.
Thomas Merton
Palestinian Supporters Set Tents In Swarthmore
By Bob Small
(Update: We have been told that the tents have been pulled)
We’ve put off for a long time discussing the “third rail” of American Politics, which is the Middle East.
As someone who maintains “we will always need an Israel, just not this one,” I’ll say that both sides have blood on their hands, going back to 1947.
Further back, we have the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Though not all Jews are Zionists, they hold sway, partly because neither Europe or North America were welcoming to the concept of a Jewish state.
Israel’s founding, unfortunately is another case of “the oppressed becoming the oppressor”.
To move on to today, Swarthmore College has it’s own Pro-Palestinian Tent City courtesy of Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine.
There email is
Among their demands, according to Spokesperson Ragad, are that Swarthmore College should divest from HP, Lockheed Martin, and Vanguard, because they support Israel.
Ragad compared this to the previous divestment campaign regarding South Africa.
The only outside group that had an easily visible tent was Jewish Voice For Peace (JVP) which describes itself as “ the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world” and to which I subscribe, although I don’t always agree with their sentiments.
When we brought up Joe Biden, whom we said, could easily tell Israel, that “we’re only sending you bows and arrows after Tuesday, but won’t”, Ragad responded with the Leahy Law which the current president has consistently ignored. This was last brought up concerning South Africa.
On the issue of what they wanted, they suggested a Palestinian state, where they thought Jews could also peacefully live, which I find to be a very naive answer.
Meanwhile, Gov. Josh Shapiro, who went to Georgetown and the University of Rochester, who said in Politico “If the universities in accordance with their policies can’t guarantee the safety and security and well-being of the students, then I think it is incumbent upon a local mayor or local governor or local town councilor, whoever is the local leadership there, to step in and enforce the law.”
Palestinian Supporters Set Tents In Swarthmore
Home For Drug Addicts Would Break Residency Law In Haverford
By Sharon Devaney
The Haverford (Pa) Zoning Hearing Board, Thursday, April 25, questioned Mary Nolan who is the president of The Savage Sisters which is seeking to use 17 Tenby Road as a community living arrangement for recovering drug addicts.
Many neighbors attended in opposition. While they weren’t giving a chance to testify, they said outside the hearing that their children play outside and fear they may be endangered.
The homeowner of the home in question had passed away and his children don’t want it, and The Savage Sisters are seeking to move in.
Township law allows only three unrelated persons in a home.
This angered Ms. Nolan, who is seeking to have nine, when this was pointed out, and she began yelling threats that she would fill it with 25.
The residents will pay $175 per week to live there.
Among those on The Savage Sisters Board of Directors is Amanda Cappelletti, the Democrat who represents the 17th District in the Pennsylvania Senate.
The board asked about Ms. Nolan’s credentials and she was forced to concede she had no license or training for dealing with addiction.
“I have life education,” she shouted.
Ms. Nolan says she they have acquired a property in Upper Darby and there are no issues with the number of occupants.
She says Delaware County will give them a grant to fund the Havertown home.
Savage Sisters Program Director Melanie Beddis, who is a graduate of The Savage Sisters program, was asked if she was aware of the zoning concerns. She said she was not.
The lawyer for the Zoning Hearing Board produced a letter signed by Ms. Beddis saying she did understand the issues.
She says she didn’t remember signing it.
The hearing was stopped at 11 p.m. and will continue 7:15 p.m., May 23 at the Haverford Township Building.
Show up early.
The fear in Haverford is palpable. On the night of the hearing 6 ABC News broadcast a report of the dramatic increase in crime in the community.
And the idiotic plastic bag ban is not helping the quality of life either.