Anti-Trump Republicans,or are they?

Anti-Trump Republicans, or are they?

By Bob Small

Viewing the letter in the March 27 issue of Town Talk (also Delco Times) from Mike Johnson of Republican Voters Against Trump it felt like real grass-rootsy. However when he says “Voting for Biden is an easy decision”, one began to think this was more Dems rooted than grass rootsy.

The Republican Accountability Project believes that “Donald Trump proved during his time in office and since why he is unfit to be President of the United States.”

One can scroll through the one hundred or so anti-Trump testimonials and see whether you agree or disagree. Something to do on a rainy night. For more on them, see Republican Accountability Project.

There is also Home – Republican Voters Against Trump , Republicans for the Rule of Law among many others.

One major problem to some is that the Democratic Alternative to Trump is one Joe Biden. For some people, the better alternative may be an Independent Candidate named Kennedy, or the possible Constitution Party, Green Party, or Libertarian Party candidates, etcetera, etcetera .

All three of the first millionaires mentioned in the article in Forbes Magazine are known primarily for backing Democrats

Reid Hoffman, Seth Klarman, and John Pritzker, though Klarman has donated to both Parties.

The Guardian article also mentions the one hundred videos and the Dem donors, in passing.

Does it sometimes feel that Trump is being ganged up on. Just saying.

Mike Pence, remember him, is making his presence felt in this campaign. This ad will be featured in Pennsylvania.

If one wants to believe these anti-Trump “Republicans” one is entitled to. After all, if the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real, why not?

Anti-Trump Republicans, or are they?

He has risen Luke William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-1-24

He has risen Luke William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-1-24

Dolu hunyf, jvbua alu ilmvyl fvb zwlhr; pm clyf hunyf h obukylk.
Qvou Xbpnn

He has risen Luke William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-2-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: He has risen
Luke 24:6