Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

By Bob Small

Recently Scott in Vermont alerted me to the “Confucius Classrooms” aka Confucius Institutes, sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This sounded like conspiracy theory.

This is not a conspiracy theory and is occuring nationally.

According to Newsweek, these “Confucius Classrooms are funded by the CCP’s Propaganda Department of the CCP” and that “nobody in Washington warned the school districts not to accept the freebie”

Yes, these programs were supported by the State Department.

Then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo designated the Confucius Institute as “a foreign mission” in 2020 leaving open the question of what it was before then.

The Daily Beast sees it as a “China Conspiracy Theory”.

This article, all 20 pages of it, is the most extensive on this phenomenon, listing all schools in Pennsylvania and 32 other states where this program is operating.

Germantown Academy in Ft. Washington, Pa boasts being the first Confucius Classroom in Pennsylvania.

Note that there are five other Pennsylvania school sistricts involved, including the School District of Philadelphia.

Here are my questions;

  1. Shouldn’t there be a reciprocal program with schools in China?
  2. Is there any oversight on what is taught by the Confucius Classrooms?
  3. Should we be allowing these classes to be taught by the CCP in the first place?
  4. What officials have been aware of this?

Let me also say that our schools need to have lessons taught by persons from other cultures, but one wonders if the CCP, which views Nepal and Taiwan differently than our official government policy, is exactly whom we need to be doing this.

Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

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